Monday, March 21, 2011

In God We Trust

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.”  – Proverbs 3:5-7
What does trust mean to you?  Do you trust that the company you work for will  be in business tomorrow, or that the school you go to will still have classes in the morning?  Why?  Where does your expectation come from that allow you to trust in the things of this world with such assuredness?

Obviously, it is simple to trust in something tangible that you can feel, smell, hear, touch or taste than it is to trust in the unseen.  If you went to the office tomorrow and you were told that cut backs were needed and you would be let go, what would happen to your trust in the company?  Suddenly the comfort of your financial stability and security has been put at risk.  Trust is built over time and through personal experiences.  When we make ourselves vulnerable to rely on another or on a given situation and trust that our knowledge is sufficient we leave ourselves open to disappointment and rejection.

I recall a story of a science experiment which demonstrates the inability to trust our own understanding.  There was a student who decided to demonstrate the Law of the Pendulum.  He first tied a child’s top to a string and attached the end of the string to a black board.  He lifted it to one side, marked the height on the board and released the top.  It swung along an arc and then returned to a height short of the original mark.  He marked this spot and watched as it continually went back and forth, falling shorter each time, until eventually it came to rest at the center point of equilibrium.   This accurately demonstrated to the class the Law of the Pendulum.  Then the student asked the professor to stand near the front of the room.  Hanging from the ceiling was a heavy gauge string with a sizeable weight at the end.  He lifted the weight to a point just below the professor’s chin.  Looking at the professor he asked, “Do you believe in the Law of the Pendulum as demonstrated.”  The professor replied with a hesitant, “Yes, I do.”  With that the student let go of the weight.  It dropped along the arc to the other side of the room and began on it’s return.  The professor jumped back before the weight made it back to his side of the room.  Despite his knowledge and understanding of the Law of the Pendulum, he could not rely on that knowledge to overcome his fears of the risk as it approached.

So many times we fall back on the fears of our own knowledge and understanding rather than trusting in the Lord to provide for our needs.  When life takes a turn for the worst, the best thing to do is to turn your view to the Lord and discover what He has planned for you.  You see, just because disappointment happens in life doesn’t mean that God isn’t actively working in ways beyond your vision.  The real question is, are you able to trust Him when things in your life seem to be falling apart.  Take into consideration that some of the greatest opportunities to serve the Lord might just require you to go through some changes.  This requires a strong faith and belief that God will provide.  Trust in the Lord is the only sure thing.  He does not turn away from those who seek Him and will carry you through your trials.   

Prayer:Almighty God,
You have promised to carry us when we are hurting and to be our strength in times of trouble.  You continually provide for our needs when the world fails and our understanding creates fear and worry.  We trust in You to guide us in Your path of righteousness and within Your plan for our life.  Help us to remain strong and confident in Your control.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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