Friday, March 30, 2012

He Told You So

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”  – Isaiah 53:6

Tell me what will happen in the year 2512?

If indeed you took a stab at it and tried to predict what might happen 500 years from now, there is no way you would have the specificity or details that Isaiah revealed in Isaiah 53.  It was written 500 years or more before the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Yet, it specifically calls out the things that would happen to this man.

The story of God’s plan of salvation was foretold precisely to the leaders of Israel, long before they brought charges against Jesus Christ. 
“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;” (v.5)
“he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,” (v.7)
“By oppression and judgment he was taken away.  Yet who of his generation protested?” (v.8)
“Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin” (v.10)
“After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.” (v.11)

We move about our daily lives and carry on as if all is well.  The bible is the Holy Word of God.  Written over the course of thousands of years, but intricately woven together with precision and accuracy that could never have been contrived by mankind.  What God revealed to the people of Israel through the prophet Isaiah, was ignored when it actually happened 500 years later.  Here we are 1985 years (or so) later since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and we are lost sheep, following our own way.  Jesus told his disciples about the end days, Paul through several letters told those who would listen about the return of Christ and Daniel, Zachariah, Ezekiel and John captured the prophecy of the end times in many places throughout the bible, yet how many of you actually believe that Christ will return any moment and usher us into eternity?  Are you living like He could return while you are reading this?  What are you going to do when that prophecy comes to fruition?  You’ve heard it told a thousand times, you know we’re supposed to be living as if it could happen at any moment, yet we continue to live as if it’s just a nice story.

I’m challenging you today to think about the Bible as a more than a book of stories, but as the Word of God.  Handed down and given to you that you might become educated and know what is to come, so you will not be caught off guard on that day of reconciliation.  Our Lord is coming just as He promised, I want to be ready on that day, even if it’s today.

Heavenly Father,
You are amazing, wonderful and loving.  You have provided for us, You have given us Your word and Your promise for salvation.  Thank You for Your grace and mercy throughout my life.  Thank You for the act of sacrifice as You gave Your only Son for my transgressions and iniquities.  I trust in Your word as the truth and I ask for Your guiding help in my days to prepare my heart and soul to be with You on that day of reckoning.  Forgive me for my sins against You and against my fellow man; and breathe life into me that I might stand strong for Your word when challenged.  In Your precious and Holy name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
For additional Daily Thoughts, please visit:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

You Have to Work at It

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being. I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went into Arabia.”    – Galatians 1:15-17

When I was a boy I loved the game of football.  It was a deep passion of mine to play the game and excel at it.  All through my elementary years it came easy for me.  The older I got though, the more difficult the sport became.  The plays became more extravagant and the other boys seemed to be bigger, faster and more prepared.  Then at age 14, came the summer that I was old enough to go to football camp.  To learn, practice and to play with the best players at the collegiate level introduced me to an entirely new perspective on the game.  Once again my confidence was restored and I left knowing so much more about the game, simply because I spent dedicated time learning football and nothing else.  Alas, a month after camp, I blew out a knee and my football days were over; but the passion and education I received have never left.

So it is with God’s grace and the acceptance of the Holy Spirit in your life.  After Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus, he spent some time with Ananias where he received the Holy Spirit.  Paul began preaching the “good news” all around Damascus as the message of grace filled his heart and overflowed.  His passion was beyond control and it became everything he wanted and needed in his life.  He then went away to Arabia to study, learn and to get closer to the Holy Spirit.  He did not turn to the other disciples or apostles of the time.  He drew what he could from Ananias, but realized that to be the best for his Lord, he needed to get away from other mankind.

We don’t know how long Paul was in Arabia or where exactly he went.  We do know that he was an extremely knowledgeable man before his conversion and he knew that to excel at anything one must put everything they have into it.  We read the scriptures and stand amazed at the depth of knowledge that Paul shares through his writings.  The other disciples – Peter, John, Luke, Mark, Matthew . . .  all spent daily time with Jesus Christ for the better part of 3 years.  They learned from Him daily as they walked along the roads and mountainsides of Israel.  Paul, on the other hand, realized that he needed that alone time with His Savior to truly understand his mission and purpose in life.

