"I am the Lord; those who hope in Me will not be disappointed." - Isaiah 49:23
We are creatures of habit. We live in a comfort zone that fits our personality. It works because we've spent years creating it in just the right way to meet our needs. Then someone or something comes along and upsets the apple cart. Like a stone being thrown into a peaceful lake, there is an immediate splash that everyone sees. Then there are numerous ripples that expand and grow across the lake impacting an area exponentially greater than the initial impact of the stone in the water.
You've seen the ripple impact of others decisions in your daily life I'm sure. Changes to your plans are required for one reason or another and this in turn upsets the balance of your comfort zone. In turn your reaction will cause a ripple in another's comfort zone and so on and so on.
We often put our hope in the abiltiy of others to blend in with our daily routine. We look to their decisions and hope that they align with our way of thinking, and our belief structure. This is highly unlikely and most time causes disappointment in others. As changes approach we need to take a bigger view perspective, and place our hope in the Lord. His promises are truth and His intentions are for your gain. He will not disappoint, although His plans may not align perfectly with yours, it's important to realize that changes introduced by the Lord are for your gain. As decisions are made that influence your life, fall back on the hope and trust that the Lord is in control and will see all things to His gain.
Keep in mind that this ripple effect happens in your daily walk as well. You have the ability to create positive beneficial ripples or negative harmful ripples in those you come in contact with. Look for ways to be a positive influence in others lives and allow the ripple effect to spread that positive influence well beyond your immediate circle of influence.
Heavenly Father,
You have given us Your truth in Your word and we are in awe of it's power and wisdom. We look within to find Your purpose and allow Your truth to ripple through us so that other's might see Your grace, mercy and love. Help us to be positive in our words and actions that we might help propogate Your truth amongst all that we meet. In Your name we pray - Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Change is Inevitable
Daily Thoughts,
God's love,
God's Purpose,
Holy Spirit
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Hitchhiking is Allowed
“Blessed are those whose strength is in You, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.” – Psalm 84:5
It’s unbelievable the amount of information that is available to each of us through the internet and media today. The problem is that when we are gathering information we aren’t always sure where it will lead us. The web is a wonderful tool for doing research and gathering data to improve one’s knowledge on a subject or to hear/interpret others opinions on a given matter. It’s important though to realize that not everything you read or hear is true, nor does it all have your best intentions in mind when the data is posted.
Many of us today have a GPS in our cars, or in some cases built right into the smart phones that we carry. Certainly, there is the opportunity to print maps from the internet before you leave on a journey to somewhere unfamiliar. We can look on any one of the wonderful “maps” web-sites and within minutes have directions to our destination including fastest route, least busy route and the route with the most hotels along the way. Regardless of the choice we make, the destination is known before we ever get behind the wheel of the vehicle.
So it is with your life. There is a destination, as sad as it is to consider, we will all draw our last breath one day. That is the destination for the life you are living regardless if you have an eternal plan or not, whether you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior or not. We are each going to reach the end of life on this planet, and between the point you are today and that ending state you have to fill in the map and the highways/byways of your journey to get there.
God has a plan and purpose for your life. You have to chose to listen and follow. Don’t buy into the fact that you are too old or beyond your ability to serve Him. Abraham was 99 years old when God revealed His covenant and purpose for him. David was but a boy, a mere teen aged shepherd when Samuel came and ordained him as the future King of Israel. Moses lived in wealth and prosperity before his actions pushed him into a life as a herder in the mountains where God spoke His purpose to Moses. John, the disciple of Jesus Christ, was 98 years old and living on an island of prisoners when he wrote the book of Revelations (at the inspiration of Christ Himself). Paul was well into his middle age when he met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. A small boy brought forth two fish and 5 loaves for the Messiah to perform a miracle and feed thousands. What makes you so special that God no longer has use for you? You see, it is not whether God wants to use you, in that you can be sure. The real question is do you want to serve? Are you finally at the point in your life when enough is enough and you are ready to walk God’s highway to Zion. He has placed His Holy Spirit within you, waiting on your decision. He’s already made up His mind. Succumb to His request and allow His plan to be revealed to you. He will be your strength and courage at each and every step along the way.
God Almighty,
You have given us but one life to live in Your name. One beginning and one end. Help us to lay out that map in between to serve You completely. Help us to see Your plan for our life, so that we might walk along the road with You rather than against You. We live to serve You and humble ourselves in unworthiness to be chosen by You. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
God Almighty,
You have given us but one life to live in Your name. One beginning and one end. Help us to lay out that map in between to serve You completely. Help us to see Your plan for our life, so that we might walk along the road with You rather than against You. We live to serve You and humble ourselves in unworthiness to be chosen by You. In Your name we pray – Amen
Daily Thoughts,
God's love,
God's Purpose,
Holy Spirit
Monday, March 28, 2011
More than a Stone
“And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.” – Romans 8:27
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photo from R. Weller/Cochise College |
We are going through Spring cleaning and it’s amazing how many things seem to accumulate over a year. As I was beginning to move the boxes, I came across one that was particularly heavy. I opened it to discover it was filled with books. I noticed there are so many books that I had never even opened, yet they were in a box labeled “DONATE”. For one reason or another, the books had been purchased for educational or entertainment purposes, yet never opened. So without a knowledge of what the book was about, or the quality of the writing, or whether there was valuable information inside, we were making the decision to eliminate the book from our bookshelf. The decisions had been made strictly based on the outside – Title, summary, cover photo or author.
Take another example. When you walk along a mountain range in Mexico, your feet are landing upon stones, gravel and rock. Some of the rocks are jagged, some smooth and some seem almost polished. Most are grey, black or brown in color and look monotonously similar to one another. Yet, a gemologist walking along that same mountain range might bend over a time or two along the way and pick up a stone and drop it into his shoulder bag. You might look at him as one looks at a child on a beach gathering sea shells for a collection at home, wondering why he is taking so many rocks home as souvenirs, their just rocks. When the gemologist gets home, he will take these rocks and carefully observe them for natural breakpoints and then proceed to use a high speed saw to cut along those lines. What is often times revealed is a marvelous mineral or quartz, nestled and growing inside of the hard grey or black rock.
I’m so glad God looks inside of us to know the real person. He looks past our sinful nature, our abrasive exterior and sees the person He created. David tells us in Psalm 139, “You have searched me and You know me.” God created you to be someone amazing for His Kingdom. You have lived your life, made choices and built up a personality around the inner being God created. You are littered with bad habits and wrong decisions, but God is capable of seeing right past all of that and looking into your heart to see the real you. Imagine a moment in your life when you were completely at peace; no stress, no worries, happy and filled with love. Snap a mental picture of that time. This is the picture God has of you. When you look in the mirror and see the mistakes, the struggles and the disappointments; God looks at the picture He holds in His hand and says, “Yes, you have sinned and struggled, but this is who I made you to be.” You are a precious commodity to God the Father, don’t ever let anyone take that from you. Be blessed today.
