Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Change is Inevitable

"I am the Lord; those who hope in Me will not be disappointed." - Isaiah 49:23

We are creatures of habit. We live in a comfort zone that fits our personality. It works because we've spent years creating it in just the right way to meet our needs. Then someone or something comes along and upsets the apple cart. Like a stone being thrown into a peaceful lake, there is an immediate splash that everyone sees. Then there are numerous ripples that expand and grow across the lake impacting an area exponentially greater than the initial impact of the stone in the water.

You've seen the ripple impact of others decisions in your daily life I'm sure. Changes to your plans are required for one reason or another and this in turn upsets the balance of your comfort zone. In turn your reaction will cause a ripple in another's comfort zone and so on and so on.

We often put our hope in the abiltiy of others to blend in with our daily routine. We look to their decisions and hope that they align with our way of thinking, and our belief structure. This is highly unlikely and most time causes disappointment in others. As changes approach we need to take a bigger view perspective, and place our hope in the Lord. His promises are truth and His intentions are for your gain. He will not disappoint, although His plans may not align perfectly with yours, it's important to realize that changes introduced by the Lord are for your gain. As decisions are made that influence your life, fall back on the hope and trust that the Lord is in control and will see all things to His gain.

Keep in mind that this ripple effect happens in your daily walk as well. You have the ability to create positive beneficial ripples or negative harmful ripples in those you come in contact with. Look for ways to be a positive influence in others lives and allow the ripple effect to spread that positive influence well beyond your immediate circle of influence.

Heavenly Father,
You have given us Your truth in Your word and we are in awe of it's power and wisdom. We look within to find Your purpose and allow Your truth to ripple through us so that other's might see Your grace, mercy and love. Help us to be positive in our words and actions that we might help propogate Your truth amongst all that we meet. In Your name we pray - Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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