You are just like Paul if you think about it.  At one point in your life you questioned Jesus Christ, God and the whole Christian church.  Then there was an unveiling in your life, when your eyes were opened to see the grace, love and mercy of the Savior.  At that moment, when you accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, your heart was overflowing with passion and purpose and desire to tell everyone you knew.  If this is not nurtured and strengthened, over time your life returns to it’s pre-salvation state of seeking something more.  Many Christians fall into this trap.  After accepting Christ the fire burns out and they fall back into their sinful ways.  Many look at this and challenge the salvation from our Lord and then look elsewhere for something with meaning.

The real message to learn from Galatians 1 above is that discovering your purpose and living for the Lord takes work on our part.  It is not something that can be coasted through.  Choosing to live for Jesus Christ, takes commitment, time and persistence to continued learning.  This is done through daily quiet times.  Get away from your life, those around you and the busyness of each day to spend quality time with the Holy Spirit.  Dedicate the time each day to focus on learning from God directly.  No man can make you a stronger Christian or help you identify your purpose.  That must come from the One who created you as a Christian.  You don’t have to go to Arabia, but you do need to get away to be with the Lord one on one.

Prayer:Almighty God,
Thank you for Your wisdom and knowledge, shared through the scriptures and the Holy Spirit.  Help us to find You each day to expand our faith, trust and confidence in Your truth.  Teach us Lord through a daily quiet time to walk in Your footsteps.  Rejuvenate our souls to the point of overflowing such that we must share Your good news with all that we meet.  Help us to accept the responsibility of apostleship with You and the challenge of expanding our purpose through Your will for our life.  In Your precious name I pray - Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
For additional Daily Thoughts, please visit:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time” –2 Timothy 1:9

As the rain came down the roads began to become slick.  He let off the accelerator to maintain a safe speed.  It had been a long day and the center line was becoming a blur as he fought to keep his eyes from closing.  He turned up the radio, turned on the cold air to blow in his face. He only needed to make it another 15 miles and then he could find a hotel and turn in for the night.  He knew he was pushing himself too far, but this stretch of highway offered no other alternatives.  There were no rest stops, no exits and no gas stations.  He had a cup of luke warm coffee from a few hours back and the caffeine helped, but he still felt his energy draining. 

As he came up over the hill he saw headlights.  The first he had seen in at least 30 minutes.  He became entranced by the headlights and realized that his eyes were becoming heavier the more he stared.  The oncoming truck was still a ½ mile away when his eyes collapsed and gave way.  His car had crossed the center line before he was jarred awake by the loud thunderous sound of screeching tires and the loud horn of the passing truck.  His car had completely crossed the other lane of traffic and the truck veered around him, narrowly missing the rear passengers corner of his car.  Pressing the brakes, his car slid on the wet pavement, turned in a complete 360 degree  circle and came to rest on the dirt embankment on the other side of the road.

Frequently we hear of stories similar to this, that despite everything the person tried to prevent something from happening, it still happens.  Yet, even through the experience and event we are protected and kept from harms way.  Most will claim it to be good luck or fate, some will acknowledge it to be a small miracle and God watching over them.  In each case though we come to realize that we are not in control of the situation.
As hard as we might try to do things the right way, donate to charities, help out at the hospice or spend time with the elderly or the needy; these acts in and of themselves will not get you one step closer to heaven.  Many believe that God has a scorecard and is keeping track of your actions and once you have achieved a certain number of good deeds, the gates of heaven are opened.  This couldn’t be farther from the truth.  The gates of heaven are open to you and everyone else around you because of one thing and one thing only – God’s grace.  His grace was revealed through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.  By sacrificing this spotless, perfect man; He atoned for the sins of mankind and created a path to salvation.  In no way did you nor I deserve this gift from the Father; yet His love is so incredibly deep that He chose to give it to us despite our unworthiness.  

Nothing you can do will make God’s act of compassion and grace any more real.  It is sufficient for any unrighteousness in your life up to now and forever more.  There is nothing you can do to achieve more than what He has already provided, for nothing is greater than eternity with God the Father.  Our actions are a means to demonstrate the love, the passion, the peace and the grace that we have received from the Father.  They are not a means to earn His love and grace, for it is already done.  Keep your eyes on the road and trust in His grace.