Take another example. When you walk along a mountain range in Mexico, your feet are landing upon stones, gravel and rock. Some of the rocks are jagged, some smooth and some seem almost polished. Most are grey, black or brown in color and look monotonously similar to one another. Yet, a gemologist walking along that same mountain range might bend over a time or two along the way and pick up a stone and drop it into his shoulder bag. You might look at him as one looks at a child on a beach gathering sea shells for a collection at home, wondering why he is taking so many rocks home as souvenirs, their just rocks. When the gemologist gets home, he will take these rocks and carefully observe them for natural breakpoints and then proceed to use a high speed saw to cut along those lines. What is often times revealed is a marvelous mineral or quartz, nestled and growing inside of the hard grey or black rock.
I’m so glad God looks inside of us to know the real person. He looks past our sinful nature, our abrasive exterior and sees the person He created. David tells us in Psalm 139, “You have searched me and You know me.” God created you to be someone amazing for His Kingdom. You have lived your life, made choices and built up a personality around the inner being God created. You are littered with bad habits and wrong decisions, but God is capable of seeing right past all of that and looking into your heart to see the real you. Imagine a moment in your life when you were completely at peace; no stress, no worries, happy and filled with love. Snap a mental picture of that time. This is the picture God has of you. When you look in the mirror and see the mistakes, the struggles and the disappointments; God looks at the picture He holds in His hand and says, “Yes, you have sinned and struggled, but this is who I made you to be.” You are a precious commodity to God the Father, don’t ever let anyone take that from you. Be blessed today.
God Almighty,
You have created me in Your image – strong, confident, loving and peaceful. I am unique and special with a purpose placed inside of my heart by Your hand. Help me Lord, to discover what it is that You will have me do with the one and only life You have given me. How might I share Your beauty and love with others, such that they might be blessed through me. In Your name we pray – Amen
God Almighty,
You have created me in Your image – strong, confident, loving and peaceful. I am unique and special with a purpose placed inside of my heart by Your hand. Help me Lord, to discover what it is that You will have me do with the one and only life You have given me. How might I share Your beauty and love with others, such that they might be blessed through me. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Daily Thought,
God's love,
God's Purpose,
Holy Spirit
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Not an Illusion
“So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it.” – John 20:25
I have always found optical illusions interesting. The fact that what we know to be true is challenged by what we see with our eyes. This causes a conflict in the brain to try to comprehend what is beyond logic and knowledge. You have seen the optical illusions displayed in art galleries or shopping malls, which depict an impossible geometric image. For example, the Penrose Triangle, which appears at first glance to be a normal 3D triangle, yet when you look more carefully 2 of the 3 legs of the triangle do not actually intersect based on our knowledge of how they should intersect. Perhaps you seen artwork where steps appear to lead upward, yet when you follow them to the top, the surface is actually the same planer surface as the bottom of the staircase. Our knowledge, logic and understanding of this world is in a 3 dimensional perspective. There is height, width and depth to everything we look at. Our eyes and brain are able take in the images we view and rationalize them into something we are familiar with.
So it was with Thomas. He knew that Jesus had died on that cross. He knew that he had been buried and the tomb covered with a stone. Everything he knew about life, death and resurrection up to that point was based on human thinking and comprehension. He was limited by what he knew, and when the disciples explained to Thomas that they had seen the risen Savior, he could not transition to a comprehension of what that meant based on his experiences up to that point in his life. I propose that Thomas did not suffer from a lack of faith. Even though Thomas (Didymus) had traveled and associated with Jesus for quite some time, he had not fully comprehended the deity of who Jesus Christ was. He had a hard time getting beyond the logical knowledge of Jesus the man to see Jesus as God. In Matthew 26:61, Jesus tells the Pharisees and teachers that he will rebuild this temple in 3 days. In John 14:1-6, Jesus tells the disciples that He will go to the Father and prepare a place for them and then return to take them with Him, and he tells Thomas specifically in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Thomas had a hard time comprehending the completeness of what Jesus was telling them though.
We do the same thing today. We limit our acceptance of what God can do based on our understanding from a human perspective. We see a problem and look at it from a human perspective with limitations and restrictions. When we take a Godly perspective on a situation and accept that God is truly omnipotent and sovereign, we immediately realize that absolutely nothing is beyond His capability, if it is within His will. Just because we want something to come to fruition doesn’t mean that God the Father wants the same thing. It may seem completely logical and normal within our thinking, but from His vision of the full cycle of life He has a better perspective.
Like Thomas, we must accept that God can do whatever He wants to do. We must be able to accept things in life without fully comprehending them. Most of all, we must learn to trust that God’s plan is best for us, and the sooner we decide to align to His plan the more fulfilling our life will become.
Prayer:Heavenly Father,
Forgive us for our lack of faith, trust and acceptance of Your plan in our life. We long to trust in Your love and wisdom to accept those things we don’t understand on faith, rather than on knowledge. You have given us Your word to guide our footsteps and lay out the plans for our life. Help us to internalize it, understand it and put it into practice that we might serve You better. In Your name we pray – Amen
Forgive us for our lack of faith, trust and acceptance of Your plan in our life. We long to trust in Your love and wisdom to accept those things we don’t understand on faith, rather than on knowledge. You have given us Your word to guide our footsteps and lay out the plans for our life. Help us to internalize it, understand it and put it into practice that we might serve You better. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Spring is in the Air
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." - Hebrews 11:3
The rains fall fresh upon the grass, that is slowly breaking through the soil (in my neighbor's yard at least). Birds are happily chirping in the morning dawn as I walk out to my car and there seems to be a little extra kick in the kids steps as they skip their way to school. I can't help but wonder in awe at the regenerative beauty of the Lord's fingers.
As we observe the freshness and newness of nature, I find myself pondering the creation of it all. On day one God began creating what you and I enjoy today. I have a 100 foot Oak tree in my back yard that every year shed it's leaves, and every Spring it's full of leaves once again. Certainly there are scientific definitions of photosynthesis that explains how this happens, but at the core of this legendary tree who created the cell of the wood fiber? Who designed the process for that wood fiber to pass water and nutrients from the ground all the way to the budding tips of each branch?
