Friday, May 9, 2014

Her Pain, Your Gain

Celebrate Mother’s this Weekend

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” – Psalm 139:13

The heavenly Father created you in your mother’s womb.  He shaped your DNA and molded into the very first cells of life the unique personalities, characteristics, mannerisms and appearance.  Then the creation process began with the duplication of cells until such time as they took shape into a body, with organs, fingers, toes and hair.  Throughout His miraculous creative process though, her blood filled your vessels as they were being formed. Your nutrients came from her, through her body’s interaction with yours.

The woman that carried you in her womb for 40 weeks (+/-). The woman that sang you songs and spoke to you when you were in her womb. Other than God's creative process, she is this person that gave you life. Her blood sustained your nutrients during the most critical part of your life - when all of your organs, muscles, tendons, bones, brain and heart were being developed. Yet, knowing that you had caused her immense pain during childbirth, she still took you, in the hospital room, and held you close to her bosom to calm your anxiety in this new world. The bond between a mother and her child is second only to the bond between our heavenly Father and His children.

A father may or may not be in the picture, but the mother is always there at the birth. A child cannot be born from a petri dish. It can be created there, but then through insemination it develops, grows and is born from the womb. The relationship between a woman and her child creates the foundation of our very being. This is why mothers are called blessed and are rightfully deserving of the title. This weekend, take the opportunity to reflect on your mother and the blessing she has been in your life. Then tell them.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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