Prayer:Heavenly Father,
You have provided the perfect plan of salvation from before we were born.  You knew our hearts and our minds, and through Your love and grace redeemed our unrighteousness.  Our sins are atoned for through the blood of the lamb, and the resurrection.  We receive Your grace, not because we deserve it, but because You have given it.  Help us to share that love and grace with others we meet throughout our daily walk.  In Your name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
For additional Daily Thoughts, please visit:

Monday, March 26, 2012

45 Minutes of Fame

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It
 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”  – Philippians 2:3-4
I propose that one of the biggest problems we face as a society and people in general is the problem of humility.  Each of us realizes the desire and the intent is to help one another when times of trouble appear.  I believe for the most part we are all inherently good, and willing to help our fellow man through problems when the opportunity presents itself. The real issue I see, is that we are so busy with daily issues and stress that it becomes difficult to live each day with a servant’s heart and givers attitude.

Although the desire is there, often times we discover that the willingness and ability isn’t.  Life’s pace has forced each of us to fit more of life into the same 24 hour box.  We have generated complexity in life through the prioritizations and choices we are making each day.  Generally these choices have a very short term focus and require immediate action – bills, school, work, kids and doctors.  We spend 90% of our waking time working on the To-Do list items, checking off the next thing on the list, sensing that feeling of accomplishment.  In the other 10% we are trying to cram in dinner, rest and fun. 

It’s not that we are explicitly evil or unrighteousness in our selfish actions, but we allow ourselves to become consumed with the things in life, rather than people.  Have you noticed the energizing effect of helping others though?  There is something special about giving up something you value so much and giving it to another.  I’m referring to your time.  It’s the most valued commodity in our life.  Beyond money, food, water and air, it’s the one thing you can’t create more of.  It’s finite and linear.  It cannot be taken without the recognition of the giver, although it can be given without the request of the receiver.  You can give your time helping another rather than focusing on your own hectic life.

This sacrifice is enormous in today’s world.  For you see, it is the perfect image of giving something to another that is highly valued by you.  The 45 minutes that you give to help another person is 45 minutes that you will never get back.  You have to choose to give it away, knowing that the things you could have done in that 45 minutes will still need to be done after you have helped another.  This is a self-less act of humility, of charity and of compassion. 

Jesus Christ lived 33 years.  He could have lived another 10 years, 20 years, 50 years or forever, if God so chose.  The disciples watched as the Roman guard took him away from the Garden of Gethsemane that night, after Jesus had prayed “Thy will be done”.  He carried his cross to Calvary and was crucified brutally and buried.  He gave it all.  He didn’t have to, he could have waited, he could have chosen to stay here and ask God to find another way to save mankind.  But in the single biggest self-less act of all time, he allowed them to kill him.  He had faith in God’s plan.  He knew that the sins of mankind needed to be atoned for, and He knew that God had sent him to do it.  He breathed his last breath, having given everything He had away and completely serving the needs of others.

Matthew 22:37-39 tells us the greatest commandment is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind……..  And love your neighbor as yourself.”  Notice the emphasis on all.  Think about that for a moment, then figure out how you are going to make a difference in someone else’s life today.  Who needs your 45 minutes more than you do?

Prayer:Loving Father,
Thank You for the cross.  Thank You for Your Son, and Your willingness to sacrifice Your only Son for our salvation.  Your plan was put into place such that we might all have eternity and abundantly so.  Your act of giving to us demonstrates clearly how much we are to give to others.  Give of our most precious and valued commodity – time.  Help us to clearly understand this message in our life, and be brave enough to make a change.  Help us identify those in need that we can help today.  In Your precious and holy name – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012For additional Daily Thoughts, please visit:

Friday, March 23, 2012

It’s Time

It’s Time

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It (others need to hear)

 “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:  He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” – Psalm 37:5-6

There is no lack of commitment from the one’s I love to help in times of need, and times when I struggle.  Their love is never absent nor far from reach and I am filled with the knowledge that I am always accepted into their arms without question.  But, knowing this and accepting this as truth are 2 different things. I know that they are mere mortals and drawn to the same sinful and unrighteousness that separates me from the Father above.  I’ve trusted mankind.  I’ve trusted my employer.  I’ve trusted my government.  I’ve trusted my family.  I’ve trusted my friends.  I’ve trusted myself.  I’ve been let down at one time or another by every one of them.  Not because of their shortcomings, but rather because of my expectations. 

