Friday, January 18, 2013

He Must be a Christian

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?  Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.”   - Matthew 7:16-17

When the spotlight shines they are quick to point to the heavens, even kneel and bow their head as a representation of thanking God for their success.  You’ve all seen it, in the NFL, Baseball, NASCAR, Soccer (football), Cricket and even in the Entertainment Industry awards ceremonies.  The Christian observer immediately finds a bond with the individual and forms an alliance to defend the person.  There have been times when I did not care for an athlete because of a perceived inflated ego and questionable off field antics, yet found myself looking at them differently after observing this type of public display.  How much does the outward impression actually have to do with our acceptance of another individual in life?

We think of missionaries and immediately our mind stirs images of dedicated Christians going above and beyond to support those suffering in 3rd world countries and disaster torn countries.  Yet, who says that all missionaries are Christian?  The very term – Missionary implies that the person is there on a mission to spread the Word of God to all nations “The Great Commission”.  Does this therefore rule out the non-believing individual from going into a country and providing assistance and love to those that are in need and hurting?  Of course not.  The difference is that a “missionary” is also sharing their faith while helping those in need.  So by definition, the non-believer isn’t a Missionary, but we must agree that their help is still valuable to those that are suffering?
Even atheists, with no belief in God or any higher power at all, will roll up their sleeves and help others with a love and compassion for their fellow man.  The real question of the day is how can you look at two people standing side by side acting the same way towards outside audiences and determine if one is a Christian and one is not?  It is true that the works of a man can be deceiving when discerning a foundational belief structure, when those works are good.  Is it likewise true when those works are against the word of God and the beliefs of the Christian church? 

We are all sinful by nature and unworthy of the grace of God (Romans 3:23).  Is there any difference between the sin of a person who attends church and a person with the same sin who does not?  Is God’s grace sufficient to absolve the one of their sins, and not the other?  You see, by looking at an individual’s appearance and actions it is often times very difficult to discern their beliefs and relationship with the Son of God.  When someone claims to be a Christian we will instinctively watch them to see if they screw up, thereby proving that they aren’t.  Likewise when we see someone publically make an example of their faith before crowds, we likewise watch to see what they do outside of the limelight so we can criticize their faith. 

To understand Matthew’s scripture we must first identify “good fruit”.  Good fruit is that which expands God’s kingdom and calls glory to His name.  Good fruit stems from the Holy Spirit dwelling within the Christian.  Evil doers – “those who do not believe in Christ” cannot produce good fruit for they do not have the Holy Spirit within them.  Certainly, they can do good things, but that is very different than bearing good fruit for the Kingdom of God.  Likewise, a man convicted by the Holy Spirit, saved by grace and repentant of his transgressions cannot produce bad fruit (evil).  The scriptures tell us that the tree bringing forth “bad fruit” will be plucked from the earth and cast down.  Be of sound mind and body and let your witness and fruit bear only the “good fruit” of the Lord.  People are watching.

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your unwavering authority over good and evil.  Thank You for providing the Holy Spirit as a counselor within each of us to convict us of wrong doing and lead us toward Your righteousness.  Build within each of us a strong gathering of good fruit that might be shared with the world.  Help us to recognize Your will in our life and to follow the call upon our heart to bear good fruit when called upon.  We honor You in all things and bring You the glory. Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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