Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's Going to Get Worse

“And he awoke and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” – Mark 4:39

We are in the middle of the hurricane season.  Each year the warm waters of the gulf churn up a number of storms that pound the coast line with wave after wave as the storms come ashore.  As the latest storm of this year hit the city of New Orleans just this past weekend, I am reminded of three things.  One, that God has promised to never again flood the entire earth; two, God is in control of the winds, the oceans, the rains and the elements; and three, in the end times the earth will be in turmoil as if in the beginnings of birthing pains. 

As the waves of life crash in on you, and your day seems overwhelming with tedious tasks and to-do lists; step back and remember that you are not alone on this journey.  There is a God and He knows what you are facing each day.  Reach out to Him for strength, for courage and confidence to take on one day at a time.  The scriptures tell us that there is no sense in worrying about tomorrow, for we are not guaranteed tomorrow.  Focus on what you can do for the Lord today, and what He needs from you today.

There will be wars and pestilence and earthquakes; even peace will be taken from the earth.  You cannot open up any newspaper or turn on any news broadcast without realizing that we are in very tumultuous times today.  Wars are being fought all over the world as those in power struggle to remain and those with cultural differences clash.  Do not get lost in fear of these events, but rather look to the heavens and the only One who can control what is to come?  It is becoming even more important to remain in His word and in prayer with the Creator of the world, and trust in His word of salvation.

 It is not for us to worry about the exact day, hour or minute, but to be ready.  Watch what is going on in the world and understand that it is not by happenchance, it is part of the plan – His plan.  Peace is possible and will happen in due time, and we must remain strong as we lead up to it.
Heavenly Father,
You have given us Your Holy Word as a guideline and a comfort in times of stress and worry.  Your word tells us of the things that will happen as we draw nearer to the end of times.  Brother will hate brother, families will be torn apart and wars will ensue.  Earthquakes, famine, floods and pestilence will accelerate as the earth suffers through labor pains.  We draw close to You and know that You control all things and that Your plan is being executed. Grant us the courage, confidence, strength and wisdom to make it through these times Lord.  We long for the days of peace and rest in Your presence one day.  In Your name I pray – Amen
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
For More Daily Thoughts – http://www.10minutereader.com

1 comment:

  1. We are an impatient living creature. I know that I am. Yet, believing in God adds much security to my life as I know that He will always be there at my side to comfort me even when the world seems to be is crashing and crumbling at my feet.
