Thursday, March 22, 2012


Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“Now, fellow Israelites, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did your leaders.  But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that his Messiah would suffer” - Acts 3:17-18

Peter, speaking to those who had gathered to witness a miraculous healing of a man at the gates of the city; made it clear that Jesus was the Messiah, and they had all been a part of the conviction and crucifixion.  He represents to those present that only Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of old, that foretold of the Messiah, his birth, his life, the miracles, his death and resurrection.

Many have researched and calculated the odds of any one man fulfilling the prophecies regarding the Messiah.  It is demonstrated throughout scripture how Jesus Christ has fulfilled these prophecies, but he can’t be the only one, right?  Well, let’s take a look at the numbers.  There are hundreds of prophecies related to the life of the Messiah.  The odds of any one person fulfilling all of those is an immeasurable number.  So let’s look at just a small sampling.  Take 8 prophecies : Born in Bethlehem, Born of a Virgin, Be from Nazareth, Descendent of Judah, Descendent of Jesse, Descendent of David, No bones broken and Betrayed by a friend.  Jesus had no control over any of these.  He could not have caused them or prevented them from happening.

The odds of one man fulfilling these 8 prophecies is one hundred million billion to one.  This has been calculated numerous times, by scholars, math PHDs and scientists over the last few centuries.   To grasp just how big these odds are, picture this.  Take this many silver dollars, and spread them out over the great state of Texas (268,820 square miles).  The pile of silver dollars would be two feet deep.  Now, color one silver dollar red and hide it amongst all of these silver dollars.  Blindfold an individual and ask them to pick up the one red silver dollar.  An impossible task, I’m sure you would agree.

Jesus fulfilled hundreds of prophecies and will fulfill the remaining prophecies in the end days.  He was sent by God to bring order back to the world, and establish a path of salvation.  This is the only way it is conceivable that any one man could fulfill the hundreds of prophecies as were foretold thousands of years before his birth.  Personally, I don’t need this proof in my life, for I have faith and trust that He is my Savior, but I realize there are many that do.  Many have attempted to disprove Jesus as the Messiah, and not one has been able to overcome this mathematical fact.  Perhaps, this little bit of math work will help another come to the same realization that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.
God Almighty,
You alone created the world, the universe and mankind.  You alone brought Your Son to create a plan of redemption, salvation and eternal life.  Through Your actions You have proven time and time again that Jesus was the Messiah, and that Your love for mankind is real.  Help us to see through the rhetoric and confusion of this world, to accept that there is something greater in Your eternal plans for us.  Provide us the wisdom to stand strong in Your defense and share Your gospel with others unashamedly.  In Your name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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