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“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:7
It is inevitable that one of the contestants will make the statement at some
point during her run for Miss America, and it goes something like this, “I’d like to solve hunger in third world
countries and bring peace to the nations of the world.” It’s become cliché , an anticipated answer without any substance or
expectation of reality. We hear the
answer and tune it out immediately, with little thought or belief that it is
remotely possible. I propose that it’s
not. World Peace on this earth is not
possible, for mankind is inherently sinful and unrighteous. Self-centered thinking along with pride,
lust, anger, vengeance, selfishness and greed are pervasive throughout our
society, and represent a direct antithesis against achieving world peace. So why then does it remain on the top of the
list for those things that people want to achieve in life?

There is a perceived state of euphoria where there are no problems or worries or strife. Where everyone gets what they want and their needs are all taken care of. We dream of a place where rest is plentiful and stress is nonexistent, where love is never ending and humility abounds. The reality is that each of us will suffer pain in life, emotionally and physically. When a loved one dies or an injustice takes place against us we are left struggling with unanswered questions. Getting over the hurt and pain takes years in many cases and most times we are never completely healed. Some turn to their friends for comfort, some turn to their work, while others will turn to drugs, alcohol or other means of depravity to cover up the pain. The truth of the matter is, when left to our own abilities and knowledge, we are incapable of realizing peace in this life.
We must accept that God’s love overcomes anything in this world. Only through this love are we able to find comfort and peace. This peace comes in an acceptance that God is fully in control and overseeing everything in our life. He hears every cry, understands every hurt and sees the injustice of the world. He provides strength to overcome these things through His word and through His grace. The scriptures are filled with His words of comfort and wisdom to support anything we are facing today, tomorrow and into the future. We are His beloved children and if we accept this, we are entitled to the peace that only He can provide. This peace comes from realizing that we must trust Him without understanding how or why He loves us, but just accepting that He does.
This peace gives us a perspective beyond the problems we face today, and allow us to focus on the eternal picture. With this mindset we are capable of finding rest from the stress and pressure in life. Don’t misunderstand me, your problems and pain don’t magically disappear, but the realization that we aren’t in control and He is, makes managing these situations bearable. Just breathe in and breathe out, take one step at a time and trust in His love for you.
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