Thursday, February 21, 2013

Data Management at Home

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

"The living, the living they praise you, as I am doing today; fathers tell their children about your faithfulness.”   - Isaiah 38:19

I look at today's fast paced world and marvel at the technology. We look at the iPAD as the latest example of technology, neatly wrapped up in a package smaller than a typical manila envelope. It’s become commonplace amongst our teens, youth and even preschoolers today.  This single device is capable of storing the entire works of William Shakespeare, the Holy Bible, the musical library of Mozart, Chopin and Beethoven combined and the latest version of Angry Birds or Subway Surfer. Not all advancements in technology are good though. In ancient days the legacy of a family and generation were passed down through stories while gathered around the dinner table or while walking to town and back. Now, our children can access more information on the internet with their iPAD during the Super Bowl commercials than we could teach them in an entire weekend of 1:1's.

  Face it, there is a plethora of data bombarding our children today.  Some good and some not so good.  Who is deciphering this data for truths?  Who is ensuring that our children aren't influenced to believing some of the ungodly lies that are so rampant and available to them? The fact of the matter is - to ensure that the data our children are absorbing is righteous and truthful - we need to step up our efforts as parents, mentors and leaders of the faith.  The stories of our faith are steep in God's wisdom and truth, and we can't take the risk that these become distorted through the lenses of someone with less than righteous intent.  The responsibility to teach our children about God, the Son and the Holy Spirit rest squarely on our shoulders.

  Often times today we find parents removing themselves from the teaching role on the topics of a spiritual nature. They seem to be okay with trusting that their children will pick it up by their own means through friends, church and other adult influences in their lives. This is a major risk we are taking. From the moment our children are old enough to recognize the almighty wonder of God and Jesus Christ, we owe it to them to ensure they are educated in truth from the bible and our life stories. This is their eternal life we are messing with and we cannot allow the risk of others planting an unrighteous seed, and confusing their pliable minds with lies.  Just as we learn from the ancient prophets and saints in our daily study of the word, we need to teach the children of God's love, grace, mercy and faithfulness daily as well. Won't you commit to taking an active role this coming weekend with your children? God forbid something should happen to you or them before you've had the chance to share the story of His love and saving grace with them. Be blessed my friends and press on, even though it is difficult at times, He will guide your steps.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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