Friday, March 23, 2012

It’s Time

It’s Time

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It (others need to hear)

 “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:  He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” – Psalm 37:5-6

There is no lack of commitment from the one’s I love to help in times of need, and times when I struggle.  Their love is never absent nor far from reach and I am filled with the knowledge that I am always accepted into their arms without question.  But, knowing this and accepting this as truth are 2 different things. I know that they are mere mortals and drawn to the same sinful and unrighteousness that separates me from the Father above.  I’ve trusted mankind.  I’ve trusted my employer.  I’ve trusted my government.  I’ve trusted my family.  I’ve trusted my friends.  I’ve trusted myself.  I’ve been let down at one time or another by every one of them.  Not because of their shortcomings, but rather because of my expectations. 

None other than the Father, the Creator of all things can be trusted completely with my heart, my mind and my soul.  Who else can secure my place in eternity?  Can you?  Can your best friend?  Can your parents, brothers or sisters?  Can your spouse or children?  You know the answer to the question.  If there is an eternity, and there is, than the only One who can allow entry is the Creator of eternity.  He has set in place the process, the plan and the means by which we may partake.  The entire choice falls upon the shoulders of the living, the walking and the breathing.  Each must decide independently if they are willing to take a stand on the side of truth and justice, on the side of righteousness and freedom from the control and dominance of the world that seeks to control.

Your choice is to trust in Him and the truth that has been passed on from generation to generation over thousands of years.  The story isn’t new, it’s as old as time.  It is not fabricated to placate the materialistic self centered desires of your heart.  It is not a fairy tale that was passed on to make people feel better about their future.  It’s rich in truth, justice and purpose.  It overflows with promises that have been left unmet in any humanistic measure, yet completely fulfilled through His sovereignty.  We question His existence because we can’t grasp the richness of what is promised with our simple minds.  It takes a trust that is greater than your ability to see it – it takes faith in something you believe in.  Are you tired of trusting in each other and ready to find the only One worth trusting in?  It’s time.

Almighty God,
No other can be called by Your name.  None other could have created the entirety of the solar system and all that exists.  Forgive us Lord, for seeking alternative, logical answers that are within our grasp rather than trusting in Your promises for what lies before us.  Strengthen us Lord to possess a faith that is not contingent upon proof, facts or figures, but strictly upon the heart and love that we possess for You.  Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we might walk within Your path of righteousness and live within Your grace.  In Your name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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