Friday, September 23, 2011

The Lemming

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 
                                                                                                                                        - 2 Timothy 1:7

Alone – unique and unafraid.  Have you ever been in a situation where you were the only one with a certain opinion or experience.  Charles Swindoll once ran a test at a university where 10 students were put in a room and on the board were drawn three lines.  The students were asked to raise their hand when the longest line was pointed to.  Prior to the test beginning, 9 of the students were told (secretly) to raise their hand when the second longest line was pointed to.  The test was intended to confirm that individuals will follow the pack even though he/she knew it was the wrong answer.  So when the professor pointed to the correct line (the longest line) the one student would raise their hand, observe themselves to be the only one and then lower their hand, most times embarrassed.  This happened 75% of the time, as students from grade school through high school were tested.  The conclusion was reached that most people would rather be popular than be right.  (C. Swindoll, March 1984)

Most are familiar with another term often used to describe those that will follow the crowd fully knowing that the actions are wrong – Lemming.  Several years ago Disney documented the life of these furry animals as one of following without thinking.  As a group of lemmings come to a cliff overlooking the ocean, the first one jumps.  Then hundreds of them follow suit and jump off the cliff to their death in the deep, icy waters of the North Atlantic.  Not a single lemming turned back to do the right thing.  Was the first one evil and intending to lead the rest off the cliff or was it a lack of good judgment by the community?

The bible makes clear in
Proverbs 14:12 that the ways of man will lead to death, while Romans 12:2 tells us not conform to the ways of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind with righteous things and a focus on God’s will.  It’s hard to stand up to the crowd, but it is essential when we know the result is against our Savior’s plan.  Making a decision to follow the ways of the world, and then being angry at God when things go wrong is nothing but foolishness.  We each make decisions, right / wrong ; good / bad ; popular / unpopular and we must be held accountable of those decisions we make in life.  God has given you the power, wisdom, strength and courage to do what is right, despite how unpopular the decision is in life.  My philosophy has always been this – would I do this if Jesus Christ were with me or if Jesus Christ returns right now, is this where I want to be.

The Holy Spirit is with you at all times, for those of us that have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.  Being popular and in the cool crowd is not the purpose of life.  We need to put on an attitude of eternity and realize that every decision we make today, draws us closer to our Savior and His plan for us or it pushes us away.  Don’t become a lemming and follow other’s to your demise.  Stand on His promise for self-discipline, righteousness and love; and help the crowd see His plan.
Heavenly Father,
Forgive us Lord for following man’s ways.  Forgive us for choosing popularity over purity.  Help us to know the error of our ways and to retreat from unrighteous behavior.  Holy Spirit - convict our hearts that we might realize when we are outside of your will for us.  Teach us to stand strong in Your ways and to run from those who refuse to.  We love You and long to do Your will – In Jesus name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
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