Monday, February 17, 2014

Conquerors Stand Up Again

Make 2014 a year of Sharing

“Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” – Romans 8:35,37

You are stronger than you can ever imagine.  The problem is that you have become dependent upon man rather than your heavenly Father.  True faith in God does not waver in times of difficulty or struggle it is strengthened by knowing that there is nothing in this world that can overcome the power and authority of your Father. 

Do you believe this?  Do you trust that your life is completely in the hands of your supreme Creator?  It’s easy for me to sit on this side of the internet and claim that you can see your way through the struggles in this life through simple faith.  But, how does one actually put it into action?  When you look at the gas tank and it’s empty and you do not have a dollar to your name, how is God going to solve that problem?  When you are getting daily calls from creditors and you haven’t had a job in months, and can’t find one – where is your Savior?  Loved one’s have lost their battle for life after months and sometimes years of praying, was God even listening?  How are all of these young girls kidnapped and sold into sex trafficking supposed to believe that nothing can separate them from the love of Christ?

For years I have struggled with this verse.  I look around at this world, and the evil and corruptness that is all around us.  We watch as the moral fabric of our society continues to decrease.  Our children are continually taught to tolerate the sinful world in which we live, rather than stand up for truth.  I am slowly coming to the realization of the truth in Jesus’ words in Matthew 10th chapter: “
"You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.” (v22) and “"Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (v28)  What will happen to my eternal life when everything I have is taken away, or my health fails, or I am persecuted, beaten or thrown into prison?  That is the area we must remained focused on.

This is the strength that God will empower you to live through the pain.  The reality life is that we all will die at some point.  This life is temporary and only a stepping stone to our eternal life with the Father.  As we observe the struggles and hardship in this life, we have the opportunity to remain confident and filled with the peace in knowing that we are destined for eternity with Him.  With this acceptance and understanding we are no longer fearful of what others can do, or the persecutions that we will face, or the death of our loved ones.  With this faith in our eternal destiny we are capable of speaking and acting without abandon in our daily walk to further His kingdom.  The freedom that this realization brings to one’s life is the act of experiencing God’s love thoroughly.  Hardship is going to happen in this life, to not be naïve.   But, you must hold firm to that truth that your Father in heaven is your strength and will empower you to overcome all things in this life, with the promise of eternal life. Take hold of the conquering spirit you have within you as a child of God and rise up, despite your circumstances, for He is still on His throne.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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