Friday, May 16, 2014

Winning is Everything

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” – 1 Corinthians 9:24

Contrary to the popular, politically correct statement that we are all winners, I am here to say we’re not.  There are winners and losers in life and in some things winning is everything.

They all lined up along the infield grass. Eighteen teams of various ages that had played ball for the last 8 weeks.  One by one the coaches would walk to the podium and taking the microphone in hand call off the names of each girl on their respective team.  As the girls would come forward they were handed a trophy to a round of applause.  Each and every girl from age 5 through 16 received the exact same accolades and went home with the same hardware.  Yet, there were 6 teams out there that had outplayed the others in their respective divisions and had achieved more victories than their competitors.  Where was the acknowledgment, the congratulations for working hard and persevering, the award for excelling in the competitive sport of Softball?  Why form teams, practice 3 nights a week, play the games and keep score if the wins and losses are thrown out at the end of the season.

Whatever happened to the competitive spirit that drives one to push harder and succeed?  These girls had all competed and some were more skilled than others, some were still learning, and some just weren’t meant to be softball players.  But, in the spirit of “fairness” all of the girls were treated as equals and the entire body of players were leveled to the lowest common denominator.  How does this encourage those who are gifted in the sport to push forward and excel? 

I understand compassion and not wanting to hurt the feelings of some of the girls who may not have won any games at all, but in reality perhaps they should learn that this isn’t their sport and that their giftedness is in swimming or horseback riding or soccer or music.  Just because someone isn’t skilled at softball doesn’t make them a loser, it simply points them in a different direction.  This will be a huge help to them as they mature and move into higher education and the competitive working world.  They must learn where their strengths, gifts and talents lie so they can leverage them throughout their life.  I believe it starts at an early age and we do a dis-service to this generation of children by convincing them that they are all equally worthy of the prize awarded to those that excel at something.

So, now you know my opinions about girls softball, but it is no different with salvation and eternal peace with God the Father.   For you see, we are all on a track in this life to get to the finish line and receive our reward.  There are only two rewards though – eternal salvation in heaven with Jesus Christ and God the Father; or eternal damnation in hell with Satan and his minions.  That’s it and there isn’t a middle ground of indecision.  Each of you must decide and pursue one path or the other.

There will come a day, according to Matthew 25:31-40, when He will separate His followers from those who denied Him.  He will receive the righteous into their glory with the Father, and He will cast the unrighteous into eternal punishment.  As the names are called out, some will receive the trophy of eternal bliss, peace and love.  These are the ones that have embraced the truth in this life, found their path and ran the race with endurance.  These are the ones that have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; and lived their life with that emblazoned in their heart and soul.  On the other side though, there will be those names called that denied His Lordship, His Grace and His Sovereignty and refused to follow Him.  These will not receive a trophy, but an eternity of pain, suffering and gnashing of teeth.

You see, there is an ultimate win and lose in this life.  We should not be teaching our children that everyone wins, because ultimately, they don’t.  And in life there will come a day when that win/loss decision has eternal consequences. 

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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