Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Age Old Question

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It
 “Now, this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent. “ –John 17:3

A nice guy in history.
A great prophet.
A humble, loving man
A liar or crazy person.
A figment of our imagination, he never existed.
A magician, studied in the ways of magic.
A carpenter who was a radical cult leader in ancient times.
A Jew from 2000 years ago.
A rockstar of that day and age.
A character from a story that got blown out of proportion

Words coming from the lips of some college students when asked one question, “Who is Jesus Christ?”  The most talked about and controversial man in history.  Of course there are those who will gladly and strongly state the truth when asked this question.

He is my Savior and Lord
The Messiah
The Son of God
God in human form

The truth of the matter is that every single person that has been born in the last 2000 years has had to come to their own decision.  It’s not a question that can be avoided, it requires an answer on one side of the fence or the other.  By not making a decision, you are making a decision.

The derogatory responses about the man – Jesus Christ; are blasphe
mous and according to the gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke are still able to find grace and be saved: “Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter,  but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.” (Mark 3:28-29)  Blas
pheming the Holy Spirit (One with Christ and God the Father) will result in eternal damnation.  It’s biblical, it’s truth, it’s not something that is just a story or taken out of context.  If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that the Bible is the Word of God, than this must be true.  God does not lie, mislead or misguide – He is perfect, sovereign and creator of all things.

We cannot save someone, only God the Father can.  Our role, our purpose is to make sure we are spreading His Word to the far reaches of the world, so that every man, woman and child is given the opportunity to answer the question.  The 1st book of Jude (
Jude 1) tells of the evil within mankind near the end of times, “They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.” (Jude 1:18-19)  It is painful to stand by and watch as the media and masses wrongfully deny the deity of Jesus Christ.  But it is important to realize that God is all knowing and immutable.  None of this takes Him by surprise and He has incredible patience (2 Peter 3:9), and He does not wear a watch.  We must trust in His plan although we do not understand it, we must know that He will fulfill it.

Prayer:God of Heaven,
You are Holy, and none other is.  You have made the heavens and earth from nothing and created mankind and all other things in the world.  You have laid the foundation of the world and have written the ending.  Only You are sovereign and all-knowing.  Forgive us for our pride, our self centeredness and our inability to trust in You.  Help Your children be a voice in the wilderness so others will come to know of Your love and grace.  Let Your words be upon my lips this day, in Your name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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