Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

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“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time” –2 Timothy 1:9

As the rain came down the roads began to become slick.  He let off the accelerator to maintain a safe speed.  It had been a long day and the center line was becoming a blur as he fought to keep his eyes from closing.  He turned up the radio, turned on the cold air to blow in his face. He only needed to make it another 15 miles and then he could find a hotel and turn in for the night.  He knew he was pushing himself too far, but this stretch of highway offered no other alternatives.  There were no rest stops, no exits and no gas stations.  He had a cup of luke warm coffee from a few hours back and the caffeine helped, but he still felt his energy draining. 

As he came up over the hill he saw headlights.  The first he had seen in at least 30 minutes.  He became entranced by the headlights and realized that his eyes were becoming heavier the more he stared.  The oncoming truck was still a ½ mile away when his eyes collapsed and gave way.  His car had crossed the center line before he was jarred awake by the loud thunderous sound of screeching tires and the loud horn of the passing truck.  His car had completely crossed the other lane of traffic and the truck veered around him, narrowly missing the rear passengers corner of his car.  Pressing the brakes, his car slid on the wet pavement, turned in a complete 360 degree  circle and came to rest on the dirt embankment on the other side of the road.

Frequently we hear of stories similar to this, that despite everything the person tried to prevent something from happening, it still happens.  Yet, even through the experience and event we are protected and kept from harms way.  Most will claim it to be good luck or fate, some will acknowledge it to be a small miracle and God watching over them.  In each case though we come to realize that we are not in control of the situation.
As hard as we might try to do things the right way, donate to charities, help out at the hospice or spend time with the elderly or the needy; these acts in and of themselves will not get you one step closer to heaven.  Many believe that God has a scorecard and is keeping track of your actions and once you have achieved a certain number of good deeds, the gates of heaven are opened.  This couldn’t be farther from the truth.  The gates of heaven are open to you and everyone else around you because of one thing and one thing only – God’s grace.  His grace was revealed through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.  By sacrificing this spotless, perfect man; He atoned for the sins of mankind and created a path to salvation.  In no way did you nor I deserve this gift from the Father; yet His love is so incredibly deep that He chose to give it to us despite our unworthiness.  

Nothing you can do will make God’s act of compassion and grace any more real.  It is sufficient for any unrighteousness in your life up to now and forever more.  There is nothing you can do to achieve more than what He has already provided, for nothing is greater than eternity with God the Father.  Our actions are a means to demonstrate the love, the passion, the peace and the grace that we have received from the Father.  They are not a means to earn His love and grace, for it is already done.  Keep your eyes on the road and trust in His grace.

Prayer:Heavenly Father,
You have provided the perfect plan of salvation from before we were born.  You knew our hearts and our minds, and through Your love and grace redeemed our unrighteousness.  Our sins are atoned for through the blood of the lamb, and the resurrection.  We receive Your grace, not because we deserve it, but because You have given it.  Help us to share that love and grace with others we meet throughout our daily walk.  In Your name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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