Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Everyone Needs Compassion

 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” – Luke 6:37
It’s so easy to look at someone else and find faults in what they do or do not do based on your limited knowledge of their situation and circumstance.  We all do it, you’d be lying if you were to say that you have never, in one way or another, judged someone by their actions or words.  So, where do we draw the line?  In some regards, we judge others as a means of giving advice, whether asked for or not.  At other times, we critic another’s actions or words by judging them right or wrong based on our opinions.  Judging as it is associated with justice is not condemned in this scripture or in Matthew 7:1, but rather the act of judging hastily and unforgivingly.  The act of judging one another is expected to the extent that we are lovingly, helping another person overcome a situation in their Christian walk but not in condemnation of the person itself.

Only God, the Father, has the authority to judge in terms of a person’s heart and readiness for eternity.  Often times the extension of someone’s opinion crosses that boundary and seems judgmental in an eternal manner.  The greek word for judge is
κρνω (krinō) and means to announce an opinion concerning right and wrong.  We are reminded throughout Romans that judgment is the Lord’s and only the Lord’s and that we shall all bear witness to our actions and give an account at the judgment seat of Jesus Christ.  Yet, we are also held accountable to lift up our brother in times of need and to help them right their steps when they have gone astray.

This requires a delicate balance of love, forgiveness and correction with humility.  In this area one must be cautious as to not portrait superiority over another.  We are all sinners, but by the glory and grace of God the Father through Jesus Christ blood we are redeemed and made whole.  We do not have the authority to stand in front of another individual and point out their faults without first realizing and accepting our own.  We have experiences in life that can often times help another through a time of struggle and overcome obstacles in their Christian walk.  When we use these experiences, with humility, to support another person through something, it is not considered judging as in condemning them.  We are one body of believers in this world and must be willing to support one another lovingly, while still pointing each other in the way of Jesus Christ. Let God the Father judge the sinner’s heart while we compassionately work with the sinner to help them strengthen their relationship and reliance on Jesus Christ as their means to overcoming sin in their life.


God Almighty,
We have all sinned and fall short of Your requirement.  Forgive me Lord, for walking outside of Your light in areas of my life.  Forgive me for turning away from You in times of need, and taking on the world alone.  I ask Lord that You work through me to share Your love with others that they might come to a stronger relationship with You and be found worthy in Your eyes by the grace You have bestowed upon us.  Help me to be less judgmental in my actions and more loving and supportive in helping others find Jesus.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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