Thursday, April 25, 2013

Trusting God

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me."   - John 14:1

Most people I know will read this scripture and think about the fear that must have been on the mind and in the heart of the disciples.  We find Jesus instructing His followers not to fear, not to be troubled.  They had spent every day for the previous three years walking, learning and living with Christ Jesus.  As Jesus was telling them of His coming death, He could sense the fear in their hearts.  His response was partially to calm their fears and comfort them.  But, read a little closer …Trust in God; trust also in me.”

 Jesus makes two very distinct points from this statement.
1) I am but a man, your trust must be in God, who sent me.  God is the almighty comforter and helper in times of trouble and need.  Jesus’ Father is accessible to the disciples, just as Jesus himself had been accessible for the last 3 years.  This statement is a bridge building statement that reaches beyond the obvious, physical presence of Jesus Christ himself to the One who deserves all honor and glory.
2) Jesus places himself in the same position of authority as the Almighty.  With his words he is articulating to the disciples – as you trust in God the Father you can also trust in me, for the Father is in me and I am in the Father.

Fear is inevitable and ever present in all of our lives.  Whether it is your 5 year old child afraid of the dark, or your 85 year old Grandmother afraid of dying, it is always with us.  God is that ever present comforter and provider of peace regardless of the circumstances.  In this time of financial stress, time management, political unrest and the complex global issues around energy, oil and environmental turmoil; it is often hard to find comfort and peace.  This is where we need to trust in Jesus Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit.  Acknowledging their omnipotence and sovereignty is critical to finding peace.  Often times, fear is the result of a lack of confidence or visible execution in finding a resolution to an everyday occurrence.  It is at this point that we must reach to the One who is greater than all things and rest in knowing that He has it under control, within His perfect plan.  Easier said than done, I know believe me.  It is a learning curve and the sooner you begin down that path, the sooner that life’s complications become manageable.  Just think, if you don’t have to solve the world’s problems and you trust that God in His infinite wisdom will; then they become much more manageable.  Think about this today – What problem are you facing that God has never seen before?  So, if you realize He’s faced it before, why won’t you let Him solve it for you this time?  Silly isn’t it.  What do you want to give to Him today?  Let’s pray about that.

Heavenly Father,
  You have assured us through Your word that You are big enough to handle any problem that we face.  You parted the Red Sea for Moses; You delivered Goliath unto the hands of a child – David; You saved the world from eternal damnation through Your own Son’s death and resurrection; what is there that is too grand for You to resolve?  Nothing at all.  Lord, today we offer up to You our problems.  We acknowledge that they are bigger than we can solve, and we humbly bring them before You.  Specifically I offer up to You; ____________________ (fill in the blank) Take this problem Lord and work it to Your resolution, such that it will lift up Your Kingdom.  Grant me peace from this situation and comfort in knowing that You are in control of the outcome.  Help me to accept Your sovereignty and omnipotence in all things, including my problems.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray - Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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