Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Consistently Reliable

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“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” – Proverbs 3:5

Who ever invented the personal computer wasn’t reliant upon it.  Have you ever experienced a hard disk crash on my computer?  If not, count your blessings, because all of a sudden you are left with this feeling of anxiety in the pit of your stomach and you’ll be questioning how you’ll ever get to the information and files that are stored there.  Those of you who have been there before know the frustration, aggravation, feeling of hopelessness and despair that accompany a computer failure.  As I sit here typing, my hard drive is making very unusual sounds, and has me quite concerned that it may not make it through the day.  I find it eye opening when this sort of thing happens, just how reliant we are on technology, and I can’t help but ask are we that reliant on the Lord?

I mean, are we coasting through each day taking the Lord for granted?  Has it become of secondary importance to connect with your heavenly Father each and every day?  So many times I find myself skipping a moment with the Lord because life catches up with me and time slips away to other pressing matters.  How can this ever be tolerated?  How can God ever be given second priority to anything else going on in my life?  I think it comes down to the comfort of knowing that He will always be there.  You see, God is like the air I breathe and the oceans, the mountains, the sun and the moon – He’s constant.

I never have the intent on prioritizing anything above God in my life, but it happens.  So what do we do when we’ve mistakenly put God on hold?  I believe that God deserves our reverence, respect and humility; He does not deserve our complacency, absent mindedness or leftovers. We must come to the realization that God is not going to hold a grudge and there is no punishment that he zaps you with because you missed an appointment.  Just like you cannot go for 2 days without food and when you happen to miss a meal, you simply eat more at your next sitting. 

God’s not going to leave you.  Unlike the technology we have become so addicted too, He is the only thing in life that is reliable, consistent and always available.  There are no connection fees, no membership dues, no routers, WiFI or DVR necessary.  It only takes an act of humility and an open seeking heart and mind to communicate with the Lord anytime, anywhere.  There are no guarantees on anything you own.  There is nothing to say that this “older” computer I am writing this devotional on, won’t unexplainably “blue screen” at any moment.  In the Lord, you have a guarantee.  You have His assurance that His grace is sufficient for the redemption of your sins.  You have His guarantee that He will return one day and call us home to join Him in heaven.  You have His guarantee of righteousness love and mercy through the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of you.
So the next time you are feeling guilty because you missed your quiet time with the Lord, just remember, there is no time like the present to hit your knees, bow your head and tell Him your sorry.  Then get on with building that relationship.

Almighty Father,
You are worthy of our love, devotion and honor.  Forgive us for our weakness and complacency at times.  Lord, help us to continually prioritize our relationship with You above all other things in this life.  We seek Your wisdom in our words and Your counsel in our decisions.  We ask these things in Your holy name - Amen
© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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