Monday, February 24, 2014

Go, Wash Up Again

Make 2014 a year of Sharing

““Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” – Isaiah 1:18

Her smile is infectious and capable of melting the hearts of all who come in contact with her.  It’s a good thing, and will likely get her out of trouble when she gets a bit older.  Emma is every bit of 6 and full of life.  From playing with her Barbies and dolls, to swimming, bike-riding, side walk chalk, gymnastics or just plain coloring at the kitchen table, she does everything with exuberance.  Last night we went to Baskin Robbins for a desert night.  By the time we were ready to go I looked at Emma and she was wearing her chocolate fudge ice cream from the bottom of her chin to the bridge of her nose and all over her high boned cheeks.  Off we went to the bathroom to get washed up before leaving for home, all the while she is joking and laughing with everyone in the store about how good her ice cream was.  Three or 4 minutes later we walk out of the bathroom and Emma is spotless once again.  Not a single trace of ice cream on her hands, face or chin for that matter.  I gathered up all of the trash, cups and spoons and disposed of them properly and waited by the door for the family to catch up.  As Emma walked out the door of Baskin Robbins she threw away the remains of her cone.  Looking up she wanted me to carry her.  As I looked into her beautiful eyes, I couldn’t help but see the dark brown circle of chocolate that had formed once again around her chin, cheeks and nose as if we had never gone to wash up at all.  A quick napkin wipe and she was back to clean again, laughing and giggling the whole time.

We are all struggling every single day to stay clean in this walk.  Life is filled with temptations and we are prone to seek out that which is, on the surface, desirable and pleasing to our temporary satisfaction.  Often times, despite our intent to avoid temptations we find ourselves right in the middle of giving in once again.  The incredible thing about God is that His grace is still sufficient and His love is ever flowing.  When we hit our knees at night and lift up our sins to the Father, He is quick to forgive and cast them away as if they never existed.  There is no lingering memory that will be used to bring guilt or shame, for these are from the enemy.  Even Paul continued to struggle with sin on a daily basis, yet he put his trust in Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord, to overcome the guilt and shame brought on by the enemy.  In Romans 7, Paul’s expounds on his desire to do what is good, yet the sin that is within him and within this world continues to do what is not good.  He rests on the love and grace of the Father though, who will deliver him from his fleshly desires.

We are cleaned up by our Father, and then another day comes along where we are facing the same wickedness that is in our flesh.  We are not hypocrites, but simply struggling followers of Jesus Christ, trying to overcome the temptations in this life.  Do not beat yourself up over your weakness, but draw on Him that can overcome the sin in your life.  You cannot compete with Satan on his terms, but Jesus Christ can and will.  Your clothes will be as white as snow, and the only way to keep them that way is to trust and rely on the grace of your Father, not on your own abilities.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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