Friday, March 2, 2012

What Doesn’t He Hear

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It
 “Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. “ –  James 3:10
As the day breaks and the birds startle to life, their sounds are lifted upon the winds to be carried to those that will hear.  Their morning chirping is a constant reminder that we have all been given a voice to sing praise to the Creator each and every day.  Perhaps not literally, for those of you who may not enjoy singing, but lifting praise in a manner that is worthy of His love for you.  For a moment, close your eyes while you count to 60 (in your mind) and just listen.  The sounds of the quietness around echo through your mind.

Did you hear a clock perhaps, or traffic, or the family pet walking through the room?
Did you hear your own breathing as your body naturally slowed down for just one minute?
Did you hear the hum of your computer fan, or the music that might be playing from your smart phone?

All of these sounds that are naturally around you every day ripple as sound waves through the air around you.  Invisible, yet we know they are there, because of the evidence as it hits our eardrum.  As much as you are constantly surrounded by sound, whether you notice it or not, it is always there.  Likewise, every word that comes from your mouth echoes upon the air waves and reaches others around you.  Those within hearing distance are bombarded with your words as well as others within the vicinity.  Are your words encouraging, loving and uplifting – or degrading, damaging and painful to those within earshot?

Is the Lord within earshot?
Is He ever not within earshot is a better way to phrase the question.  As you closed your eyes, you were able to concentrate for 1 minute on those sounds around you.  In His spiritual Oneness with you, God is within the range of hearing your every word, always, without deep concentration.  The words that come from your lips are a constant, resonating sound to the Lord.  Are they worthy of His grace and love, or are they representative of the worldly views that we carry with us.  

You know right from wrong, good from evil and this pertains to the language and choice of words we use to express ourselves.  Choose wisely, for the impact on others around you and your Heavenly Father is unbecoming of demonstrating His peace, love and grace to others.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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