Thursday, February 7, 2013

He's Right There

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”   - James 4:8

I look at him and help him up onto my lap.  I wrap my arms around his 7 year old frame and hug him, not in a playful, bear hug manner, but rather in a “I love you so much” way.  There are times I just don’t want to let him go, for fear of what might happen or because I want him to know that I love him.  I flex my muscles and draw his body close as he sits on my lap, and closing my eyes I say a small prayer that God watch over him when I cannot, bless his every step throughout the day and protect him from harm, verbal or physical.  As a father, I cannot tell you how much I love my son and daughters, because it cannot be expressed in words.  There are times when I’m tucking them in at night that after stepping from their room, and shutting the door, I find myself choked up with the emotion of loving them.  I would do anything physically possible to keep them from harm or to make their life easier.  I’m not sure I can say that about a casual friend or an acquaintance though.  Those relationships do not possess the same level of commitment as I have with my children and my wife.

How often are you asking the question, “Where was God?”  Perhaps it was a situation where you lost your job, perhaps it was the loss of a loved one or a friend, perhaps it was a situation of abuse to someone you know or even yourself, or perhaps it was a devastating tornado or flood which shredded your belongings.  Reflect on the last time you found yourself asking this question and then ask yourself this question, “What did I expect from God at that moment?”  Did you expect that God would miraculously change the circumstances so you did not have to experience the pain?  Did you expect Him to in some way change the circumstances to your favor rather than your detriment?  In our humanity we observe situations and circumstances as single point in time events and often times treat God as a genie in a bottle to be used at our beck and call.  Yet, we find ourselves walking our own path and controlling our own life for the other 95% of the time.  The truth is God is not a genie in a bottle for your convenience; He is the omnipotent, sovereign Lord of all creation and is not at your disposal when you feel the need.

God is omnipresent, which means He is everywhere, at all times.  When the scriptures tell us to draw close to God, how is this possible when He is everywhere; how does one get closer?  Drawing close to God is not a physical presence, it is a spiritual presence.  God loves us so intensely, just as I love my children, and His desire is for our joy and happiness to be found in worshipping and loving Him.  He can’t draw closer to you, or love you anymore than He does.  His love is immutable and He has demonstrated this through the sacrifice of His own Son that we might have eternal life.  There is no deeper love that He can give to you, than the grace provided to redeem your sinful nature and allow for you to enter into heaven.  His perspective is not moment by moment, but eternal. 

Drawing close to God means understanding Him more, familiarizing yourself with His ways, His desires, His purpose and plans.  I want you to compare the amount of time you spend preparing for school, for work, for your own desires with the amount of time you spend strengthening your relationship with God.  Do you spend 10% of your time (2.4 hours) with God each day?  Learning, listening, studying and growing?  No…what about 1 hour, perhaps 30 minutes, maybe 15 minutes?  No….hmmm, maybe you spend a few minutes before you get in the shower each morning, or a few minutes in prayer at the dinner table or before bed.  Are you seeking God’s forgiveness and redemption each day for those things that stand between you and Him?  Are you acting mindful in living up to the character of God in your daily walk, through your speech, your actions and your habits? 

Every relationship requires that both parties participate in the relationship.  If you aren’t willing to contribute and hold up your end of the bargain, but expect God too, is that not double minded?  God’s cards are on the table, He’s not going to change and He’s not going to lower His standards or expectations, just for you.  If you want God’s presence in your life to overcome adversity, pain and hardship; then you need to draw closer to Him in your daily walk and commitment to the relationship.  He is right there waiting for you to draw close and likewise He will draw closer to you.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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