Friday, February 7, 2014

OK – I Surrender

Make 2014 a year of Sharing

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” – Galatians 2:20

One of my favorite songs of late is an old church hymn from when I was a boy.  I remember standing in First Baptist Church of Tecumseh and singing with my Mom & Dad, but the words never really sank in.  A few Sunday’s ago we sang it in our church here in the Woodlands and all of a sudden the meaning became alive for me.  “All to Jesus I surrender.  Lord I give myself to thee.  Fill me with thy Love and power, Let thy blessings fall on me.”  (I Surrender All, Winfield Weeden, 1896) 

Wow, take that in for just a moment.  Am I really willing to surrender it all to Jesus and give my life over to Him completely?  Love Him, trust Him, give Him all of my time, let every step be in line with His purpose, I’m just not sure?  Paul wrote this to those of Galatia, having given up everything to follow this man called Jesus Christ.  Keep in mind that Paul came from a highly educated Jewish background.  He studied to become a Pharisee and was highly respected amongst the elders in that community.  He had even ordered the murder and destruction of these followers of Christ in the early church. 

Upon encountering the risen Christ on the road to Damascus though, he turned from his past, his dreams, his bright future in the Synagogue and Leadership council of the Jewish Pharisees.  He turned from his rich education and knowledge of the scriptures, and gave it all up to follow the One who died on that cross.  These words describe Paul in the flesh of his existence after his conversion.  He became the original Apostle, and a mentor/guide for those who are truly willing to follow Christ.

It takes a strong faith, trust and conviction to live for Christ in everything you do?  Paul met Christ, heard that voice and immediately came into a strong conviction and faith.  Most of us have never seen the Risen Savior, and therefore must rely heavily on a faith that the Word is true and that God is real, and that His love is what Jesus taught us it is – uncompromising, unconditional and infinite in expanse.  Having never walked with Jesus as many of the early disciples, we are left to trust that their words captured in the scriptures are God inspired and will lead the way to our eternal state.  I have never met Abraham Lincoln, George Washington or Mahatma Ghandi.  I’ve read of them, I’ve seen the results of their work, or so I am told.  I trust that the words I have read and that the stories passed down from generation to generation are accurate.  How much more then should I trust the word of God without abandon and wholly convicted to live as if it were true. 

If the Bible is true, and it is, then I have been given the exact instructions on what it will take to experience heaven with my eternal Father.  Love God and love others.  Live the way Jesus Christ taught us to live and follow His teachings.  It’s not rocket science, and it’s right there in black and white for all mankind to experience.  The choice is completely up to you on whether you want to follow Him or not.  If Paul’s words are truthful and we are to take them literal, why aren’t we doing what he called us to do.  Why do we continue to mold the scriptures to fit our lives, rather than taking them seriously and trying to mold our life to align with the scriptures?  Now you know the conviction that is on my heart as I set here writing this on February 7, 2014.  I truly hope you are convicted as well and willing to act on it.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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