Thursday, February 15, 2018

Learning to Love

“And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’” Matthew 22:37

My thoughts:

I try to be loving and compassionate and understanding and patient, but sometimes it is difficult.  I love them without condition, undeniable and with every ounce of my being, but sometimes they just don’t listen.  Of course I’m referring to my children.  As a parent, perhaps you are in the same place.  Why is it that my children are smart, talented, loving and polite; yet disobedient at the same time?  I’ve watched the way they treat their friends and their friend’s parents. 

I’ve been at our friend’s homes with my kids and watched my kids take care of their dishes, their trash and pick up after themselves.  Using every manner we’ve ever taught them.  But then, I see them completely abandon these same manners in our own home.  They complain, they argue, they leave stuff everywhere and it’s like pulling teeth to get them to help with trash, cleaning, taking care of shoes and bicycles, or picking up their rooms.  The respect they demonstrate for Lisa and I is evident when others are present, but seriously lacking at other times when it’s just us.

And so it is in the way we treat our heavenly Father.  When we’re around other Christians or “like minded” individuals it is so easy to be on our best behavior and use our biblical manners; but when we are in the confines of our own little world it is so easy to slip into rebellion and destructive behavior.  Why is this the case?  God has made the rules very clear – love Him above all things, with every ounce of our being; and love others as yourself.  It’s not hard unless you start loving yourself more.

This is the path that leads to destruction.  When we put ourselves before others, including God and His plan for us, we are separating ourselves from His blessings and purpose.  Then we complain on where is God in this situation and that one.  It’s no different than your relationship with your kids.  You instruct them on right and wrong, good and evil, polite and rudeness.  You provide some discipline when they are outside of your established parameters.  But, when they are disobedient, ignoring, whining, complaining and thinking about how unfair life is – they are separating themselves from your parental guidance down a path of destruction for their life.

Just as you never stop loving your children, your heavenly Father never stops loving you, despite our many mistakes.  He has rules and guidelines and a path of righteousness laid out for you to follow, but we are distracted by the world and our own self interests.  I am thankful that He is a loving Father that guides my footsteps back to His path though.  If I treated my children the same way He treats me, I can assure you my household would be much more loving, peaceful and non-confrontational.  I continue to learn each day from the Master as I delve into His Word for guidance, advice and counsel.  I suggest the same for you.  

Be Blessed,

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