Monday, April 29, 2013

Washing It Away

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” – Mark 1:3-5
Pride is something that I continue to work on.  It’s definitely one of my weaknesses in life and if left unchecked is something that can come between God and me.  One thing I am never going to be ashamed of though is the pride that wells up inside of me watching my children do amazing things, and mature into amazing individuals.  I have had the joy of watching my oldest walk down the aisle and become an incredible wife and mother of 2 beautiful little girls.  I’ve watched my second child travel to Germany on a mission trip to take the joy and love of Christ to teenagers there.  I’ll watch both of these girls graduate college in the next 3 weeks as they move on to the next stage of their walk with Christ.  My third girl is a miracle from God and has overcome spinal surgery as a three year old and now at the age of 9 is trying to become a pitcher on her softball team.  I see the joy, laughter and love from above expressed in my youngest child, who at 5 years old amazes her mother and I each and every day as her curiosity expands her scope on the world.   Then there is my boy, David, who at 7 years old gave his life to Jesus Christ and was baptized this past weekend. 

There will never be a more important decision in his life than this one.  He will one day choose a college, he will decide to marry, and he will choose a career.  He’ll choose a house to live in and what investments to make.   He will face difficult challenges and choices throughout his life, but nothing will compare or have more impact on his life than choosing to follow Jesus Christ.  As I stood at the top of the stairs in the church looking down upon the baptismal pool, tears filled my eyes as he stepped into the water.  His small frame next to Pastor Dale was so telling of just how young he is.  I watch as the words echo through the sanctuary – “David, on your public profession that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost.”  He is lowered under the water, and is raised once again and Pastor Dale gives him a hug.  

In those three seconds (or so) while David was under water did any miracles take place?  Did David change physically other than have dry blond hair to having wet blond hair?  No.  David decided months ago that he loved Jesus and wanted to follow Him.  For years David has demonstrated a love for God and a desire to learn more and more about Jesus.  Frequently, over the last few years, he would remind his mother and I about God’s love for us and His ability to help us in any situation we were in.  This boy genuinely loves and wants to serve God.  His baptism this weekend is a public demonstration of this faith that he has carried for some time.  It is a profession of his belief in Jesus Christ and a washing away of his sins and a rebirth, as a new creation dedicated to following Jesus rather than following mankind. 

So why do I stand at the top of the stairs in this sanctuary crying?  As his father, it is the realization that my child is now on a path set in place by the Creator of all things.  This is not a path I have established, nor his mother; but a path that God and the Holy Spirit within David have now begun.  I stand amazed at my own child and realize that he is going to be used by the Almighty and I am forever grateful to be here at the onset.  Pride within me wells up once again as I think about the possibilities of what this boy will do for God throughout his life.  And once again, I have to check myself and my pride, because it isn’t any of my doing, it is God at work right before my eyes and I am humbled to see it progress.

Congratulations, David Richard Palmer, for the most important decision you will make in your life.  I am proud of you son.


© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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  1. What an awesome message Rich. Right on, choking back tears too, then just letting them flow, sharing the complete JOY of all the goodness that God has poured into your life and that of yours and Lisa's children. Our GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD and I am so incredibly proud of you and each one of your children and grandchildren too. With HIS Love, Babe

    1. Thanks Babe. God is amazing in each of our lives and using each of us for the purpose for which we were designed. I am blessed just to be used by God to shepherd these children until such time that they decide to follow His steps on their own. Be blessed, Rich