None other than the Father, the Creator of all things can be trusted completely with my heart, my mind and my soul.  Who else can secure my place in eternity?  Can you?  Can your best friend?  Can your parents, brothers or sisters?  Can your spouse or children?  You know the answer to the question.  If there is an eternity, and there is, than the only One who can allow entry is the Creator of eternity.  He has set in place the process, the plan and the means by which we may partake.  The entire choice falls upon the shoulders of the living, the walking and the breathing.  Each must decide independently if they are willing to take a stand on the side of truth and justice, on the side of righteousness and freedom from the control and dominance of the world that seeks to control.

Your choice is to trust in Him and the truth that has been passed on from generation to generation over thousands of years.  The story isn’t new, it’s as old as time.  It is not fabricated to placate the materialistic self centered desires of your heart.  It is not a fairy tale that was passed on to make people feel better about their future.  It’s rich in truth, justice and purpose.  It overflows with promises that have been left unmet in any humanistic measure, yet completely fulfilled through His sovereignty.  We question His existence because we can’t grasp the richness of what is promised with our simple minds.  It takes a trust that is greater than your ability to see it – it takes faith in something you believe in.  Are you tired of trusting in each other and ready to find the only One worth trusting in?  It’s time.

Almighty God,
No other can be called by Your name.  None other could have created the entirety of the solar system and all that exists.  Forgive us Lord, for seeking alternative, logical answers that are within our grasp rather than trusting in Your promises for what lies before us.  Strengthen us Lord to possess a faith that is not contingent upon proof, facts or figures, but strictly upon the heart and love that we possess for You.  Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we might walk within Your path of righteousness and live within Your grace.  In Your name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
For additional Daily Thoughts, please visit:

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“Now, fellow Israelites, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did your leaders.  But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that his Messiah would suffer” - Acts 3:17-18

Peter, speaking to those who had gathered to witness a miraculous healing of a man at the gates of the city; made it clear that Jesus was the Messiah, and they had all been a part of the conviction and crucifixion.  He represents to those present that only Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of old, that foretold of the Messiah, his birth, his life, the miracles, his death and resurrection.

Many have researched and calculated the odds of any one man fulfilling the prophecies regarding the Messiah.  It is demonstrated throughout scripture how Jesus Christ has fulfilled these prophecies, but he can’t be the only one, right?  Well, let’s take a look at the numbers.  There are hundreds of prophecies related to the life of the Messiah.  The odds of any one person fulfilling all of those is an immeasurable number.  So let’s look at just a small sampling.  Take 8 prophecies : Born in Bethlehem, Born of a Virgin, Be from Nazareth, Descendent of Judah, Descendent of Jesse, Descendent of David, No bones broken and Betrayed by a friend.  Jesus had no control over any of these.  He could not have caused them or prevented them from happening.

The odds of one man fulfilling these 8 prophecies is one hundred million billion to one.  This has been calculated numerous times, by scholars, math PHDs and scientists over the last few centuries.   To grasp just how big these odds are, picture this.  Take this many silver dollars, and spread them out over the great state of Texas (268,820 square miles).  The pile of silver dollars would be two feet deep.  Now, color one silver dollar red and hide it amongst all of these silver dollars.  Blindfold an individual and ask them to pick up the one red silver dollar.  An impossible task, I’m sure you would agree.

Jesus fulfilled hundreds of prophecies and will fulfill the remaining prophecies in the end days.  He was sent by God to bring order back to the world, and establish a path of salvation.  This is the only way it is conceivable that any one man could fulfill the hundreds of prophecies as were foretold thousands of years before his birth.  Personally, I don’t need this proof in my life, for I have faith and trust that He is my Savior, but I realize there are many that do.  Many have attempted to disprove Jesus as the Messiah, and not one has been able to overcome this mathematical fact.  Perhaps, this little bit of math work will help another come to the same realization that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.
God Almighty,
You alone created the world, the universe and mankind.  You alone brought Your Son to create a plan of redemption, salvation and eternal life.  Through Your actions You have proven time and time again that Jesus was the Messiah, and that Your love for mankind is real.  Help us to see through the rhetoric and confusion of this world, to accept that there is something greater in Your eternal plans for us.  Provide us the wisdom to stand strong in Your defense and share Your gospel with others unashamedly.  In Your name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
For additional Daily Thoughts, please visit:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Ultimate Purpose