You cannot look at the beauty of the flowers, grass, trees and fields without pausing for just a moment at the miraculous creation of the entire world. Take a walk today or this weekend, and open up your eyes to the wonders of God's creation. Restore your faith through the beauty you see before you and ponder for yourself the magnificencse of everything He has given you to enjoy. If you can see the Lord in these things, than trust that you also are His creation and are just as beautiful and amazing. Let the freshness of Spring renew your spirit and your faith in His promises and love.
As we observe the freshness and newness of nature, I find myself pondering the creation of it all. On day one God began creating what you and I enjoy today. I have a 100 foot Oak tree in my back yard that every year shed it's leaves, and every Spring it's full of leaves once again. Certainly there are scientific definitions of photosynthesis that explains how this happens, but at the core of this legendary tree who created the cell of the wood fiber? Who designed the process for that wood fiber to pass water and nutrients from the ground all the way to the budding tips of each branch?
You cannot look at the beauty of the flowers, grass, trees and fields without pausing for just a moment at the miraculous creation of the entire world. Take a walk today or this weekend, and open up your eyes to the wonders of God's creation. Restore your faith through the beauty you see before you and ponder for yourself the magnificencse of everything He has given you to enjoy. If you can see the Lord in these things, than trust that you also are His creation and are just as beautiful and amazing. Let the freshness of Spring renew your spirit and your faith in His promises and love.
Loving Father,
The world is a beautiful garden filled with Your amazing creation. We are blessed by those things around us each and every day and we lift up our praises and thanksgiving for Your loving presence. Help us to understand Your love for us is beyond comprehension, and every fiber muscle, bone and cell of our bodies were created by Your hand. We are Your masterpiece and are perfectly made. In Your name we pray. Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Daily Thoughts,
God's love
Thursday, March 24, 2011
He's Got Your Back
"for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith." - 1 John 5:4
How big are your dreams? Remember when you were 18 or 20 and had such amazing dreams for your life? Then came a time when you were willing to give up on those dreams, because something or someone got in your way. We are easily dissuaded from pursuing that which in our hearts we knew would fulfill everything we could become in this world.
The Israelites, under Saul, had dreams of ruling the world with God's hand until the Philistines sent Goliath to the battlefield. Saul's army quickly become mentally and emotionally defeated by the fear of facing this giant. We all know the story of the young shepherd boy David and his response to Goliath. But carefully observe why he had persevered against this giant. It was not through his intellect, his strength or his military experience, but rather because he knew that the battle was God's and not his.
David entered into the fight defending God, not defending Saul and the Israelites. In 1 Samuel 17:26 David asks, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?" and again in 17:37, "The Lord who delivered me ... will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." Finally at the battle itself David challenges Goliath directly, "...I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel...."
David was just a boy, who knew where his faith and his power came from. He had no fear for the situation at hand because of his faith in the all powerful God. Through his consistent faith he comes away from the battle as an over-comer and victorious. Are you walking into today’s battles alone or with the strength and courage of the Almighty God on your side. The same God that stood with David that day stands with you every day of your life as well, He hasn't changed.
Prayer:Almighty Father,
You are our strength and our courage in times of trouble. You give us peace in all circumstances as we focus our efforts on You and Your will. No enemy can stand before Your mighty power and we have been given all authority to call upon that power. Today, we ask that You reign down upon us Your love, compassion and strength to take on the challenges and battles that we will face. In Your name we pray – Amen
You are our strength and our courage in times of trouble. You give us peace in all circumstances as we focus our efforts on You and Your will. No enemy can stand before Your mighty power and we have been given all authority to call upon that power. Today, we ask that You reign down upon us Your love, compassion and strength to take on the challenges and battles that we will face. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
What Say You?
“Jesus answered, "I did tell you, but you do not believe. The miracles I do in my Father's name speak for me.” – John 10:25
It all comes down to faith and belief in the truthfulness of the word of God. You have heard the Verizon commercials, “Can you hear me now? Good.” The word of God, namely the Bible, was written to speak to you. The question is, can you hear it?
Jesus Christ walked the earth as God in flesh. He proclaimed throughout His ministry that He was of God, the Messiah, the Light of the World, the Good Shepherd and so on. His works were of the Father, and the miracles He performed were of the Father. It’s captured in Matthew 11:5, he healed the blind, healed people and even raised them from the dead. These are not things of demon’s or evil, for as Jesus tells us Himself in Matthew 12:26; Satan cannot cast out Satan.
The same ridiculous arguments exist still today as people challenge the authenticity of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Many will acknowledge His existence, but claim that He was a prophet. Some will say He was surely a righteous man and demonstrated the love of God, but he was not God incarnate. Other’s claim him to be just a man who led a cult of followers down a path of misbelieve that has warped the mind’s of millions for centuries.
What do you believe? Why?
You must make a choice. Yes, plain and simple – YOU have to choose what you believe and why. Is Jesus Christ the Son of God? He claimed it to be so. For those of you who like multiple choice questions, the answers are A) He was the telling the truth and by example of His works demonstrated His authority and power from God; or B) he was a good person, perhaps a prophet or an imposter trying to convince the world at that time to follow his teachings for his own personal gain which resulted in his brutal crucifixion; or C) he never existed and the entire New Testament of God’s Holy Scriptures is an amalgamation of lies and deceit that have been handed down over thousands of years as the truth.
Which is it? This question isn’t difficult and the choices are no more complicated than I’ve described. There is no other alternative answers or D) none of the above. It’s A, B or C and your choice is eternally recorded. If you believe that B is the correct answer, then you must believe that the Messiah has not come yet, and that Jesus was a liar and his life was a complete contradiction. He clearly stated multiple times in different ways that He was from God and “the Son of God”. If you believe he existed, yet don’t believe this statement to be true, than he must have been a liar. Therefore he must have been evil, unrighteous and filled with sin, just like every other man ever born. Yet, the entire record of his life demonstrates otherwise, his actions which were righteous, miraculous and pointed people to God not to himself.
If you believe C is the right answer, then you must believe that all of the first century writings and manuscripts detailing his existence have been fabricated to continue the lie. You must believe that the detailed records from the 1st century were also falsified when they account for the killing of Christians and followers of “The Way”. At some point, people would have realized that dying for a lie was ludicrous and it would have faded away, not gotten stronger.
Billions upon billions of people over time have held strong to the belief that Jesus Christ was who He claimed to be. They have chosen A because they have faith that God’s Word is true in it’s entirety. This then points to the return of Jesus Christ as recorded in Revelations and throughout the New Testament. If Genesis through Jude are considered factual than we must accept that Revelations must also be factual. Therefore, we must realize there will be a judgment of all mankind and there is an eternity spent in heaven or hell.
