Wednesday, September 7, 2011

For All

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.” – 2 Corinthians 5:14

There is no first class, no business class and no coach seats.  It’s not a round trip, it’s one way and you needn’t pack anything.  You won’t have any time to kiss your loved ones goodbye and there are no security lines to wait through.  No passports, visas, work permits or green cards are necessary; and the ticket is absolutely free.  The lines will be long, but the check in process is immediate, no waiting.  You don’t need to worry about how your dressed or whether you packed enough socks.  You can’t check anything, not even your laptop, iPad or phone.  Leave the makeup on the bathroom counter, the toothbrush in the jar and your razor in the drawer right next to the shaving cream.  For you see, when Christ returns none of this will matter ever again.  He is coming back to rapture His church and escort them back to be in the presence of God Almighty in heaven for all of eternity.

The scriptures tell us that every single one of us have the opportunity to get a ticket for this trip.  The choice is left to the individual.  Nothing can remove a person from eligibility except their own decision to turn the other way.  The ticket of salvation was printed once and it has no expiration date.  When Jesus Christ died on that cross, the printing press started up.  He spent the next three days in the “heart of the earth” as we read Jesus saying about Himself in
Matthew 12:40.  He rose again on the 3rd day and broke the chains of death once and for all.  The ticket of salvation was finally printed and made available to all mankind.  All means all.

Jesus blood was spilled that day to cover the sins of all mankind.  We can’t look at that sacrifice and say it is only good for the redemption of some sin and not others.  If we truly believe it is sufficient to cover the sins in my life, can I honestly believe that it is insufficient to cover the sins in another person’s life.  The idea is preposterous when you think about it in this way.  If indeed His blood is insufficient for redeeming this person or that person because of what they have done, then it is insufficient for all and the entire redemption plan is a farce.  The sins of our life separate us from God, but the scriptures tell us in
John 3:16; professing your belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is sufficient to receiving God’s grace. 

Those who refuse to believe this and follow this One called Christ will not receive the ticket of salvation.  To our dismay, this list is just as long, if not longer, than the list of those who will make the journey.  This is our mission in life.  You ask yourself what is your purpose – open your heart, your mind and your eyes.  Standing all around you are those that will one day perish into the abyss.  Our main purpose in life should be to help them find their ticket, for even their sins can be forgiven if they so choose, despite their race, religion, culture or age.  God’s love is available and waiting for every one of them, if they will repent and ask.

Loving Father,
Your love is amazing and everlasting.  You have provided for us the means by which to join You in eternity, and given us free reign to choose.  I believe Your salvation is available to all mankind equally, and the blood of Jesus Christ is sufficient for even those who hate You.  Help me to be Your light and love to those who despise You.  Help their hearts be softened so that they might hear of Your love and redeeming grace.  In Your name I pray – Amen
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
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