Friday, August 10, 2012

We’re All In this Together

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It with your friends

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”         – Ephesians 4:16

Have you ever stopped and thought about the ligaments and tendons in your body? How many are there? Every joint where 2 bones come together, requires a ligament to attach bone to bone. Ligaments surround joints and bind them together. They help strengthen and stabilize joints, permitting movement only in certain directions. 
   Ligaments throughout your body ensure that you are able to walk, talk, write your name, play catch with your kids, sit, stand and fold your hands to pray. Yet, they are taken for granted by all of us, until the day comes that one is stretched, strained or torn. Every ligament has a specific function in the human body. Placed in perfect position by the Creator of life to grow in sync with the skeletal structure.  Yet when one is torn away from the bone it is intended to support, extra strain is put on all other ligaments at that joint.

  Stated in this scripture you have an incredibly purpose in the body of Christ. Now consider that over the history of the world, since the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, there have been billions and billions that have professed Him as Savior and Lord. This scripture references all of these people as the ligaments of the body. Also notice that ligaments, unlike tendons, only allow movement in certain directions. The apostle Paul's knowledge and reference to ligament in this scripture states that the body of Christ can only move in one direction - that single path to eternal life.

  When joined together in love, we as the body of Christ will continue to grow stronger. So do not lose faith when news, events and society seems a formidable adversary. We each need to remain consistent and diligent in doing our part to draw closer to Christ as a united body of Christians to ensure that truth and righteousness are carried forward to those torn away from the body. Do not grow weary my friends, do your part.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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