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It
 “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. “  – John 19:30

He was born in a small town about 5 miles from Jerusalem.  His parents were loving, trusting individuals from a strong line of Jewish heritage.  The village of their ancestors was Nazareth, in the North, between Mount Carmel and Mount Tabor.  I can imagine the joyous celebration they received when they finally returned a few years after the baby was born.  Mary’s mother would have embraced the young boy, held him close to her bosom and shed tears of joy over her new Grandson.  Mary’s father would have inspected his Grandson for anything that might prevent him from being a strong contributor in their society, and he would have found him to be perfect.

Did he cry when he fell down and scraped his knee?  Did he and the other boys in Nazareth play games in the fields and over the hills of the country side, chasing the sheep amidst the shouting of the nearby shepherds?  Did his desire for the truth and increased knowledge from the scrolls overwhelm his appetite to become the Savior of the world?  At what point did he realize that he was going to have a painful and hard life?  By his adolescent years, was he teaching the Pharisees or were they teaching him?  He learned the trade of carpentry from his father, Joseph.  Did he make and sell tables, chairs, wagons and wheels?  We know very little about his upbringing, but we do know, from the scriptures, of his ministry and purpose in life.

When Jesus said, “It is finished”, what was he referring to?  We all understand this to mean his work, his ministry and his purpose.  But, was it really finished, or had it just begun? As he walked the streets of Jerusalem, Jericho, Bethlehem, Capernaum and Bethany was he fulfilling a purpose in life or was he laying a foundation?  We are blessed by the scribes, writers and authors of the New Testament, because 2000 years later we are able to experience and relive his steps in and around Israel.  This single man traveled in a relatively small area of the globe, less than 8100 sq. miles, living out his purpose for no more than 3 years.  The land mass of the earth is just over 57 million sq  miles, so Israel represents less than 1/100th of one percent.  Many estimate that Jesus crucifixion was in AD 33.  Since that time there have been 1979 years that have passed by.  If his ministry was no more than 3 years, this represents less than 1/10th of one percent in time.

This one man’s name has been on the lips of mankind for the entirety of these 1979 years in one way or another.  So thinking back to his words on the cross – “It is finished”, referred to the beginning of God’s plan of salvation.  The completion of one act triggered the beginning of a movement that to this very day has forced mankind to rethink our morals, values, spirituality and life purpose.  His single, selfless act of dying on that cross provided an opportunity for all mankind to reach eternity with God the Father.  What he finished on that day, started the march towards the end of time.  God has defined that there will be an end, and a judgment of all people.  What Jesus completed was the atonement of mankind’s sin.  From the fall of mankind in the garden of Eden, to the moment Jesus uttered those words on the cross the eternal salvation for mankind was in jeopardy.  The words left his mouth and the veil in the temple ripped from top to bottom, signifying that God was no longer hidden from man, but available to all mankind through this act of sacrifice.  We are given the opportunity for eternal peace because Jesus fulfilled his purpose in life and for no other reason.

Heavenly Father,
You have provided the sacrifice for the atonement of our sins.  Jesus fulfilled his purpose, as defined by Your plan of salvation.  His perfect life represents to us the love, mercy and strength of the Father, if we are too accept it.  I ask Lord, that you strengthen me today.  Give me the courage, confidence and wisdom to make decisions that uplift Your name and Your purpose in my life.  As I come to the end of each day, let the words be upon my lips that I lived for You today.  Let those I meet today see Your peace, love and grace in my life, that they might be influenced in Your plan of righteousness.  I ask these things in Your name, amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
For additional Daily Thoughts, please visit:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Age Old Question

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It
 “Now, this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent. “ –John 17:3

A nice guy in history.
A great prophet.
A humble, loving man
A liar or crazy person.
A figment of our imagination, he never existed.
A magician, studied in the ways of magic.
A carpenter who was a radical cult leader in ancient times.
A Jew from 2000 years ago.
A rockstar of that day and age.
A character from a story that got blown out of proportion

Words coming from the lips of some college students when asked one question, “Who is Jesus Christ?”  The most talked about and controversial man in history.  Of course there are those who will gladly and strongly state the truth when asked this question.

