Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Be the Neighbor they Talk About

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."  - Hebrews 10:23

  I look around and ask myself where is the greatness that has been promised. The world seems so drawn around problems today. People seem so caught up in living their dream without concerns for those that are losing their dreams. When we see the viral nature of media with an absolute biasness towards a political agenda, where are we to look to find the truth?

  Generations that have come and gone before us, held onto moral values, integrity, and justice as lynch pins in the fabric of the world. Today, the simple definition of these words have become so blurred there is no resemblance of what brought us to this point. The pain and suffering in this world today is more visible and known to the masses. Yet, we are no closer to eradicating hunger, disease and famine. I know the complexity of solving these problems is rich with political strife and war that has been going on for centuries. It is my contention that the very problems that we are facing in this world today have been created by the very people that are trying to solve them.

   Greed, selfishness, tolerance rather than truth, carefree and instant pleasure drive the world today. I'm more guilty than most, we all are. If you're reading this you are blessed. Some don't even consider it though. The thought of having a computer with access to the internet seems so much like an expectation rather than a luxury. How did the world operate 20 years ago? Oh my gosh, you mean we actually wrote letters to people and used pay-phones. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-technology. I work for a Fortune 50 technology company and I'm addicted to it, believe me. I'm just making the point that we have created the problems that we are also trying to eradicate.

  We say we don't have time - yet we spend hours on Facebook, e-mail and other social media.

  We say we're broke all the time - yet we spend money we don't have on things we don't need to impress people we don't really like.

  We say we need more family time - yet we continue to work 60-70 hours a week and late into the night in front of the television or X-Box/WII/Playstation.

  We say we need to do more for others - yet less than 3% of us will actually take the time to stop and help someone in need.

  Who have we become and why? What is at the core of the decisions we make in life and who are the resulting actions going to benefit?

Today’s scripture lesson states
"...hold unswervingly to the hope we profess."-staying straight on the narrow pathway that leads to God. When you are riding a bicycle or driving a car, if you are not looking in front of you it is very easy to swerve unintentionally. As I have taught my children to ride their bikes - they all started out swerving their handle bars back and forth (left to right) as they learn to control the steering. Now, even David (age 7) rides his bike perfectly straight at high speeds. In just a short period of time, his confidence is overwhelming and he no longer fears losing control. Because, he has learned from his mistakes and remains focused on what is in front of him.  This summer I will teach Emma (5) and she too will excel at it.

"... he who promised is faithful." We are now in times where relying on God is all that can get us through each day. We are called by God, yeah - remember Him - the creator of the world; to serve, to help our neighbors, love others as yourself and to share His gospel. He promises throughout the scriptures that He will hear us and answer our prayers. The circumstances that you are not a surprise to God, nor are they too large for Him to handle. We must remain constant in our faith though, faith in His love for us, His sovereignty and His justice. I have found this hard to do. How many times I have sat and asked God why don't you just solve this problem or that problem and so on. Most the time I don't receive a Halleluiah moment with angels singing, but I do often feel convicted and comforted to know that God is the creator and CEO of the universe. Nothing exists that He can't handle, if He so chooses. Why He doesn't solve all of our problems is beyond my knowledge, but I'm sure in His infinite wisdom there is a very logical answer.

 My friends I come before you this day, asking you to take a stand. Take a stand for God's way on this earth. Put away your self preservation and experience His love and grace by giving to others. Give of your time, your talents and yes even some of your treasure. The world is in need of people to take action and stop looking at their neighbor to do it. Be that person, won't you?

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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