If we believe in Him as the Messiah, the Son of God, we must agree that He was sinless, perfect and incapable of deceit or unrighteousness. Therefore, when He claims that He is the only way to heaven, we must believe it to be truth and live our lives as such.
Heavenly Father,
You have given us Your Word as the single version of the truth. In it we find Your love, grace and mercy demonstrated through Your Son – Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that He is who He says He is and that His instructions are truthful indeed. Thank you for sharing Your Son with us that we might find salvation and redemption through His sacrifice and the shedding of His blood. We long to be in Your presence, help us to live within Your will until that time is upon us. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Heavenly Father,
You have given us Your Word as the single version of the truth. In it we find Your love, grace and mercy demonstrated through Your Son – Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that He is who He says He is and that His instructions are truthful indeed. Thank you for sharing Your Son with us that we might find salvation and redemption through His sacrifice and the shedding of His blood. We long to be in Your presence, help us to live within Your will until that time is upon us. In Your name we pray – Amen
Daily Thoguhts,
jesus christ,
Monday, March 21, 2011
In God We Trust
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.” – Proverbs 3:5-7
What does trust mean to you? Do you trust that the company you work for will be in business tomorrow, or that the school you go to will still have classes in the morning? Why? Where does your expectation come from that allow you to trust in the things of this world with such assuredness?
Obviously, it is simple to trust in something tangible that you can feel, smell, hear, touch or taste than it is to trust in the unseen. If you went to the office tomorrow and you were told that cut backs were needed and you would be let go, what would happen to your trust in the company? Suddenly the comfort of your financial stability and security has been put at risk. Trust is built over time and through personal experiences. When we make ourselves vulnerable to rely on another or on a given situation and trust that our knowledge is sufficient we leave ourselves open to disappointment and rejection.
I recall a story of a science experiment which demonstrates the inability to trust our own understanding. There was a student who decided to demonstrate the Law of the Pendulum. He first tied a child’s top to a string and attached the end of the string to a black board. He lifted it to one side, marked the height on the board and released the top. It swung along an arc and then returned to a height short of the original mark. He marked this spot and watched as it continually went back and forth, falling shorter each time, until eventually it came to rest at the center point of equilibrium. This accurately demonstrated to the class the Law of the Pendulum. Then the student asked the professor to stand near the front of the room. Hanging from the ceiling was a heavy gauge string with a sizeable weight at the end. He lifted the weight to a point just below the professor’s chin. Looking at the professor he asked, “Do you believe in the Law of the Pendulum as demonstrated.” The professor replied with a hesitant, “Yes, I do.” With that the student let go of the weight. It dropped along the arc to the other side of the room and began on it’s return. The professor jumped back before the weight made it back to his side of the room. Despite his knowledge and understanding of the Law of the Pendulum, he could not rely on that knowledge to overcome his fears of the risk as it approached.
So many times we fall back on the fears of our own knowledge and understanding rather than trusting in the Lord to provide for our needs. When life takes a turn for the worst, the best thing to do is to turn your view to the Lord and discover what He has planned for you. You see, just because disappointment happens in life doesn’t mean that God isn’t actively working in ways beyond your vision. The real question is, are you able to trust Him when things in your life seem to be falling apart. Take into consideration that some of the greatest opportunities to serve the Lord might just require you to go through some changes. This requires a strong faith and belief that God will provide. Trust in the Lord is the only sure thing. He does not turn away from those who seek Him and will carry you through your trials.
Obviously, it is simple to trust in something tangible that you can feel, smell, hear, touch or taste than it is to trust in the unseen. If you went to the office tomorrow and you were told that cut backs were needed and you would be let go, what would happen to your trust in the company? Suddenly the comfort of your financial stability and security has been put at risk. Trust is built over time and through personal experiences. When we make ourselves vulnerable to rely on another or on a given situation and trust that our knowledge is sufficient we leave ourselves open to disappointment and rejection.
I recall a story of a science experiment which demonstrates the inability to trust our own understanding. There was a student who decided to demonstrate the Law of the Pendulum. He first tied a child’s top to a string and attached the end of the string to a black board. He lifted it to one side, marked the height on the board and released the top. It swung along an arc and then returned to a height short of the original mark. He marked this spot and watched as it continually went back and forth, falling shorter each time, until eventually it came to rest at the center point of equilibrium. This accurately demonstrated to the class the Law of the Pendulum. Then the student asked the professor to stand near the front of the room. Hanging from the ceiling was a heavy gauge string with a sizeable weight at the end. He lifted the weight to a point just below the professor’s chin. Looking at the professor he asked, “Do you believe in the Law of the Pendulum as demonstrated.” The professor replied with a hesitant, “Yes, I do.” With that the student let go of the weight. It dropped along the arc to the other side of the room and began on it’s return. The professor jumped back before the weight made it back to his side of the room. Despite his knowledge and understanding of the Law of the Pendulum, he could not rely on that knowledge to overcome his fears of the risk as it approached.
So many times we fall back on the fears of our own knowledge and understanding rather than trusting in the Lord to provide for our needs. When life takes a turn for the worst, the best thing to do is to turn your view to the Lord and discover what He has planned for you. You see, just because disappointment happens in life doesn’t mean that God isn’t actively working in ways beyond your vision. The real question is, are you able to trust Him when things in your life seem to be falling apart. Take into consideration that some of the greatest opportunities to serve the Lord might just require you to go through some changes. This requires a strong faith and belief that God will provide. Trust in the Lord is the only sure thing. He does not turn away from those who seek Him and will carry you through your trials.
Prayer:Almighty God,
You have promised to carry us when we are hurting and to be our strength in times of trouble. You continually provide for our needs when the world fails and our understanding creates fear and worry. We trust in You to guide us in Your path of righteousness and within Your plan for our life. Help us to remain strong and confident in Your control. In Your name we pray – Amen
You have promised to carry us when we are hurting and to be our strength in times of trouble. You continually provide for our needs when the world fails and our understanding creates fear and worry. We trust in You to guide us in Your path of righteousness and within Your plan for our life. Help us to remain strong and confident in Your control. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
I Can Do It By Myself
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” – John 15:5
Whether it is asking for directions or asking for help to meet this month’s overwhelming bills, the human spirit by nature is a prideful one. I’ve always struggled with this problem and I’m sure many of you do as well. Why is it that we are willing to bend over backwards and help those around us, but most times unwilling to accept help when we are in need? Pride, embarrassment and arrogance continue to drive a wedge between receiving God’s ultimate love and salvation and continuing to struggle in life’s daily challenges.
