Friday, July 15, 2011

It's Going to Rain

“And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him.” – Genesis 7:5 {In Context}

Bill Cosby is one of my all time favorite comedians.  His humor was mostly clean and non-disparaging to others.  One of his comedy skits was simply called Noah which describes the Lord requesting Noah to build an Ark and bring the animals in 2 by 2.  Looking past the humor in Bill Cosby’s delivery is the underlying problem that we all face each day.   Can you imagine the reaction of Noah when the Lord spoke to him about the ark?  Simply minding his own business, following the Lord and living righteously.  Then all of a sudden a voice from heaven reigns down and tells him to build an ark, because He is going to flood the earth and wipe out all of mankind, save Noah and his family.  Now that’s a pretty big task if you ask me.  I can’t imagine the Lord telling me He’s going to destroy the earth and I was His choice to start over again.

Do you ever feel or hear the Lord asking you to do something?  How often do we look at the request as an impossible task and push back or find a way to avoid the task?  I know I do.  I’ve rationalized it, thought about it, tried to put my head around the greatness of what He is asking.  The problem comes when my own mind cannot comprehend the Lord’s request and I dismiss it, because it’s outside of my “comfort zone” or because I can’t figure out how the pieces all come together.  I can imagine the great Saints (David, Paul, Peter, Moses, Joshua) looking on from above saying, “Really….did he just blow off God’s request.”  It’s like that though, it really is.

Think about it.  The Creator of the Universe, time and all matter, requests for us to do something, and we have the audacity to think about it, and then say “No, not right now.”  There are people all over the world taking a stand for Jesus Christ and doing what the Lord asks them to do, trusting completely in His plan, His word, His supply and His grace.  Giving up everything worldly to pursue the plan He has laid out for them.  So why do some of us not do what He has asks us to do?  Is it money, is it family, is it fear of the unknown, is it lack of faith and trust?  I’ll step out and answer this question on my behalf and the answer is yes to all of the above.  How about you?  What’s stopping you from following the Lord’s plans for your life?

Noah listened to the Lord, trusted His word and did what He was asked to do.  I’m quite sure the Lord’s plan for you doesn’t involve building an ark, but it is likely just as impactful in an eternal perspective.

Think about this.  If you were 18 years old again and had your entire life ahead of you; no job, no bills, no house payment, no car payment, no obligations.  What would you do if the Lord said, “Come and follow me”?  Now realizing that you likely do have obligations, bills, a job and a house payment; how much more complicated is it to follow the Lord’s calling?  Should it be, or does this say we actually trust ourselves more than we trust God.  In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus says these words - “follow me” - 7 different times.  If you are wondering what God’s plan is for your life, I think this is a good place to start. 

Heavenly Father,
I hear Your call on my life.  I desire to follow Your call, but my humanity and worldly views are getting in the way.  Please help me to overcome my desires to fully embrace Your plans for me.  I want to do Your will and serve You with all that I have.  I give You the glory, in Your name I pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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