He is my Savior and Lord
The Messiah
The Son of God
God in human form

The truth of the matter is that every single person that has been born in the last 2000 years has had to come to their own decision.  It’s not a question that can be avoided, it requires an answer on one side of the fence or the other.  By not making a decision, you are making a decision.

The derogatory responses about the man – Jesus Christ; are blasphe
mous and according to the gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke are still able to find grace and be saved: “Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter,  but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.” (Mark 3:28-29)  Blas
pheming the Holy Spirit (One with Christ and God the Father) will result in eternal damnation.  It’s biblical, it’s truth, it’s not something that is just a story or taken out of context.  If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that the Bible is the Word of God, than this must be true.  God does not lie, mislead or misguide – He is perfect, sovereign and creator of all things.

We cannot save someone, only God the Father can.  Our role, our purpose is to make sure we are spreading His Word to the far reaches of the world, so that every man, woman and child is given the opportunity to answer the question.  The 1st book of Jude (
Jude 1) tells of the evil within mankind near the end of times, “They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.” (Jude 1:18-19)  It is painful to stand by and watch as the media and masses wrongfully deny the deity of Jesus Christ.  But it is important to realize that God is all knowing and immutable.  None of this takes Him by surprise and He has incredible patience (2 Peter 3:9), and He does not wear a watch.  We must trust in His plan although we do not understand it, we must know that He will fulfill it.

Prayer:God of Heaven,
You are Holy, and none other is.  You have made the heavens and earth from nothing and created mankind and all other things in the world.  You have laid the foundation of the world and have written the ending.  Only You are sovereign and all-knowing.  Forgive us for our pride, our self centeredness and our inability to trust in You.  Help Your children be a voice in the wilderness so others will come to know of Your love and grace.  Let Your words be upon my lips this day, in Your name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
For additional Daily Thoughts, please visit:

Monday, March 19, 2012

Patience is Hard

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It
 “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion.  For the Lord is a God of justice.  Blessed are all who wait for him!” – Isaiah 30:18

I lack patience, but then again I believe we all do.  Living in the 21st century with the fast paced life of instant on communications, texting, internet and drive through lifestyles we seldom step back and wait.  There is an old adage, “Good things will come to those who wait”, and yet we still struggle with patiently waiting.  I am not sure that you could blame it on any one thing.  I think each of us are driven for closure in our checkbox, to-do list lifestyle.  There is so much on our plates each and every day that the sooner we can take things off our list the more fulfilled and complete our life feels. 

Face it, as you look at the life you are living, there is more to do in any given day than can possibly be accomplished.  You are given 86,400 seconds in a day and the last time I checked it is a commodity that you cannot get more of.  You can’t buy more time, you can’t add another second to the clock, or create a 61st minute in an hour.  Time is finite despite every wish, dream and prayer to get more of it.

I’ve spent the last 10 days in Asia, planting seeds and doing the work of the Lord, as He called me to do.  It’s difficult to spend such a short time in a place, meeting incredible people, sharing in the love of the Father and then getting back on a plane heading home feeling incomplete.  There are over a billion people there wanting something more than what they have today spiritually, yet unable to believe that it exists when it is presented.  Yet, just because my eyes are not awarded with the glory of seeing their hearts change, my faith and belief is in God the Father to do wondrous works from the seeds that He has allowed me to plant.

Have you noticed that God is not in a hurry.  You and I are caught up in this frivolous, fast paced lifestyle, but He waits.  Isaiah tells us that He is a God of justice and in time He will make all things right.  My desire though is to see it happen, to see the fruit blossom and grow.  Then I ask myself why.  Why is it so important for me to see the fruits from the labor?  Perhaps there is an underlying gratification that I am seeking, to substantiate my work and my efforts.  Shame on me, for my labor is nothing more than an extension of His great sacrifice and grace.  Can I save someone?  Can I change the heart of a non-believer?  Can I increase the faith of a lost soul?  No, of course not – this is the work of God Almighty and only Him.  Our purpose in life is to live as an example and share His love, so others may come to know Him.  Only God can nourish, fertilize and birth a redeemed heart.  So we must live with patience and trust that our efforts, when aligned with His purpose, are not in vain. 

