Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Willing Servant

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“I {Paul} have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers"   – 2 Corinthians 11:26

There will come a day when you are challenged for what you believe and why you believe it.  In this modern age of the 21st century we live in a society where people generally try to just “get along” with each other and stay out of each other’s business.  I happen to live in a country where individuals are free to raise their voice and praise a god of their choosing, without legal condemnation.  This is not the case in many countries of the world.  It is against the law to preach Christianity outside of an approved church building in some Asian countries.  It is against the law to try to convert a Moslem to Christianity in many Middle Eastern countries.  The fear for one’s safety, freedom and human rights is taken for granted by most Christians in today’s society, because we aren’t faced with the daily pressure of trying to reach a population that is unreceptive. 

Paul, after his conversion on the road to Damascus, spent his entire life preaching, evangelizing and attempt to convert others to Christianity.  This included Jews, Gentiles, Romans and anyone else who would listen.  He preached to rulers, Governors, citizens, religious leaders, laborers, slaves, teachers, rabbis, and even Caesar himself (Acts 27:23-24). Imprisoned multiple times for his preaching, his life threatened on numerous occasions, but nothing could deter Paul from his God ordained purpose in life. 

Was Paul an extraordinary individual, and holier than you or I?  No.  Paul’s testimony was given time and time again in countries all around the Mediterranean area including Greece, Rome, Israel, Galatia, Ephesus, Phyrigia, Syria, Mysia , and many other areas in what would be modern day Bulgaria, Turkey and Iran.  His travels and missionary trips could be credited for bringing the Christian faith to what is today Europe.  But notice that Paul did not travel Eastward toward Asia as recorded in Acts 16:6; “…having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.”  Here is what differentiates Paul from most of us, as followers of Jesus Christ.  Paul was a willing servant to the Lord.  He was willing to do whatever God asked him to do.  He was so in touch with the Holy Spirit through his daily studies and relationship with the Lord that his desires in life no longer drove his actions.  He surrendered his plan for his life to pursue the plan God had designed for him.

Paul, the Apostle, is an image of someone who pursued his faith with a fervent love, respect and reverence for the Lord.  Most Christians in today’s world (2.1 billion as we discussed yesterday) are what I consider comfortable Christians.  Our walk with the Lord occupies less than 10% of our daily thought and activity, 30% is spent resting and 60% is focused on living out our plans for life.  These are choices we make in life that separate us from the Saints of the Bible.  Peter, Paul, John, Mark, Luke, Stephen and so on all chose to dedicate their life to serving the One and only God of the Universe with everything they had.  We shouldn’t hold them up as idols, but understand that the same Holy Spirit that dwelt within them is available to you.  People are constantly asking the question, “What is my purpose?” , and the answer is pretty straight forward.  Give your life wholeheartedly to God, and it will become very obvious.  He gives you the choice.  That’s the God I serve.

Almighty God,

You have given us mighty examples of men of faith, courage and wisdom that have chosen to follow You unashamedly and without abandon.  Paul, Peter, John and the others all gave their complete life to You as a vessel to be used for Your Kingdom.  We look to them as examples of what serving looks like and we seek that same passion within our own heart.  You have promised to meet our every need in life, and to use the willing servant; help us to come to that decision and strengthen our faith and trust in You Lord, to step out and actually serve You.  In Your name I pray – Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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