Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Just a Minute

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“making the most of your time, because the days are evil.”  Eph 5:16

He closed the door behind himself and twisted the deadbolt lock.  His mind was whirling with ideas, hypothesis and logical thought.  As he made his way to the table he slid his arms into the white lab coat and put his goggles on.  Picking up the beaker, and then the test-tube he mixed the green concoction and poured it back and forth between the two vials.  His eyes were filled with wonder as he set the tube down and set the hands on the clock to exactly 11:59.  He then began the countdown to midnight.  He held the tube in his trembling hands and watched as the second hand slowly moved around the face of the clock, passing the roman numerals ever so slowly. 

Finally, the time had arrived as the second hand made it’s way to the ‘12’ he raised the vial to his lips.  Exactly at midnight he tipped the tube up and swallowed the entire contents.  Closing his eyes he lowered his hands to the table to steady himself.  He choked on the substance and forced himself to swallow it despite his body’s reaction to throw it up.  He found himself rocking back and forth, slowly to an unheard rhythm within his mind.  Once his body had calmed down and the urge to throw up had passed, he opened his eyes and made his way back to the table.  His experiment this day was to see if he could speed the metabolism of the human body up to a point where time would slow down.  As he looked at the clock and then double checked it against the timer watch on his wrist, his disappointment was once again realized as the two clocks were in perfect synch.  As with the numerous attempts in the past, he would go back to the drawing board and re-design once again.

Time travel, black holes, portals, cryogenics and numerous other methods have been hypothesized and rationalized for decades.  But the simple fact of the matter is man cannot create time.  You cannot add one second to your daily calendar.  There are 86,400 seconds in a day and despite your desire or your attempts you cannot change that.  The Creator of heaven and earth created them in such a way as to define the amount of time it would take for the earth to rotate one complete revolution.  In addition, he created the exact amount of time it would take for the earth to revolve around the sun in a given year. 

Can you make the earth rotate faster or slower than it does?
Can you expand the elliptical orbit of the earth around the sun?

Time is the measurement of an interval between two events taking place in space.  It is such an infinitely small measurement that you cannot truly fathom it’s relevance in the world.  For the moment you try to state a point in time, it has changed by the time the thought has entered your mind or the words have left your lips.  It is infinitely large in the fact that there is no single person who can definitively point to the end.  It is a gift from the Creator of the universe, for each of us to use to it’s maximum capability. 

Man, has and will continue, to pursue his purpose for existing.  It has always been this way and will always continue.  Despite his/her belief in God Almighty, there is the constant of this uncontrollable yet constant entity of time that equally impacts every once of us.  The reality is that time does have a beginning and an end state for every person.  There is medical documentation that states the exact moment you entered this world through the birthing process.  There will be a medical document at the moment of your death, recording the time when you take your last breath.  The amount of time between these events is the variable that differentiates you and I.  Some will live for 2.5 billion seconds, some will only live for 750 million seconds.  Each of us will have the opportunity to maximize the use of that time in a manner that can have lasting impact on time after we have left.     

During a morning prayer once, I asked God for more time in the day.  He laughed, and said back to me, “Child, why would I give you more, when you aren’t using what I gave you.”  You have the choice how you use this precious commodity from God.  You can choose to use it for the company you work for, for going to the bar or nightclub, for hurrying here and there, for eating or sleeping, or to expand God’s Kingdom.  If you took His call on your life seriously, would you still allocate your time in the same manner by which you allocate it today.  You have a finite amount of time, unbeknownst to you, but finite none the less.  Do not continue to waste the precious gift that He has given you, to which you cannot create more, but choose this very day to dedicate more of your time to serving Him and His purpose in your life.  I assure you, the more you focus your time on His purpose, the more time will seem to stand still.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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