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“Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil;
live as servants of God.” –1 Peter 2:16
The debate will continue long after my feet have left this
earth. It started centuries ago and
continues to this very day. A man’s freedom
to do and say what he wants often times encroaches on another man’s freedoms or
liberties and in this case who is rightfully due their respective freedom? There were 10 Amendments to the US
Constitution, ratified in 1791, drawn up
to ensure that the rights and freedoms of the people, were addressed with some order
and that people were given the freedom to pursuit life outside of the tyranny
of the Government. These 10 Amendments
(known as the Bill of Rights) can be found here. Today I want to focus on one of those 10
Amendments, and it is the most commonly referenced of all the Amendments.
We have freedom of religion.
It is not something that can be or ever should be imposed by our
Government. One of the greatest freedoms
we experience in this life should not be guarded and managed/controlled by
mankind. It is a spiritual freedom, one
that each of us in our own manner must come to experience. Within the United States of America we have a
melting pot of religions expressed throughout our land. Statistics would show that within America we
have those who are Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Wiccan, New Age, Christian
and even those who have no belief or are agnostic. This freedom is essential to the core of what
our fore-fathers put into the Bill of Rights.
As much as I believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord, there are
those who believe that he was just a great prophet or really nice guy.

We are making the same choices today. The world knows about God Almighty and His Son Jesus Christ. Yet, there are those in the world who are choosing to turn away from God and pursue the world’s freedoms, rooted in evil and deception. One cannot pursue the world’s freedom and expect to fully serve God, for God’s ways are not of this world. Each of us are making choices for the worlds freedoms each and every day as we choose to follow God’s plans or our own plans. You are no different than Adam and Eve. God is saying “Follow Me”, and you are saying “No, I know where I want to go. But I still love you God.” Don’t be misled by the freedoms that the world has granted you and confuse them with the ultimate freedom God has in store for you in eternity. Think through your decisions carefully and evaluate them based on who’s path are you really following.
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