Monday, February 25, 2013

The Sands of Time

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.  Remind me that my days are numbered--how fleeting my life is.”   - Psalm 39:4

Walking along the beach, where the ocean waves meet the sandy shores and leave behind the residue and clues as to the mysteries of the deep.  Children play and frolic in the waves, while parents sit under umbrellas, sipping on cool drinks and laughing behind the dark lenses of their lives.  I watch as one little girl and boy use shovels and pails to create their masterpiece and let their imagination take them to placed that only exist in fairy tales.  They run from their construction site to the waters edge, scooping the good wet sand, and hurry back to add it to their castle supporting walls.  The structure takes shape as the waves inch closer and closer.  Frantically, they attempt to build a moat around the castle to keep the water from overtaking their creation.  But, alas, the salt water and foamed edge of the ocean’s mighty power over takes the grains of sand that have been masterfully piled and carved in the medieval style.  The sand softens and begins to float away as the walls fall and the castle crumbles into a mound of wet sand once again.

As you walk along a beach it’s easy to get lost in the fact that there are billions and billions of small grains of sand underneath every single foot step.  How deep is the sand on the beach?  If you dig straight down at what point do you no longer shovel sand?  One could scoop a mound of sand into a small red bucket and spend days counting the actual grains of sand contained therein.  In some instances, you could stand in one spot on a beach and see for miles along the coastline, the seemingly endless contour and bending sands of a beach front.  If one bucket contains thousands or perhaps millions of grains of sand, how many must exist along a single stretch of beach?

The sands of the beach are ever shifting.  From the winds blowing the smooth grains in the hot dry weather to the waves rolling over and stirring them from it’s incredible source of power.  Just like the life you and I are living each day.  The forces of nature, of mankind and of your Creator are impacting your every step in this world.  Each day is a new blessing to carve out a path through this life as we roll and tumble through each onslaught of problems and waves crashing down around us.  As much as you think you are in control, you must come to realize that we are an ecosystem of billions and billions of people all moving through a 24 hour cycle called “day” and the small decisions that are made in the mind of one will have a ripple effect through all.  The fact that we get so overwhelmed with this life, and think little about the life beyond this one is still amazing to me.

As a grain of sand sets upon a beach, so is your life in comparison to eternity.  The grain of sand is microscopic and represents the entire span of your life on this earth, while the beach in it’s massive extent and glory represents the eternal time scale to be with the Creator of Heaven and Earth.  It’s so easy to get lost focusing on the single grain of sand to completely miss the beach and be washed away in the process.  Focus your thoughts and efforts on what lies beyond this life and be filled with His plan to maximize your stay in this temporary place.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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