Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Here in His Presence

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It with your friends

“One of them [Pharisee], an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”  Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment.” – Matthew 22:35-38

We are children of God.  Last night at the dinner table Emma (age 4) asked this wonderful question, “How did God make our bones?”  We proceeded to explain to her of the creation of man and woman in the Garden of Eden, which then led to the question of their children and their children and so on and so on.  Eventually it got around to the question from Samantha (age 9) of “So is my best friend actually my cousin or aunt or something like that?”  The family tree of God stems from His original creation Adam and Eve, and through hundreds (if not thousands) of generations we are all related in theory.  The minds of children are amazing.  Like a sponge they soak up everything that comes at them and their small brains try to rationalize and put the pieces together.

The problem with adults is that we have this false perception that we have already put it all together and figured it out.  If we could come at the scriptures each day as a child of God and learn from the teaching rather than assuming we know it all, we would all be growing stronger each day.  The Pharisees were deeply studied in God’s law.  They had memorized the Torah (first 4 books of the bible) and created from their understand an expectation of God’s plan for salvation.  When the Messiah, the Son of God, stood amidst their presence they didn’t recognize him because they were looking for something else.  In Matthew 22 they are trying to disprove Jesus as the Son of God through testing and questioning.  But, notice the respect they do give him in their questioning: “Teacher . . . . “ a term of respect and acknowledgment that he was knowledgeable of the law.

Jesus answer to them set in place God’s truth for His children forever more.  “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.”  What more do you need to know about being a Christian.  This is the most important act of following God’s plan for your life.  We struggle looking for His purpose, His plan, His will for our life and overlook the most straightforward guidance the Savior gave us.  “Love the Lord your God. . . . “  This is it, this is your purpose and the reason you get up every morning.  Do this first and the rest will fall into place. 

As His children we are questioning Him all the time, and there is nothing wrong with that.  We are trying to learn and grow in our faith, and like everything else we try to achieve, the more we learn the stronger we become in that area.  But, God doesn’t owe you an answer for all of your questions.  We must acknowledge that He alone is God, and He is Lord of all things.  He is sovereign and answers to no-one.  He is never wrong and we are seldom right in our interpretation of His plan for our lives.  Trust and have faith in the fact that He loves you and wants nothing but joy, peace and prosperity for you as His child.  With your entire being, love Him back – 100% of your heart, no hidden secrets; 100% of your mind, eliminate the unrighteous thoughts; and 100% of your soul, your very being – the real you.  Accept that one day your flesh and bones will be gone and your soul will live on in one place or another.

He deserves your love.  After all, you exist only because He chose for you to exist.  He is the Creator and the Almighty, and you were designed to bring Him glory and praise.  A good way to start each day is to acknowledge this in His presence.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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