God Almighty,
Thank You for the opportunity to travel and share Your love with others.  Thank You for the words to say at the right time, and the opportunity to meet others who have a passion for Your word.  I ask that You pour out Your blessings on those that have been touched by Your word over these last 10 days.  Soften their hearts that they may come to see clearly the truth that is available to them.  Break the bonds that suppress their ambitions and desire to seek You.  Let them come to know You more and let them share this knowledge with those they reach.  I ask Your blessings on the strong and faithful as they continue to labor in love for Your church.  I ask these things in Your precious and holy name.  Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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Friday, March 9, 2012

God is God

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It
(19)“What is the way to the abode of light?
And where does darkness reside?
. . .
(28)Does the rain have a father?
Who fathers the drops of dew?” Job 38

Think, don’t react, just think for a moment about everything around you.  Take a look at the trees, the bark on the trees, the heartwood and sapwood inside of the tree, the budding flowers as new leaves are formed, the roots stretching far underground and of course the leaves on the trees.  It draws nutrients from the soil, water from earth and from the sky, carbon dioxide from the air and distributes all of this throughout the entire ecosystem of it’s structure so that every part gets exactly what it needs to survive.  It’s branches grow toward the light, it’s roots extend in every direction to provide strength and support, it’s leaves fall off and are recreated and each one is unique in it’s design.  Tell me who designed this infrastructure and ecosystem so perfectly.  Was it Pascal, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Aristotle, Socrates  . . . . .   You get my point, right? 

We know the formula for water, but can we create it?  Can you tell me how to create a single grain of sand or dirt?  Where do I go to learn how to create wood? 

There is a Creator of everything that makes up this incredible sphere called earth, and the universe around us.  He spoke it into being.  There was nothing but an expanse, He spoke and it began.  He is the only one who has created water, soil and air.  He formed the trees, the rocks, the mountains and the depths of the oceans.  He created light from nothing, to shine through the darkness.  The perfection of everything around could not just happen in such intricate detail to sustain itself in perfect harmony. 

Why do we continue to believe that we are here simply by happenchance?  We were created by God with unbelievable, intricate detail as well.  There is nothing about you that is not known by Him.  He has created to do amazing things.  It’s time to recognize that God is God, He made you perfectly, and He doesn’t make mistakes.  Today is your day to make use of everything He has given you.  Ready, Set, Go !

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
For additional Daily Thoughts, please visit:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Have a Blessed Day

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It
 “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.“ – Philippians 4:12

Most of us could quote the very next verse without opening the cover of our bible.  I’ll give you a hint; it starts with “I can do all . . . . “ That’s right; “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” {Phil 4:13}  It’s important to realize why Paul the Apostle was saying this.  It is not a verse to stand alone, no it is the conclusion to his statement above in Phil 4:12. 

Are you blessed?  Do you consider that God has blessed you in this life?  What happens when you don’t receive the blessing you feel you deserve?  Was there ever a promise in the scriptures that says your life will be easier by following God?  It’s interesting to contemplate who we think God is, and just what He owes us.

More and more I see people blame God when things go wrong, and analyze until they’re blue in the face why God didn’t do this or didn’t fix that.  Is that who we believe God to be?  The one to fix our problems and get us out of situations that our actions have gotten us in to?  Let’s look at the examples we have from scripture:

David – murdered the husband of the woman he had an affair with after discovering that she was pregnant with his child……God help me

Moses – From the luxuries of Pharoah’s palace to the desolation of Mount Horeb as a shepherd after killing an Egyptian in defense of an Israelite slave who was being beaten at the time …… Why God

Moses – Never enters Canaan after leading the Israelites out of Egypt and wandering in the desert for 40 years ….. What are you doing God

Job – A favored child of God, a man who lived by the law and did no wrong; lost his family, his possessions, his house and his health at the hand of Satan, with the full blessing of God the Father….. Why me God

Matthew – Some records indicate that his little brother was murdered by King Herod’s guards after Christ was born, simply because he was a boy under the age of 2 ….. I turn my back on you God

Paul – Educated in University to be a Pharisee, highly exalted amongst his Jewish peers, destined for a life of luxury.  Then salvation and hardship - shipwrecked, beaten near death, imprisoned multiple times, life threatened time and time again ….. To serve God is my blessing

Just a few examples of the men we find in scripture that we hold up as our mentors and our examples.  Each struggled mightily in life, and it is my belief that they were much closer in their walk with God than I will ever be.  Am I truly that entitled to a life of no hardship, no struggles, and no grief simply because I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord?