An hour into a 3 hour hike up the side of a 200 foot rocky cliff, my 3 year old would not give up. It seemed as though every step she took on the worn path over the smooth stones her foot would slip and she would slide back. Multiple times Lisa (my wife) offered to carry Emma, but consistently the answer was the same, “I can do it myself”. Her little fingers would grip the stone crevice and her little feet search for something to stand on, as the rest of us easily maneuvered over the rocky terrain. Eventually, Emma and Lisa made it to the top where the rest of us had been resting and taking in the view from the highest point along the river’s edge. They were able to get a sip of water and take a quick look over the edge before we had to begin the trek back down again.
Very much like Emma, at age 3, we all have so much confidence in our own ability and are unwilling to truly allow ourselves to rely on another, namely God, to see us through. In doing so, we miss the wonderful views He has prepared for us. Oh sure, we may get to the same destination that God had planned for us, but along the way we will experience struggles, cuts, scrapes and many episodes of back-sliding. God is not going to force Himself upon you though. What you can do, is simply ask Him to help you, and then trust that He will. Giving it to God and accepting the help that He is trying to give us makes the journey so much more worthwhile and spectacular. There is no promise that it will be easy, because there are moments of strengthening and growth that come from living a life for the Lord, but it will be more fruitful in His kingdom when you are done.
We are 5 weeks before Easter. Now is a great time to focus on where God is leading you. Search your heart, break down the walls that you have built to keep God out and allow Him into those dark corners. Then let His presence and wisdom flow through you to help you with life’s daily problems. Remain confident and strong knowing that through God all things are possible and yet nothing of God is possible without His presence.
Heavenly Father,
You are an awesome God and we lift our hands to celebrate Your love for us. Through Your grace and mercy You have provided a path of salvation for each of us. You have given us Your Holy Spirit to walk with us in every decision we make throughout the day if we would only ask for His help. Help us to bury our selfish pride and arrogance and be willing to reach out to You for help in our life. In Your name we pray – Amen
Heavenly Father,
You are an awesome God and we lift our hands to celebrate Your love for us. Through Your grace and mercy You have provided a path of salvation for each of us. You have given us Your Holy Spirit to walk with us in every decision we make throughout the day if we would only ask for His help. Help us to bury our selfish pride and arrogance and be willing to reach out to You for help in our life. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Daily Thoughts,
God's love,
Mercy Me,
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
You Talkin' to Me?
“So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’” – Luke 17:10
I believe one of the issues we face today is a sense of entitlement. We all have it to one extent or another, some more deeply than others, but apparent in all of us. It’s not new and it’s not of our own doing. It’s inherent in each of us from the origin of sin. We are born with a bent towards pride, arrogance and independent thinking. We teach our children from the time they are young that they need to learn to stand up for themselves because nobody else is going to do it for them. As true as this is when viewed from the lens of humanity, it is completely opposite from the perspective of our Lord and Savior. Why is it that most people require everything be taken from them before they realize that they need a Savior? We wouldn’t wish anyone to fall into the depths where they are completely lost, but it is not beyond the Lord to allow that to happen if that’s what it takes.
There is a necessity in one’s relationship with Jesus Christ to realize just who is in charge. When you think about it, we idolize other humans – the Pope, Kings, Queens, Presidents, Actors/Actresses, Athletes and even some in the ministry. We get nervous approaching these individuals if and when they are not quarantined off from society. With this in mind, ask yourself, do you treat the Lord with the same reverence? One of my favorite bands is Casting Crowns, and they have a song title “Who Am I”. It addresses straight on, the humility that is required when approaching the Lord. Who are we to ask anything of the Father? What right do we have to stand in His presence and ask Him to do something on our behalf?
We are His children, that’s who. We are called to help others, love and be compassionate with others, serve others and forgive as we have been forgiven. Perfect these things, execute them the right way every time and with every other person you come in contact with; and you are still unworthy of the righteousness that is required for eternity with the Father. The scriptures tell us that despite our unworthiness and unrighteousness, by His grace we are still forgiven. He sees beyond our sinful nature and sees the heart of man. The Son of God stands in our place covering our filth and unrighteousness with His perfect sacrifice. Through Him we are redeemed and become worthy in the presence of the Lord Almighty. This doesn’t give us reprieve from His calling to serve, help, love and be compassionate to others. No, indeed if we are pursuing Christ as our salvation, these things fall into line. We are compelled to righteousness and redemption through our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Savior and our Lord. The Holy Spirit dwells within each of us and drives us to this righteous behavior. The Lord hears the cries of His children, so come to Him and lay your burdens down with humility and reverence for you are calling on the All Powerful Creator of all things.
Almighty God,
We humbly fall to our face before Your throne and lift up our hearts for Your cleansing. Fill us with Your purpose that we might indeed pursue it with a passion and further Your kingdom on earth. Help us to suppress the independent thinking of the world and focus on the passion and life of Jesus Christ, who has called us forward to be redeemed. We kneel before Your holiness and ask for Your grace and mercy on our souls. In Your name we pray – Amen
Almighty God,
We humbly fall to our face before Your throne and lift up our hearts for Your cleansing. Fill us with Your purpose that we might indeed pursue it with a passion and further Your kingdom on earth. Help us to suppress the independent thinking of the world and focus on the passion and life of Jesus Christ, who has called us forward to be redeemed. We kneel before Your holiness and ask for Your grace and mercy on our souls. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I Saw God Today
“Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
Have you ever just watched the eyes of a child when they are completely filled with God’s love? There are times, if you are looking for them, when you can actually see His compassion, peace, joy and love pour out from them. So many times we are looking for God to be present in the world’s troubles when He shows Himself right before our eyes.
Let me tell you a story of one of my daughter’s. I was in a position where I had my 3 youngest children plus my youngest Grand-daughter, 2 strollers, 2 car seats and a diaper bag. We were at a crowded event and looking at the situation I had no choice but to look to Samantha, my 7 year old angel for help. I knelt down next to her and said, “Sam, I need your help. I can’t do this alone. Can you push the stroller with Peyton (Grand-daughter) back to the car, while I push Emma and David?” “Sure Dad”, is all she said.
Weaving our way through thousands of people, I watched as she methodically guided this large stroller through the crowd. All the while Peyton slept quietly. On the other hand I was struggling with the other two toddlers, running amongst the people, not staying in the stroller and pretty much doing what toddlers do – toddle. As the crowds thinned we still had over a mile to walk to the car. Samantha never said a word, but just kept focused on her job, taking care of Peyton. Over large cracks in the sidewalk, curbs, grassy areas and mud puddles, she demonstrated every ounce of love she had for that baby. She would stop periodically and rub her face, calming her until she dozed back to sleep. She never complained about the distance or having to push a stroller.
