Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Love them All

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism” – James 2:1

I have noticed in my 49 years that most people have some sort of biasness towards certain types of people (race, culture, sexual orientation, age, addictions or financial position) and a particular disdain against others. We look at some and see their differences and it causes something to rise within, not because we are particularly evil, but because we have a hard time understanding their circumstance, history or choices.  We are naturally drawn to those that think like us, act like us and believe like we do; but is this a service or disservice to our faith?

If you are completely honest with yourself and your thoughts on life, you will realize that it is much easier for you to have discussions and interaction with others that have similar position and interests as yourself.  If you are a Christian, it is much safer and easier for you to have a discussion about faith and beliefs with other Christians than it is to sit down and have that same discussion with a Muslim, Jehovah’s Witness or Atheist.  If you are homophobic or repulsed by drug addicts, are you doing a service or disservice by withdrawing from them?  What is to be gained in that?  How is the Kingdom of God expanded if we are unwilling to reach out to those who believe differently? 

Every person on the face of this earth is created by the Almighty Father in heaven for a purpose.  The Lord Jesus Christ went to the cross on Calvary, and poured out His blood, was resurrected again; so that every person could be saved from eternal Hell.  God’s provision was not for a few of us, but for all of mankind, who have chosen to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  Your neighbor, the teenager who lacks respect for adults, the murderer on death row, the Atheist professor teaching our children in college, your wife/husband, your children, the President and every sinful man or woman ever born is given the opportunity to repent and accept Jesus Christ.  If in that choice they have chosen to turn away and deny Him, then they should be on your prayer list, and in your path of pursuit.

For if one of the shepherd’s sheep strays away, the shepherd will leave the 99 to pursue the one.  Remember, they are just as important to the Father as you are.  His love is immeasurable for all mankind equally, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who acts as our Intercessor to the Father in heaven.  We are redeemed because of His perfection, not because of anything we have done.  You cannot do enough good acts or say enough “Hail Mary’s” to receive eternity in heaven.   There is only one way and that is through Jesus Christ, the same way that every other person in the world is accepted.  God’s love is immutable, never changing and is available to each of us equally, for there are no favorites in His eyes.

In the biblical days, the Pharisees and Sadducees would look at the non-Jewish of the world with disdain.  They would not reach out to these people with love and compassion, but with contempt and condemnation.  The Samaritans, the Lepers, the Romans, the harlots, prostitutes, tax collectors and poor were cast away from the accepting arms of their holiness.  They elevated themselves above all others, as servants of God worthy of His love and forgiveness while all others were condemned to Hell.  This is not a far stretch from many of the Christians in today’s world if you honestly stop and think about it.  Let us not be too quick to cast aspersions on those who are different, but rather reach out to them with the love of the Father and the Son, in every attempt to help them find the Savior and Lord as well. 

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014,
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