Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hitchhiking is Allowed

“Blessed are those whose strength is in You, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.”  – Psalm 84:5

It’s unbelievable the amount of information that is available to each of us through the internet and media today.  The problem is that when we are gathering information we aren’t always sure where it will lead us.  The web is a wonderful tool for doing research and gathering data to improve one’s knowledge on a subject or to hear/interpret others opinions on a given matter.  It’s important though to realize that not everything you read or hear is true, nor does it all have your best intentions in mind when the data is posted.

Many of us today have a GPS in our cars, or in some cases built right into the smart phones that we carry.  Certainly, there is the opportunity to print maps from the internet before you leave on a journey to somewhere unfamiliar.  We can look on any one of the wonderful “maps” web-sites and within minutes have directions to our destination including fastest route, least busy route and the route with the most hotels along the way.  Regardless of the choice we make, the destination is known before we ever get behind the wheel of the vehicle.

So it is with your life.  There is a destination, as sad as it is to consider, we will all draw our last breath one day.  That is the destination for the life you are living regardless if you have an eternal plan or not, whether you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior or not.  We are each going to reach the end of life on this planet, and between the point you are today and that ending state you have to fill in the map and the highways/byways of your journey to get there.

God has a plan and purpose for your life.  You have to chose to listen and follow.  Don’t buy into the fact that you are too old or beyond your ability to serve Him.  Abraham was 99 years old when God revealed His covenant and purpose for him.  David was but a boy, a mere teen aged shepherd when Samuel came and ordained him as the future King of Israel.  Moses lived in wealth and prosperity before his actions pushed him into a life as a herder in the mountains where God spoke His purpose to Moses.  John, the disciple of Jesus Christ, was 98 years old and living on an island of prisoners when he wrote the book of Revelations (at the inspiration of Christ Himself).  Paul was well into his middle age when he met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus.  A small boy brought forth two fish and 5 loaves for the Messiah to perform a miracle and feed thousands.  What makes you so special that God no longer has use for you?  You see, it is not whether God wants to use you, in that you can be sure.  The real question is do you want to serve?  Are you finally at the point in your life when enough is enough and you are ready to walk God’s highway to Zion.  He has placed His Holy Spirit within you, waiting on your decision.  He’s already made up His mind.  Succumb to His request and allow His plan to be revealed to you.  He will be your strength and courage at each and every step along the way.

God Almighty,
You have given us but one life to live in Your name.  One beginning and one end.  Help us to lay out that map in between to serve You completely.  Help us to see Your plan for our life, so that we might walk along the road with You rather than against You.  We live to serve You and humble ourselves in unworthiness to be chosen by You.  In Your name we pray – Amen

©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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