Finally, we arrived at my car – a small 4 door sedan. All four kids would have to squeeze into the back seat, with 2 car seats. With car seats on the outer edges of the back seat, Samantha and David would have to squeeze between them. David whined and complained about this predicament for the next 45 minute drive home, as any normal small child would in such a tight spot. Peyton was now distraught and did not want to ride in the car. Samantha took over and once again calmed the baby down, giving her a bottle and singing her praise songs all the way home. When Peyton would fuss or cry, Sam would love on her, rub her face and help her again. The whole way home, Sam never complained about being squeezed into the back seat, she remained intently focused on taking care of Peyton.
I saw God in my own child today. When we come to the point of realizing we can’t handle something, and ask God to take care of it, He will. I asked Sam to help with Peyton, and despite the frustration, aggravation and stress I was feeling in getting all of the kids to the car and safely home, I watched her calmly and peacefully take care of Peyton. Just as in everything, it’s the things we choose to hang on to that will continue to overwhelm us with stress and anxiety. God wants us to bring our problems to Him. He desires you to trust and reach out for His help on even the smallest problems in life, and He promises to be there for you (1 Peter 5:7). Take time today to cast your concerns upon the Lord and let that burden go.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for showing me Your peace and love through the actions of Samantha. Thank You for filling me with peace in knowing that You are there to help with all of my problems, great and small. I trust in You and Your promise to lift the burdens from my shoulders and bring me guide me through the storms in life. Glory be to Your name in all that I do today – Amen
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for showing me Your peace and love through the actions of Samantha. Thank You for filling me with peace in knowing that You are there to help with all of my problems, great and small. I trust in You and Your promise to lift the burdens from my shoulders and bring me guide me through the storms in life. Glory be to Your name in all that I do today – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Daily Thought,
God's love,
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The World is Rockin'
“Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You" Psalm 56:3
It’s tragic and painful to watch and to try to comprehend the sheer amount of anguish that the people of Japan are going through today. After an 8.9 earthquake struck off the shores of Northeastern Japan, a huge Tsunami wave as high as 20 feet tall and traveling at 500 mph struck the coastline of Japan. Cities, harbors and buildings were completely engulfed in water as the wave pushed inland. I don’t know what the total loss of life will be as the waters recede, but the devastation and loss will be tremendous.
Each of us will mourn and feel sympathy and love for those families that are impacted by this tragic event. Some more than others as we comprehend the loss of life, livelihoods and peace that once thrived in this country. One moment a family is at peace having breakfast at the kitchen table and the very next moment a rumbling in the earth begins shaking their home and shortly afterwards a wall of water crashes into the side of their house, completely enveloping them in it’s speed and power.
No-one could have predicted that this would happen Friday morning. There were no warnings, no time to evacuate or seek shelter. Certainly, scientists have spent years and years studying seismic activity in the Earth’s core. We know from their studies where the Tectonic plates are and we know that as these plates shift it causes earthquakes and tremors at the earth’s surface. Leading up to the 8.9 earthquake were several smaller earthquakes in and around the Japan region (6.2 earthquake on the 8th, 7.2 earthquake on the 9th). Even so, the Friday quake might have been anticipated but the resulting Tsunami caught everyone in Japan by surprise.
Over the last few years we have seen things happening in the world that demonstrate unbelievable tragedy. Many are discounting it as normal the normal cycle of the environment and they might be right. What we do learn from the scriptures in Matthew 24 though is that there will be “labor pains” as we near the end of time. Is there a link between all of the natural disasters in the last year? I believe so, but that is strictly an opinion. Jesus Christ will return like a thief in the night. The recent activities offer us some understanding that we are not in control of this world. We can’t stop an earthquake, a Tsunami, a hurricane, a snow blizzard or torrential down pour from occurring any more than we can control the Sun’s movement in the sky.
So it will be when the Son returns. People cannot control this event or determine when it will happen. It will happen in the blink of an eye, leaving millions, if not billions, of people mourning the loss of loved ones and trying to explain away through science and logic. It’s my belief that God is preparing us for that day. I pray for the families of those affected by the Tsunami and I pray for the souls of those lost in the tragedy, may they find peace and joy in heaven with their Savior.
It’s tragic and painful to watch and to try to comprehend the sheer amount of anguish that the people of Japan are going through today. After an 8.9 earthquake struck off the shores of Northeastern Japan, a huge Tsunami wave as high as 20 feet tall and traveling at 500 mph struck the coastline of Japan. Cities, harbors and buildings were completely engulfed in water as the wave pushed inland. I don’t know what the total loss of life will be as the waters recede, but the devastation and loss will be tremendous.
Each of us will mourn and feel sympathy and love for those families that are impacted by this tragic event. Some more than others as we comprehend the loss of life, livelihoods and peace that once thrived in this country. One moment a family is at peace having breakfast at the kitchen table and the very next moment a rumbling in the earth begins shaking their home and shortly afterwards a wall of water crashes into the side of their house, completely enveloping them in it’s speed and power.
No-one could have predicted that this would happen Friday morning. There were no warnings, no time to evacuate or seek shelter. Certainly, scientists have spent years and years studying seismic activity in the Earth’s core. We know from their studies where the Tectonic plates are and we know that as these plates shift it causes earthquakes and tremors at the earth’s surface. Leading up to the 8.9 earthquake were several smaller earthquakes in and around the Japan region (6.2 earthquake on the 8th, 7.2 earthquake on the 9th). Even so, the Friday quake might have been anticipated but the resulting Tsunami caught everyone in Japan by surprise.
Over the last few years we have seen things happening in the world that demonstrate unbelievable tragedy. Many are discounting it as normal the normal cycle of the environment and they might be right. What we do learn from the scriptures in Matthew 24 though is that there will be “labor pains” as we near the end of time. Is there a link between all of the natural disasters in the last year? I believe so, but that is strictly an opinion. Jesus Christ will return like a thief in the night. The recent activities offer us some understanding that we are not in control of this world. We can’t stop an earthquake, a Tsunami, a hurricane, a snow blizzard or torrential down pour from occurring any more than we can control the Sun’s movement in the sky.
So it will be when the Son returns. People cannot control this event or determine when it will happen. It will happen in the blink of an eye, leaving millions, if not billions, of people mourning the loss of loved ones and trying to explain away through science and logic. It’s my belief that God is preparing us for that day. I pray for the families of those affected by the Tsunami and I pray for the souls of those lost in the tragedy, may they find peace and joy in heaven with their Savior.
