Friday, January 3, 2014

Stepping out of the Fire

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“Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.”  - Mark 3:28-29

I woke up this morning and I once again sinned against the Father.  In numerous ways throughout the day my heart is filled with different emotions and judgment against others in the world and against myself.  If I were sitting on the Great White Throne and judging my own eternal fate, I can assure you I would be destined for eternal Hell. The scriptures tell us that the very thought can be as sin, and not just the action.  The mind sins before the lips speak, or the feet take to the street.  The truth of what I speak is that we are all condemned to the lake of fire, based on any number of sinful actions every day.  How many sins does it take to send you to Hell?  One.  Yes, only one.  God accepts nothing but pure perfection and righteousness.  In any given day I am going to commit no less than 300 sins (1 about every 5 minutes or so).  If I live to be 80 years old, I will have committed 8.76 million sins.  I, therefore, will stand before God on that judgment day, and in be required to provide an answer for every one of them.  Yes, every single one of them, from the least to the greatest.  What can I do?  What possible righteous acts must I execute, and how many righteous acts, then to overcome this mountain of sin?

Romans 3:9-11 tells us,
There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands;  there is no one who seeks God” I am not righteous, you are not righteous, your parents, your children, your neighbor, Billy Graham, Mother Teresa, Phil Robertson; none of them.  There has been only one person in the History of the world that was righteous, and that was the Son of God, Himself.  It’s not a matter of how great the sin, it is a matter of being outside of the righteousness of God’s perfection.  You may have committed adultery, you may have murdered, you may have been an alcoholic, you may be a homosexual, you may be suffering from drug addictions, you may have anger problems, you may have lied to your parents or stolen a piece of candy from the store; the list of sinful actions outside of God’s righteousness is endless.  All are forgivable through the saving grace of our Lord, through His provision of a sacrifice.  That sacrifice is His Son – Jesus Christ.

Despite the depth of depravity of your sin in life, in His loving grace, you are still worthy of salvation, with the exception of those who have blasphemed the Holy Spirit.  This is the only unforgivable sin.  But, to those who call upon His name and acknowledge Him as Savior and Lord, they will be saved and their sins will be washed away.  The act of giving your life to Jesus Christ though requires your commitment to Him as your Lord, not just as a get out of jail free card.  It requires your repentance from your sinful life, which means turning away from that which separates you from Him.  Continuing in your sin with no desire for becoming more Christ-like is outside of accepting Him as the Lord of your life, and should cause one to carefully question the truth of their salvation.  It is completely between you and the Lord to reconcile your sinful actions and lifestyle, but I offer only this advice – do not take this lightly for the ramifications of your perceived salvation is eternal. 

Acts 4:11-13 tells us, “
Salvation is found in no one else {Jesus}, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
Many will deny Jesus Christ, claim that He was a prophet, a nice man, a carpenter or even a lunatic.  Others will claim He never existed, and claim the whole salvation story as nothing more than a fable.  To this group of individuals, their fate is determined by their choices and arrogance, for they have no other means to reconcile the sins that exist in their life each and every day.  It is them that I will pray for this year, as I make out my list of resolutions for 2014.  If you are willing and committed to serving God in this world and the next, than consider your role in this purpose as well.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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