Monday, March 5, 2012

Stop Hoarding

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 “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!  So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. “ – Revelations 3:15-16

As Spring arrives in Texas wildflowers break through the green blanket in the medians of most roads around Houston.  The weather was unseasonably warm through most of the winter and the pollen and allergies are in full swing already.  We started doing the Spring cleaning around the house this weekend as well.  It’s unbelievable how much “stuff” I have held on to from years gone by, and for what?  Not emotional stuff, or sentimental mementos from my childhood, no I’m talking about the stuff that accumulates and you don’t want to get rid of, because you “might” need it someday.

There is a term for this, it’s called hoarding.   I never pictured myself as a hoarder, but after this weekend I’m ashamed to accept that title (at least when it comes to things in my garage).  Last night as I put things at the curb, it dawned on me – we are all hoarders in our spiritual life.  God came into our life and gave us a spirit of freedom from unrighteousness and transgressions.  Yet, many of us remain loyal to our past, to our spirit of recklessness and abandonment.

We have the Holy Spirit within us battling daily with our worldly spirit.  Unfortunately, the person you were, before accepting Jesus Christ, didn’t vacate the premises on that day.  This creates the tension in life between following what we know to be God’s plan in our life and following the ways of the world, which will draw us farther from Him.  This act of remaining bound to our old ways even though we know they are wrong, is a matter of spiritual hoarding.

Jesus was clear in Revelations 3:15-16 when speaking about the church of Laodicea.  We cannot be lukewarm; in the middle; undecided on this part of your life.  You must be committed to one or the other side.  Certainly there are battles that must be fought between good and evil, but turning back to the ways of our past is demonstrating our lack of faith and trust in God’s path to the future.  Hoarding past relationships, past addictions, habits and lifestyles is something that will constantly be a wedge between us and the Lord, our God.  This must be overcome when we are truly ready to serve the Lord, and until that time, we remain lukewarm in our faith.

It’s time to stop the hoarding and clean the past from your spirit.  Spring afresh with a new light and a new Spirit to serve Him as He deserves.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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