Here are links to help the people of Japan:American Red Cross
Salvation Army
Loving God,
We are wrought in grief and despair and we need Your loving arms. The tragedy that has occurred in Japan this week have left questions in the minds of Your children. We call out to You to cover us in comfort and peace and understanding. We love You Lord and trust in Your wisdom and sovereignty. All things work for the good for those who dwell in You, we believe this to be true and need You to show us the way that we might help Your children through this event. In Your name we pray – Amen
Salvation Army
Loving God,
We are wrought in grief and despair and we need Your loving arms. The tragedy that has occurred in Japan this week have left questions in the minds of Your children. We call out to You to cover us in comfort and peace and understanding. We love You Lord and trust in Your wisdom and sovereignty. All things work for the good for those who dwell in You, we believe this to be true and need You to show us the way that we might help Your children through this event. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Daily Thought,
God's love,
Japan Tsunami 2011,
Psalm 56:3
Friday, March 11, 2011
He will Hold Your Hand
We are all faced with challenges daily. Sometimes, these challenges have the ability to cripple our confidence. When this happens it’s important to maintain an understanding that you were created by the Almighty God of the Universe. You are not here by happen chance and no life is created in futility. There comes that point in every person’s life when they seek out the ultimate question; “Why am I here and what am I supposed to do with my life?” If you haven’t struggled with this than consider yourself blessed, because most of the people I have met and/or associated with in my life have wrestled with this question or something like it in their life at one point or another.
When life’s challenges hit you head on – pause, take a deep breath and ask yourself 3 basic questions:
1) Does this situation change who I am in God’s eyes?
2) What is the impact of my action or decision in the perspective of God’s plan?
3) Can I use this situation to help others come to know God more closely?
I know there is nothing in there that seems to immediately solve the problem or challenge you are facing, but these will help you maintain focus on God’s plan and less on yours. By focusing your attention on God and His perfect plan for your life, you can better grasp that you are prepared to work through the situation. We tend to imagine the worst case scenario when obstacles arise in life. Immediately, the mind begins racing to the worst possible scenario and then we begin calculating and working toward solving that problem even though it may never come to fruition.
When we look internally for answers to problems we are facing we are limiting our solution set to the depth of our knowledge and wisdom. God did not make us to be independent and self controlled. He made us uniquely to be dependent upon Him and to call upon Him for our direction and answers in life. These answers come from His word, a nudging of the Holy Spirit, prayers, counseling with other believers and leaders in your church. You are not alone in this world to take on life’s challenges. You are held in the palm of the most High God and must hold true to the strength, courage, wisdom and confidence that is endowed by your rights as His child. Call upon Him and His power and put aside your feelings of fear and weakness.
When life’s challenges hit you head on – pause, take a deep breath and ask yourself 3 basic questions:
1) Does this situation change who I am in God’s eyes?
2) What is the impact of my action or decision in the perspective of God’s plan?
3) Can I use this situation to help others come to know God more closely?
I know there is nothing in there that seems to immediately solve the problem or challenge you are facing, but these will help you maintain focus on God’s plan and less on yours. By focusing your attention on God and His perfect plan for your life, you can better grasp that you are prepared to work through the situation. We tend to imagine the worst case scenario when obstacles arise in life. Immediately, the mind begins racing to the worst possible scenario and then we begin calculating and working toward solving that problem even though it may never come to fruition.
When we look internally for answers to problems we are facing we are limiting our solution set to the depth of our knowledge and wisdom. God did not make us to be independent and self controlled. He made us uniquely to be dependent upon Him and to call upon Him for our direction and answers in life. These answers come from His word, a nudging of the Holy Spirit, prayers, counseling with other believers and leaders in your church. You are not alone in this world to take on life’s challenges. You are held in the palm of the most High God and must hold true to the strength, courage, wisdom and confidence that is endowed by your rights as His child. Call upon Him and His power and put aside your feelings of fear and weakness.
Heavenly Father,
You created me in my mother’s womb and molded my mind perfectly for all of life’s challenges. You knew my days from beginning to end before I breathed my first breath. You have promised in Your word that You will stand by me and that my thoughts and fears are known before I even utter the word. Hear me Lord when I cry out for help and strength, and cover me in righteousness that I might see Your glory in all that I do. I place my fears and worries at Your feet today for You will see me through. In Your name we pray – Amen
Heavenly Father,
You created me in my mother’s womb and molded my mind perfectly for all of life’s challenges. You knew my days from beginning to end before I breathed my first breath. You have promised in Your word that You will stand by me and that my thoughts and fears are known before I even utter the word. Hear me Lord when I cry out for help and strength, and cover me in righteousness that I might see Your glory in all that I do. I place my fears and worries at Your feet today for You will see me through. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
2 Timothy,
Daily Thought,
God's love,
God's Purpose
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.” – Psalms 100:4
When you’ve had a terrible day it is so hard to lift up thanksgiving. One of those Sunday when you’re running late, the dog runs out the door and down the street in the rain. Upon catching him, his muddy paws end up leaving prints on your freshly white pressed shirt. After getting a new shirt and pants, you finally make it to church, only to spill your coffee as you are getting out of the car, and left the umbrella by the door as you walked out of the house. Determined you put it behind you, walk towards the church and as your foot hits the first step, something clicks and a peace comes over you. Sure, your shirt is wet with a large brown stain, your hair is dripping and clinging to your head, but as you ascend those few steps, it all seems to vanish. Bill greets you with a smile and a warm handshake, “I am so glad you decided to brave the weather and come out this morning. They’re just finishing the second song, go on in and join them.”
Opening the door to the sanctuary the words ring out, “…and I know there’ll be days when this life brings me pain, but if that’s what it takes to praise you, Jesus bring the rain.” Mercy Me, Bring the Rain, 2006 (listen here) Closing my eyes I left the music envelope me for just a moment before moving to find a seat. God was speaking right into my heart. There is no way around the message from Him that morning. He deserves our thanksgiving in everything. We are so caught up in feeling sorry for ourselves and our circumstances we often look right past the blessings that surround us every day of our life. Face it, we focus on the negative as a society and have difficulty bringing the positive to the forefront and into the limelight.
Every night at dinner we have a tradition at our home. Perhaps you can find value in it in your home as well. As the food is being passed around and the eating begins we go around the table answering 2 questions. ”What was your high for the day?” followed up with “What was your low?” The rules are simple you must have at least one high, and you cannot have more lows than highs. Finally, they must be something that happened that day, not something that will happen or something that happened in the past. The highs are lifted up as praises and the person is honored and celebrated for the moment. The lows become actionable prayers for that night’s bedside.
