Monday, March 19, 2012

Patience is Hard

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 “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion.  For the Lord is a God of justice.  Blessed are all who wait for him!” – Isaiah 30:18

I lack patience, but then again I believe we all do.  Living in the 21st century with the fast paced life of instant on communications, texting, internet and drive through lifestyles we seldom step back and wait.  There is an old adage, “Good things will come to those who wait”, and yet we still struggle with patiently waiting.  I am not sure that you could blame it on any one thing.  I think each of us are driven for closure in our checkbox, to-do list lifestyle.  There is so much on our plates each and every day that the sooner we can take things off our list the more fulfilled and complete our life feels. 

Face it, as you look at the life you are living, there is more to do in any given day than can possibly be accomplished.  You are given 86,400 seconds in a day and the last time I checked it is a commodity that you cannot get more of.  You can’t buy more time, you can’t add another second to the clock, or create a 61st minute in an hour.  Time is finite despite every wish, dream and prayer to get more of it.

I’ve spent the last 10 days in Asia, planting seeds and doing the work of the Lord, as He called me to do.  It’s difficult to spend such a short time in a place, meeting incredible people, sharing in the love of the Father and then getting back on a plane heading home feeling incomplete.  There are over a billion people there wanting something more than what they have today spiritually, yet unable to believe that it exists when it is presented.  Yet, just because my eyes are not awarded with the glory of seeing their hearts change, my faith and belief is in God the Father to do wondrous works from the seeds that He has allowed me to plant.

Have you noticed that God is not in a hurry.  You and I are caught up in this frivolous, fast paced lifestyle, but He waits.  Isaiah tells us that He is a God of justice and in time He will make all things right.  My desire though is to see it happen, to see the fruit blossom and grow.  Then I ask myself why.  Why is it so important for me to see the fruits from the labor?  Perhaps there is an underlying gratification that I am seeking, to substantiate my work and my efforts.  Shame on me, for my labor is nothing more than an extension of His great sacrifice and grace.  Can I save someone?  Can I change the heart of a non-believer?  Can I increase the faith of a lost soul?  No, of course not – this is the work of God Almighty and only Him.  Our purpose in life is to live as an example and share His love, so others may come to know Him.  Only God can nourish, fertilize and birth a redeemed heart.  So we must live with patience and trust that our efforts, when aligned with His purpose, are not in vain. 

God Almighty,
Thank You for the opportunity to travel and share Your love with others.  Thank You for the words to say at the right time, and the opportunity to meet others who have a passion for Your word.  I ask that You pour out Your blessings on those that have been touched by Your word over these last 10 days.  Soften their hearts that they may come to see clearly the truth that is available to them.  Break the bonds that suppress their ambitions and desire to seek You.  Let them come to know You more and let them share this knowledge with those they reach.  I ask Your blessings on the strong and faithful as they continue to labor in love for Your church.  I ask these things in Your precious and holy name.  Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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