Monday, September 26, 2011

The Scales Fell

"I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ. ”   - Galatians 1:12

Where does it come from - our knowledge of God? Can man give this wisdom to another? Certainly you can read the scriptures and learn more each and every day about God, but where did the initial knowledge come from?

Some will say that there is a hole in your heart that can only be filled by God. Some say that there are "God Spots" in the brain that rationalize our spiritual thoughts and seek out these things. It boggles my mind though that two babies born in the same hospital at the same time are so incredibly different from that moment on. Any spiritual influence that took place during the creation and maternity period is immediately overthrown by the real world influence of the people they are going home with. One goes home to praises and thanksgiving to the Lord; and the other goes home to a home where the Lord is not known. In the later, the influences upon that child will establish his/her lack of a belief system relative to Godly things. Just as was the case with Paul in the bible.

Paul, the apostle, was an accomplished, well studied Jew on the path to become a Pharisee. He had years of excelling at the scriptures, knowing them forwards and backwards. He had a depth of knowledge of all the ways and customs from Abraham through Isaac and Jacob and David and the prophets. For you see it was handed down from Rabbi to Rabbi and from family member to family member in those days. Paul would have been found often sitting with a Rabbi, learning and studying God's word. Even so, as he states here in Galatians 1:12 - the gospel was received directly from Jesus Christ.

It is no different today my friends. We can listen to man, to our Pastor and our families; we can turn on TBN or Daystar and watch your favorite mega-church minister and be encouraged. All of this knowledge and learning is good and will help you come to a deeper relationship with Christ, but this is not where the gospel was revealed to you. For you see you cannot add to God's message or blessings. Upon your calling and salvation the spirit of Jesus Christ Himself fills you with purpose and truth.

In John 12:39-41 we learn that "...God has blinded the eyes..." of some that do not acknowledge Him as Lord. What will cause the scales to fall from their eyes, just as they did from Paul's eyes? For the word is there for them, but they have chosen to refuse it and in doing so refuse Christ. Without His revelation in their life, the scriptures are nothing but a fantasy book. You cannot save these people either. For as we hear in this scripture, it is not by man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. So it is with those you are praying for.

But do not lose hope my friends, for your prayers are not in vane. Your words are falling upon the ears of the Lord and He hears all things. Your love and compassion are meaningful, for the Lord's desire is that All mankind is saved from the depths of Hell. Your walk is just as meaningful, for you are under the microscope as an example to these individuals. Their desire is to justify their decision by pointing out your errors and hypocrisies, so be in the word my friend that you might remain strong in the Lord.

© Sondove Enterprise, 2011
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