Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A King Amongst Us

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“I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill." - Psalm 2:6

  His hands were small, his fingers fat little stubs, soft to the touch and a delicate peach in color.  I imagine he cried when the cold night air filled his lungs for the first time.  As his father cut through the umbilical cord, his screams could be heard through the valley.  His eyes opened that first night as he lay in the darkness near his mother’s bosom.  Her loving comfort, soft murmurs and sweet singing of hymns quieted his fear that evening, and likewise for many evenings to come.  Songs from her youth, songs from her father and his that had been passed on from generation to generation in the faith of Father Abraham and King David.

From the moment the angel visited Mary, as a young girl in Nazareth, her life was to be forever changed. The Angel Gabriel told Mary, “The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.” (Luke 1:32-33)  As she held that child in her arms that very first night and sung him lullabies to calm him, could she comprehend all that was to happen in the next 32 years leading up to Calvary.  As any mother after giving birth, she must have been exhausted, yet in my heart I believe the Lord would have given her supernatural strength enough to love, exalt and find peace in holding the King of All Kings in her arms.

Kings are inherently jealous of one another, and have very little temperament for uprisings against their throne.   This has gone on throughout history and one doesn’t have to look far to realize that it is still going on today.  In the times of Jesus birth, King Herod heard of the birth of a king and sent his military to kill all the male children under 2 years of age in the land of Bethlehem.  Fear of losing his throne drove him to react in a manner of this world, but as we know God’s chosen King would be protected.

Throughout his life there were no gold, no purple robes or signet rings.  There were no crowns of gold and fine jewels, no scepter or palace for him to rest his head.  He lived a humble life, serving mankind and loving others as God loved.  His royalty wasn’t recognized until the final 2 years of his life.  Yet even then there was no fanfare until the final week of his life.  He was a teacher, a rabbi in the streets and along the shores of ancient Judea.  Sandals covered his dirty feet, and his robes were likely soiled with daily dust and sweat.  At some point, his mother and those that followed him had to ask, “What is it with Jesus, when will he overthrow the Kingdom and establish himself as the rightful King” 

Even more so, they must have been shocked when they saw their king, the one they had trusted in, being dragged away in chains to his death.  Did they lose faith in him as their king when they saw his bloodied face and body carrying the cross through the streets of Jerusalem.  Did they comprehend that he was actually on his way to claiming his throne at that very moment.  The Sadducees and Pharisees out of fear and blindness, had no idea that they were actually entering into fulfillment of ancient prophecy by their actions in demanding his crucifixion.  Pontius Pilot could not have comprehended the depth of Jesus comments, "You are a king, then!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." (John 18:37)

Jesus Christ was born to be a King.  Not a king of this world, temporary and filled with greed, lust and self-righteousness; no, a King of the Most High God, over all of heaven and earth.  His Kingdom will reign forever, thanks to His resurrection from the grave.  There will come a day when we will stand in the presence of this glorious King and bow before His throne, singing praises and worshiping Him.  As we testify of His truth to the world and stand firm in it, we are ushered into His presence on this earth and can participate in His Kingdom within our heart and soul.  Do not wrap yourself up in defining kingdoms and empires of this world – for they will crumble one day, just as the kingdoms of old will.  Look to serve the true King of Kings by living out His will in your life until the day He calls us to join Him at His throne.

Almighty Father,
You are sovereign and all knowing.  You are omnipotent and everlasting Lord, and we worship all that You are.  You have given us a King to glorify and honor in our actions, thoughts, words and steps.  We praise the name of Jesus Christ as King of all Kings and Lord of Lords.  Sanctify us Lord that we might put on His righteousness in this life and live to sing praises at His throne for eternity.  Let us not be lost seeking worldly kingdoms.  For only through You and by Your grace are we redeemed and allowed into Your perfect heaven.  In Your name we pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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