Monday, August 13, 2012

Life’s Real Dilemma

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It with your friends

“Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.” – Mark 9:21-22

It isn’t yours.  When I think about the story of the young rich man, captured in Mark 9, I think about the selfishness and materialistic tendencies of our society.  We long to live in accordance with the teachings of the bible, and to be in right standing with God Almighty.  We read the scriptures and apply them to our lives where it is convenient and in line with our plans for life.  Likewise, we take those scriptures that are more demanding upon our life and push those aside, or we interpret them, to align better with the way we want to live.  Either God’s word is 100% truth or none of it is true. 

God’s Holy Bible is not to be applied to our life, it is meant to be consumed.  For in growing as a follower of Jesus Christ we are all continually learning more and more from the teachings of His Son.  When you started dating your mate, you wanted to spend more time with them each day.  This time was spent learning more and more about them; their idiosyncrasies and personality traits; their likes and dislikes; their mannerisms.  At one point during your courtship, I’m sure you were devastated because you couldn’t spend more time this individual.  It’s no different with your Father in heaven.  You need to spend more time with Him each and every day to learn of His ways and to understand His teachings.  Do you long to be in His company, or does it seem a chore, a ritual or a habit?

Who am I to tell you the way to follow the Lord?  For I am nothing but a mere man, struggling myself to learn of His ways.  I don’t have the answers, I have as many questions as you do; but what I can offer you is the peace and understanding that God’s Holy Word is true.  Every word of it.  Certainly, through translations and interpretation some of the authenticity may have eroded, but the fact of the matter is, God hasn’t. He is immutable, unchanging and He is consistent in His teaching. 

You need to realize that what Jesus told this rich man in the book of Mark is as real in the 21st century as it was in the 1st.  You see, God wants all of you, not just the parts you are willing to sacrifice.  When He comes into your life He isn’t a tenant, but rather He is all consuming.  Every nook and cranny and hidden place will be overturned.  He longs to help you chisel away at your hardened heart and break free from those things that keep you from serving Him.  We are all bound by things of this world: money, greed, possessions, sex, alcohol, drugs, work and relationships.  God demands to be your number one priority, above everything and everyone.

What stands between you and God?  Separate yourself from the world today for a period of 1 on 1 time with the Lord and truly seek that which is keeping you from serving Him.  Then seek His guidance and help in breaking down that barrier, so that you might come before the Lord, ready to serve without abandon.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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