Thursday, June 5, 2014

One Day at a Time

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“Give us today our daily bread.” – Matthew 6:11

Did today look different when you woke up, or was it just another alarm clock morning of getting ready for work, school or the busyness of the day?  Ask the folks in Hugo, Colorado if their morning looks different after tornadoes ripped through their community yesterday, or the people of the Ukraine after all the violence in the last 5 months or the citizens of Maiduguri, Nigeria after the Boko Haram Terrorists slaughtered over 200 people on Monday.  It often takes things of significant proportion for us to wake up and realize what we take for granted each and every day.  Most of us live monotonous lives.  We go through the same cyclical events each day because it is something we know, not because we lack the desire to be spontaneous or adventurous.  

God calls us each day to join forces with Him and take on the opportunities in each day to share His love with others.  The Lord’s Prayer (found in Matthew 6) references our daily bread.  Daily we need nourishment and sustenance to make it through the day’s activities.  This nourishment though is more than just food; it includes spiritual nourishment and the merciful grace of God sufficient for this one period of time.  Every single day, though similar in appearance, holds a unique opportunity to celebrate His love and share it with those around you.  In Matthew 26:26, Jesus refers to the bread as a symbol of His body and His purpose.  For, to eat of this bread, we are committing to remember Him in our actions, words and experiences throughout the day. 

This is why I take the time each and every morning to spend quietly reflecting on what God has in store for me this day.  Not to request things from Him, but to hear from Him what He will have for me.  Some days this is 5 minutes, some days it is 45 minutes.  This daily bread from God provides the nourishment I need for today, and brings a freshness and newness to each day I am blessed to put my feet on the ground.  So many times we enter into prayer asking God for things, rather than seeking His purpose for the day.  I encourage you to find a moment each day to quiet yourself, calm your breathing, close your eyes and simply ask the Lord, “God – how might I serve you today.” Then comes the important part – take the action to fulfill what has been asked.

Heavenly Father,
I seek Your will in my life.  I commit to serve You and to bring Your love, grace and mercy to others as You have placed them in my life.  Feed my soul with Your daily bread of life, that I might be filled with the Holy Spirit throughout this day.  Holy Spirit guide my steps and actions.  How might I serve You today?  In Your name I pray – Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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