Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The World is Your Garden

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”  – Ephesians 5:15-16
Read the newspaper, watch CNN, BBC, FoxNews or your local news network and immediately you will discover just how evil this world has become.  There is very little that is beyond the imagination or possibility of corruption in this day and age.  When Paul sat in the prison of Rome and wrote the letter to the Ephesians, he wrote of an evil that existed in Rome, Greece and the surrounding Mediterranean Basin.  What evil could have existed in the 1st century AD.  Were there murderers?  Thieves?  Adulterers and prostitution?  Were there addicts and alcoholics?  Gangs and violence?  We know there were prisons and colonies for lepers, there were Kings, taxes and poverty.  We can’t forget the religious conflicts between Judaism, Christianity, Greek Mythology and the God’s of Balaam.  So tell me, if we were sitting in a prison today and asked those serving in prison with us, “What was your crime?”  - would the answers be too far removed from these?  Oh sure, they may have advanced in technological skill and scale beyond comprehension in 50 AD, but at the heart of it all – evil is evil.  It has always been with us, back to the Garden of Eden and will carry forward until the return of Christ Jesus to take us home.

How do we compete against evil?  The scriptures tell us by our wisdom and caution.  Live our lives as an example of Christ’s love so that all may see first- hand and experience His love through each of us.  Opportunity knocks each and every day if you are looking for it.  The problem we face is that most are not looking for it and therefore are caught off guard when the opportunities present themselves.  When we are confronted with evil in today’s 21st century, having the word of the Lord in your hip pocket will allow you to represent it to the situation with compassion, love and the grace of the Lord. 

I propose that people are longing for something tangible to believe in that represents the Lord’s purpose in their life.  Through your study of the word and devotionals (such as this) you are preparing your mind to deal with circumstances that will come your way.  God is building an army of passionate, intense and driven warriors for His Kingdom.  Our main purpose in life, despite what the world will tell you, is to serve the Lord in expanding His Kingdom.  If we are focused on this task regardless of our position at work or in school, we are capable of doing great things.  Reach for the opportunity to work for the Lord in bringing His knowledge, wisdom, grace, peace and love to those who are wrapped up in evil today. 

Loving Father,
You have promised in Your word to return and bring us home in Your timing.  We are not guaranteed another day in this world, therefore work within each of us to prepare our hearts, mind and soul for that day.  Help us to be evangelists for You this year.  Help us and give us confidence to take every opportunity as it unfolds to share Your gospel with others.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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