Tuesday, May 6, 2014

That Gentle Voice

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” – John 14:16-17

They piled into the car to head out for dinner and a night on the town.  He was much more of a homebody, but his traveling companions were all excited about getting out of the hotel.  Driving through the dark streets there were hundreds of people milling about, walking down the center of the street and moving only when the driver would honk the horn.  Several times the van came to a complete stop for what seemed like 10 minutes or longer waiting for people to move.  It was at these times that people would walk up and proposition the men in the van with drugs, sex and even firearms.  It was a roadway that had been turned into a marketplace when the sun set each day.

He sat in the middle, in the back seat becoming less comfortable the farther they drove from the security of the hotel.  His colleagues were mostly laughing and engaging with the locals in fun banter as they made their way through the sea of people.  Finally, the crowds thinned and they were able to accelerate down the winding roadway to the beach area where they were going to have dinner.  Laughing, telling stories and enjoying good food together as friends.  Time was passing quickly and as they were finishing up their drinks, one man threw out the idea of having some fun with the local girls.  Most laughed, cheered and encouraged the idea as they headed back toward the van.

Once again, he sat in the middle of the back seat as they proceeded back out onto the roadway, heading back into town and the throng of people.  A few turns, and a dark alley and the driver pulled up in front of an old warehouse building.  The sign, written in Thai with English sub-titles, said “Happy Massage Parlor”  He closed his eyes and asked for wisdom and strength.  The men started piling out of the van, patting each other on the back and laughing, while he stayed seated.  A few stopped and turned back, “Come on. Let’s go.”  they said to him.  He motioned them on and said, “Nah, I don’t need what their offering.”  Amidst laughter, and jeering and ridicule, they turned and walked away, up the steps and into the warehouse.  He sat in the van alone for the next hour, staying focused on what the Holy Spirit was convicting him of; “Be Holy as I am Holy”

Life is going to be filled with temptations and opportunities to stand up for right and wrong.  We are called to live a Christlike life and to turn from unrighteousness and run.  When Jesus taught the disciples in the upper room that the Holy Spirit would come upon them and dwell within them, He was stating that to all of you.  Your acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord opens the door for the Holy Spirit to come into your life, and dwell within you.  The unseen presence of God is with you every moment of every day, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. 

The small voice inside of you that tells you right from wrong; good from evil and righteous from unrighteous.  He convicts you without condemnation, and counsels you on doing the right thing in situations when you are faced with temptations.  He is your counselor on growing and strengthening your Christian walk.  Just as Jesus walked with the disciples for 3 years and taught them through His words, actions and love; so is the Holy Spirit walking with you.

But, you must want to listen and follow His lead.  For He is God’s presence in your life and He cannot condone or accept unrighteousness.  By denying His counsel, we are choosing to deny Christ and God’s plan in our life and pursue our own selfish desires.  As we discover through our daily trials, we are weakened by following the world’s path.  Our strength comes from listening to the Holy Spirit’s convictions and following His counsel.  For in doing so, we are leaning on the strength and wisdom of God Almighty to combat the evil of this world.

Most of us comprehend God, our Father in Heaven who watches over us and provides grace, love and forgiveness.  Jesus, is God in Flesh and that real presence who taught us about the love of the Father and how to love one another and serve God and man.  The Holy Spirit, the third branch of our triune God, is your daily counselor, comforter and teacher.  Living within you and helping you with decisions, actions and pursuing holiness.  Learn to hear, follow and walk with the Holy Spirit to truly understand the presence of the Father in your life.  He is with you always and present to guide your steps if you’ll allow Him.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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