God gave me salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.  He owes me nothing more.  My life is a representation of His love for mankind, if I choose to use it for that purpose.  Even then, I am not promised a life with no struggle, no heartache and no pain.  Yet, I choose to remain faithful through it all, trusting that God is Sovereign and is in control.  I don’t need to understand it, I just need to trust that I am His child, born again and will one day lay my head upon His lap in peace.  Until then it is my job to wake up each day and praise Him, regardless of my circumstance. 

God doesn’t leave your side when you are struggling, hurting or in need.  He doesn’t abandon you and He isn’t punishing you by allowing these things.  I do not believe God exists to make my life comfortable and to ensure that I am happy.  I exist for Him, not the other way around.  I am not entitled to anything in life; everything I have is more than I deserve because when it all comes down to it, I deserve to go to Hell.  God has already given me more than I could or should ever want and that is eternal life in Heaven with Him and Jesus Christ.  I am very Blessed indeed.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Roller Coaster Life

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It

 “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. “ – Matthew 6:13

Well, it’s happened again.  I start off each year with such a great desire and thorough plan to lose weight, watch what I eat and get back into shape.  Like, every other year, by the time we get to St. Patrick’s Day I have resorted right back to my old ways.  There is just something that breaks down each year and my will power gives in.  Anyone else having the same problem?   

This year I swore off of fast foods, soda (pop), and late night eating.  I committed to 88 ounces of water a day reduce the carb intake (bagels are a major weakness of mine) while eating more vegetables and fruit.  It was all going so well during January, with a few slips in February and now in early March, I’m completely off the wagon again.  It’s so easy to say, “Oh just this once, what can it hurt.”  Well after saying that everyday for the last two weeks, it has become obvious what can be hurt.  The beltline is a little tighter these days, and the energy has dissipated significantly.   Hmmmmm…..think there is a connection.  Most likely.

Does this remind you of your walk with Christ?

For most of us the correlation is spot on.  We come to the alter, arms lifted high, praises upon our lips and we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord with unbelievably great intentions.  As we leave the church our hearts are full of His love, the mind is reeling with ideas and plans to take on the world.  A new warrior has been born again, ready to serve.  The moment of salvation is an incredibly righteous moment in one’s life, where their desire to live for God and impact others for His sake is at it’s apex.

Then a few weeks go by, maybe a few months and the problems in life did not go away.  The temptations that haunted us before salvation are still there knocking on the door after salvation. The desires are still there, whispering in your ear.  ”It’s not going to hurt anyone or anything” or “Just this once, it’s no big deal”.  Giving in seems harmless from a worldly perspective but it weakens the heart and mind from a spiritual perspective. 

It takes commitment, resolve and determination to repent from our old ways and charge after the new.  The greek word for repent is metanoia which means to change, to turn around.  It takes a deliberate action to choose not to partake in the action that demonstrates your commitment to the world and choose to partake in the actions that demonstrate commitment to God.  We can’t have both.  It is the time to buckle down, focus and re-commit to the One who offers eternal salvation and grace.  Giving in to the temptations of life is a big deal and is Satan’s biggest angle to divide us from God’s plan for our life.  Guard yourself against the evil one by relying on the Holy Spirit within you for strength to overcome.

Almighty God,
I lift Your name in praise and worship this morning, for You alone are God.   There are no others but You with the love, compassion and grace for eternity.  I am sorry Lord for my weakness and giving in to temptation, please forgive my transgressions.  Strengthen me Lord, that I might become an overcomer and resist the works of evil in my life.  Help me to be a beacon of hope to those who cannot see Your love through the chaos and confusion of worldly values.  In Your name we pray – Amen 

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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