God is good always. His love never changes for you, even when it’s raining and the dog has run away. If you find nothing else to be thankful for and to lift up in worship and praise today, be thankful for that. You don’t deserve His love. Your sinful life is filthy in His eyes, but by the grace of His Son dying on that cross and being resurrected from the grave your sins are wiped clean and God sees you as the perfect image of His Son. There is nothing we can do to deserve His love, He freely gave it for our redemption. This is worthy of thanksgiving every day, every hour, every minute.
Opening the door to the sanctuary the words ring out, “…and I know there’ll be days when this life brings me pain, but if that’s what it takes to praise you, Jesus bring the rain.” Mercy Me, Bring the Rain, 2006 (listen here) Closing my eyes I left the music envelope me for just a moment before moving to find a seat. God was speaking right into my heart. There is no way around the message from Him that morning. He deserves our thanksgiving in everything. We are so caught up in feeling sorry for ourselves and our circumstances we often look right past the blessings that surround us every day of our life. Face it, we focus on the negative as a society and have difficulty bringing the positive to the forefront and into the limelight.
Every night at dinner we have a tradition at our home. Perhaps you can find value in it in your home as well. As the food is being passed around and the eating begins we go around the table answering 2 questions. ”What was your high for the day?” followed up with “What was your low?” The rules are simple you must have at least one high, and you cannot have more lows than highs. Finally, they must be something that happened that day, not something that will happen or something that happened in the past. The highs are lifted up as praises and the person is honored and celebrated for the moment. The lows become actionable prayers for that night’s bedside.
God is good always. His love never changes for you, even when it’s raining and the dog has run away. If you find nothing else to be thankful for and to lift up in worship and praise today, be thankful for that. You don’t deserve His love. Your sinful life is filthy in His eyes, but by the grace of His Son dying on that cross and being resurrected from the grave your sins are wiped clean and God sees you as the perfect image of His Son. There is nothing we can do to deserve His love, He freely gave it for our redemption. This is worthy of thanksgiving every day, every hour, every minute.
Heavenly Father,
You have provided grace for us, though we are unworthy and will always be You have provided a way for us to enter into Your presence because of grace. We lift up our hands to You today and praise Your holy name before all creation. You deserve so much more than I am capable of giving, so I give all that I have. In Your name we pray – Amen
Heavenly Father,
You have provided grace for us, though we are unworthy and will always be You have provided a way for us to enter into Your presence because of grace. We lift up our hands to You today and praise Your holy name before all creation. You deserve so much more than I am capable of giving, so I give all that I have. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Daily Thoughts,
Mercy Me,
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
There Will Come a Day
“"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.” – Matthew 24:30
“…it was dark and the plane was on route to London when there was a knock on the cockpit door. Captain Steele rose to answer it, and was met by the flight attendant…”People are missing”, she said. “What do you mean?” “A whole bunch of people, just gone!” … “Dozens of people are missing”…”I’m not crazy, all over the plane, people have disappeared.” “ – excerpt from Left Behind, Lehaye and Jenkins, 1995
The day is coming when Christ will return and in the flash of an eye, those that are asleep in Christ and those that are alive in Christ will return with Him to heaven. It’s not a fairy tale, it’s the absolute truth as recorded throughout God’s scriptures. It’s prophesied in Daniel and Zechariah and again by Christ himself in Matthew and Mark. John writes of His coming on the clouds in Revelations 1:7. People will mourn on that day and there will be tremendous crying, waling and screaming in despair for the lost loved ones that have been taken, but also for the realization that they themselves have been left behind. The governments and officials will justify it as radiation, bio-warfare or some other non-sense, but many will realize just what had happened.
Many believe in pre-tribulation rapture of the church – this means that Christ comes back before the 7 year tribulation and takes the believers home to heaven. Then after 7 years of sin filled existence on earth, coupled with plagues and wars between “New” believers and the world government of the anti-christ, Jesus returns to fight the final fight in the valley of Megiddo, Armageddon.
Some believe in mid-term tribulation which means that Christ returns mid-way through (after 3.5 years) of the 7 years tribulation.
The day is coming when Christ will return and in the flash of an eye, those that are asleep in Christ and those that are alive in Christ will return with Him to heaven. It’s not a fairy tale, it’s the absolute truth as recorded throughout God’s scriptures. It’s prophesied in Daniel and Zechariah and again by Christ himself in Matthew and Mark. John writes of His coming on the clouds in Revelations 1:7. People will mourn on that day and there will be tremendous crying, waling and screaming in despair for the lost loved ones that have been taken, but also for the realization that they themselves have been left behind. The governments and officials will justify it as radiation, bio-warfare or some other non-sense, but many will realize just what had happened.
Many believe in pre-tribulation rapture of the church – this means that Christ comes back before the 7 year tribulation and takes the believers home to heaven. Then after 7 years of sin filled existence on earth, coupled with plagues and wars between “New” believers and the world government of the anti-christ, Jesus returns to fight the final fight in the valley of Megiddo, Armageddon.
Some believe in mid-term tribulation which means that Christ returns mid-way through (after 3.5 years) of the 7 years tribulation.
Many also believe in post-tribulation rapture, in which Christ returns after the 7 years of tribulation and His believers are then taken up to heaven, having lived through the hardships and struggles of the new world.
I’m not here to resolve this argument. The bible is clear, we will not know the day of His coming, so be prepared always. There is no countdown clock, no hail Mary passes to save the game in the final seconds, for we know not when those seconds may tick by. For all we know by the time I finish this second, Christ may have returned…… Not yet, but soon, and I am ready when He does – are you? Is your family? Are your friends? Do you care?
I’m not here to resolve this argument. The bible is clear, we will not know the day of His coming, so be prepared always. There is no countdown clock, no hail Mary passes to save the game in the final seconds, for we know not when those seconds may tick by. For all we know by the time I finish this second, Christ may have returned…… Not yet, but soon, and I am ready when He does – are you? Is your family? Are your friends? Do you care?
God Almighty,
We stand at guard and ready for Your return. We are prepared for Your sweet redemption and grace. I long for the day that Christ will take my hand and escort me to heaven. I pray for those who have not come to know You, or have turned from You. Pour out Your love and mercy upon them Lord, that they might rejoice in the last days with us. In Your name we pray – Amen
God Almighty,
We stand at guard and ready for Your return. We are prepared for Your sweet redemption and grace. I long for the day that Christ will take my hand and escort me to heaven. I pray for those who have not come to know You, or have turned from You. Pour out Your love and mercy upon them Lord, that they might rejoice in the last days with us. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
Christ's Return,
Daily Thoughts,
God's love,
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