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“This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the
number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.” –Revelations 13:18
I must admit I am as superstitious as the next person. There is something about the number 666 that makes me stop and think about the situation every time. For example, if I’m purchasing something and the total comes to $666, I’m going to add a pack of gum or a bottle of water so the total price changes. If I’m traveling and the hotel room they give me is 666, I’m asking for a different room. Some will say it’s silly, and to some degree their right, but there is no way I want to be associated in any way with that number.

We believe the stories of creation, or Moses crossing the Red Sea, or David killing Goliath, or Daniel living through the night in the lion’s den and that Christ lived, died and rose again. Why, then do we come to passages like this and try to claim symbolism, or state that it’s not to be taken literally. Either the entirety of the Holy Bible is God ordained or none of it is. I believe the Bible is God’s word for us. It is not intended to confuse us, or misguide us, or cause us to question Him. We often times try to take the pieces of the Bible that pertain to us and accept those, but throw other parts out as not relevant to our lives. You can’t have it both ways. It’s either; all true and applicable to you or it’s not.
Am I justified in my superstition of the number 666? No, probably not. It’s just a number, a combination of digits pieced together to fit in a linear numerical scale after 665 and before 667. But, I believe the word of God and if His word tells me that this is the number of the beast and it will come to pass that all people will be forced to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. (Rev. 13:16-17) I am going to avoid any situation where I am associated with that number.
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