Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Say You?

“Jesus answered, "I did tell you, but you do not believe. The miracles I do in my Father's name speak for me.”  – John 10:25

It all comes down to faith and belief in the truthfulness of the word of God.  You have heard the Verizon commercials, “Can you hear me now?  Good.”  The word of God, namely the Bible, was written to speak to you.  The question is, can you hear it?

Jesus Christ walked the earth as God in flesh.  He proclaimed throughout His ministry that He was of God, the Messiah, the Light of the World, the Good Shepherd and so on.  His works were of the Father, and the miracles He performed were of the Father.  It’s captured in
Matthew 11:5, he healed the blind, healed people and even raised them from the dead.  These are not things of demon’s or evil, for as Jesus tells us Himself in Matthew 12:26; Satan cannot cast out Satan.

The same ridiculous arguments exist still today as people challenge the authenticity of Jesus Christ as the Messiah.  Many will acknowledge His existence, but claim that He was a prophet.  Some will say He was surely a righteous man and demonstrated the love of God, but he was not God incarnate.  Other’s claim him to be just a man who led a cult of followers down a path of misbelieve that has warped the mind’s of millions for centuries.

What do you believe?  Why?

You must make a choice.  Yes, plain and simple – YOU have to choose what you believe and why.  Is Jesus Christ the Son of God?  He claimed it to be so.  For those of you who like multiple choice questions, the answers are A) He was the telling the truth and by example of His works demonstrated His authority and power from God; or B) he was a good person, perhaps a prophet or an imposter trying to convince the world at that time to follow his teachings for his own personal gain which resulted in his brutal crucifixion; or C) he never existed and the entire New Testament of God’s Holy Scriptures is an amalgamation of lies and deceit that have been handed down over thousands of years as the truth.  

Which is it?  This question isn’t difficult and the choices are no more complicated than I’ve described.  There is no other alternative answers or D) none of the above.  It’s A, B or C and your choice is eternally recorded.  If you believe that B is the correct answer, then you must believe that the Messiah has not come yet, and that Jesus was a liar and his life was a complete contradiction.  He clearly stated multiple times in different ways that He was from God and “the Son of God”.  If you believe he existed, yet don’t believe this statement to be true, than he must have been a liar.  Therefore he must have been evil, unrighteous and filled with sin, just like every other man ever born.  Yet, the entire record of his life demonstrates otherwise, his actions which were righteous, miraculous and pointed people to God not to himself.

If you believe C is the right answer, then you must believe that all of the first century writings and manuscripts detailing his existence have been fabricated to continue the lie.  You must believe that the detailed records from the 1st century were also falsified when they account for the killing of Christians and followers of “The Way”.  At some point, people would have realized that dying for a lie was ludicrous and it would have faded away, not gotten stronger. 

Billions upon billions of people over time have held strong to the belief that Jesus Christ was who He claimed to be.  They have chosen A because they have faith that God’s Word is true in it’s entirety.  This then points to the return of Jesus Christ as recorded in Revelations and throughout the New Testament.  If Genesis through Jude are considered factual than we must accept that Revelations must also be factual.  Therefore, we must realize there will be a judgment of all mankind and there is an eternity spent in heaven or hell. 

If we believe in Him as the Messiah, the Son of God, we must agree that He was sinless, perfect and incapable of deceit or unrighteousness.  Therefore, when He claims that He is the only way to heaven, we must believe it to be truth and live our lives as such.
Heavenly Father,
You have given us Your Word as the single version of the truth.  In it we find Your love, grace and mercy demonstrated through Your Son – Jesus Christ.  We acknowledge that He is who He says He is and that His instructions are truthful indeed.  Thank you for sharing Your Son with us that we might find salvation and redemption through His sacrifice and the shedding of His blood.  We long to be in Your presence, help us to live within Your will until that time is upon us.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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