Thursday, May 29, 2014

Live It

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment handed on to them.” – 2 Peter 2:21

With the day before you thoughts shift to the true purpose.  Is this all there is?  In the next 17 hours am I going to make an impact in the world or am I going to just go through it?  What will those around you remember about your contribution to today?  Did you wake up to do something other than what you did yesterday?  Who is going to benefit from your contribution to society today?

Most of us get up in the morning and prepare for the busy day ahead.  When you really step back and think about what you are doing with your time, who is truly the benefactor of your contributions?  The company you work for, your family, your friends at the bar or perhaps even yourself.  Tonight you’re going to come home, change into your jammies, watch a little TV and then climb into bed.  When your head hits the pillow, will you have made a difference, or will you have simply participated in the dreams of someone else.

Today is your opportunity to do something greater than anything you have ever done before.  Why aren’t you excited about it?  Why aren’t you willing to do something different, something amazing, something that would improve the life of others?  Are you afraid of change, fearful of risk, unwilling to take a chance or simply content in the monotony of the life you have been given?  Life was never intended to be mundane.  You had dreams, you had visions and desires to pursue life without abandon and conquer the world.  Where did those dreams go, where did that person go who wanted something more?

You’ve chosen your path in life and you are making choices every day to continue on this path or to do something greater.  The world is really messed up and the majority of us are perfectly fine sitting on the sidelines complaining and waiting for someone else to solve the problems.  In essence we have become complacent and accepting.  We are so engaged in our own fear of failure that we are unwilling to stand up for what we see all around us.  We have become content and immune to the evil that surrounds us on a daily basis, while our addictions to pop culture and political correctness grow.  We are callous to the news and media, because it is all negative.  Abortions, murders, drugs, adultery, scandals, pornography, perversions and the like are just another part of life that we’ve become oblivious too, because we are more concerned about our own existence than that of those around us. 

This is not new, but it is more widely accepted in today’s culture than it has ever been in the history of the world.  We have hardened our hearts to what goes on outside of four walls called home.  We have chosen to turn a blind eye to the ugliness of the world and press on with our comfort and prosperity.  I am asking myself this one question today: “Is it worth it?” 

He died so that I could have life.  He chose to take the beatings, the ridicule, the torture so I could have a life worth living.  Because He chose to die on my behalf, shouldn’t I be doing something worthwhile, with what He provided me the opportunity to do?  Giving my life to Jesus Christ, meant taking on His presence, His purpose and His love for others.  It meant turning from the evil in this world and through Him bring peace, love and righteousness to those around me.  I read the Word every morning and dwell on it, but once the leather cover is closed again, life has a way of taking over and His presence is once again pushed behind the priorities of this world. 

Shouldn’t we be living out what the Good Word says we should do?  Have we truly come to a place where the Holy Bible has become just another piece of media, or is it still considered the Holy Word of God Almighty.  If you like me, agree in the later, then isn’t it time to wake up and do what it says we ought to do?  I’m tired of living for man, aren’t you?  There is so much more to do with this day than just exist in the same mundane way you existed yesterday.  Find a purpose bigger than your immediate perspective and change the world with the love and guidance He has given you.  LIVE don’t just exist.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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