Monday, August 26, 2013

Give Up the Wheel

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen." – Matthew 6:13b

 Humility begins with you.  It’s a condition that requires that you must put aside your desires, your thoughts, your greed and your selfishness.  It is a contradiction to everything you will learn in this world.  Your friends, your family, your co-workers will all give you advice from a perspective of what is best for you in their opinion.  You will think of what it is that you want for yourself and those around you as you attempt to take care of them with the depth of your wisdom and knowledge.  Why?  Yes, why are you trying to solve the problems in your life with the limited thoughts and knowledge that you might have obtained in your time on this earth when you have access to the Creator and King of all Kings.

 Do you not understand that He is your Father and wants nothing more than to work through you?  His desire is to be alive in your life every single day, every moment and every breath.  You are limiting His participation in your life because you don’t want to give it up.  The simple truth is that you are just like me and the majority of believers in that way.  We hold onto the steering wheel and control of our life, knowing that His way is better and that He is our Supreme Authority.  We are inclined to keep Him just outside of the perimeter of our heart and soul, because we want to continue in the life we have chosen, despite what He may have chosen for us.

 I want you to read Matthew 6:9-13 closely today.  Open up your heart to God the Father before you read it, ask Him to speak to you through these words.  You will find that these words are strong, powerful and fully empower you to the richness of His presence and grace in your life when you embrace them as fact and not just something to memorize.  Study the words, swallow them and digest them into your life.

  God is the Supreme Lord of all things.  His power and glory cannot be matched by anything in this world.  The power of mankind, the power of evil, the power of Satan and his demonic spirits are nothing when we involve God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in our battle.  We are overwhelmed and destined to fail time and time again, despite our knowledge, wisdom and strength; unless we open up our hearts and mind to His power and authority.  The Holy Spirit dwells within you and will fight on your behalf, only if you will allow Him too. 

 Is the Holy Spirit truly welcome in your life?  You must ask yourself this question and desire it.  Living for Him means every aspect of your life, not just the easy ones when other people are watching.  Open up every filthy corner of your life to His embrace and let the Holy Spirit cleanse your mind, your heart and your soul.  Let Him fill you with love, peace and the desire to serve your Lord completely.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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