Friday, August 2, 2013

He'll Lift You Up

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.” –Isaiah 40:8  

  Have you ever  considered the beauty of God’s creation in the early Autumn?   From the beautiful sunsets, the incredible harvest moon that lights the sky to the incredible collage of leaves changing right before our eyes.  I’ve spent many moments watching leaves falling on a brisk afternoon as I grew up in the Midwest.  Cascading delicately on the breezes in the cool afternoon sun a single floated back and forth, back and forth, then twirling as it hovered just above the asphalt of the parking lot.  Finally, the leaf would land, and it wasn’t 30 seconds before a car tire went right over the red lead and left it torn and broken.  That quickly a leaf that gone from hanging on this strong tall tree all spring and summer long, to the ground and is destroyed within seconds.   

But, then there was always that little child with an incredible imagination twirling under the leaves as they fell.  I imagine she would stand under the large branches of the aged tree, dancing in the grass under a canopy of colors with such brilliance that they set her imagination free.  Then you would see her stop, bend down and pick up an average sized red leaf and carefully hold it in her hands as she came across the lawn to her mother’s side.  She would be so excited to have found the perfect leaf for her collection.  This leaf would be preserved under the careful eye of this young girl who saw value in the foliage all around her, while the leaves in the middle of the road and driveways get run over time and time again.

As I recently thought about the beauty of God’s creation, it dawned on me that our lives are very much like the foliage in the cool Autumn days in the Northeast or Midwestern United States.  We live a full life, vibrant and robust, to the fullest.  From the day we are born we are in the process of developing, maturing and branching out amongst our friends and peers.  Then the seasons begin to change and there is a chill in the air.  It becomes harder to hold on to the strength of those around us, until the day comes that we fall from the tree.  As we land on the cold earth, one of two things will happen.  We will be trampled under and disintegrate into the earth’s soil, left to rot away with the others.  Or, we will be lifted up, and gently carried away by the One who loves us.  To be put on display, proudly and lovingly cherished for all time.  Presented with incredible excitement to the Father and given a place in paradise forever.

Isaiah is telling us in chapter 40, the 8th verse.  Things of this world are temporary.  All things are destined to die and in doing so bring an end to their existence here.  But, God’s word – the scriptures and Holy word of our Lord will never die.  It is, it has been and always will be.  Not just as a written book, but as the love and grace of the Father.  In John 1:1, we hear the Lord, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  God is the beginning, the end and everything in between.  He sees every leaf that falls from every tree, in every yard, in every state, in every country, on every continent on this amazing planet we call earth.  If we believe in His omnipotence to be in everyplace at any given moment, simultaneously to see every leaf fall; then we must believe that He is unbelievably interested in your life and the problems you face on a daily basis.  Find comfort in knowing that the Lord of the universe knows your name and is there to pick you up when you have fallen.  Trust in His word, it does not change, and also trust in His Son to carry you excitedly before His Father one day, stating; “Father, this is one that I love, he is worthy to enter into paradise.”

Prayer:Almighty God,
There are seasons in all of our lives Lord.  Seasons of growth, maturing, teaching, learning, loving, joy, sorrow and anger.  As we draw upon Your grace for our salvation, help us to live our lives to the fullest for You.  Help us to be used completely  by Your desires and plans for our lives.  And when that day arrives, let us join with Your host of angels to celebrate the Lord forevermore.  - Amen
© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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